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  2. pom.xml

Syslog Format Plugin

This format plugin enables Drill to query syslog formatted data as specified in RFC-5424, as shown below.

<165>1 2003-10-11T22:14:15.003Z evntslog - ID47 [exampleSDID@32473 iut="3" eventSource="Application" eventID="1011"][examplePriority@32473 class="high"]

Configuration Options

This format pluin has the following configuration options:

  • maxErrors: Sets the maximum number of malformatted lines that the format plugin will tolerate before throwing an error and halting execution
  • flattenStructuredData: Syslog data optionally contains a series of key/value pairs known as the structured data. By default, Drill will parse these into a map.
"syslog": {
   "type": "syslog",
   "extensions": [ "syslog" ],
   "maxErrors": 10,
   "flattenStructuredData": false


Since the structure of the data contained in a syslog is well known. In terms of data types, the event_date field is a datetime, the severity_code, facility_code, and proc_id are integers and all other fields are VARCHARs.

** Note: All fields, with the exception of the event_date, are not required, so not all fields may be present at all times. **

  • event_date: This is the time of the event
  • severity_code: The severity code of the event
  • facility_code: The facility code of the incident
  • severity: The severity of the event
  • facility:
  • ip: The IP address or hostname of the source machine
  • app_name: The name of the application that is generating the event
  • proc_id: The process ID of the event that generated the event
  • msg_id: The identifier of the message
  • message: The actual message text of the event
  • _raw: The full text of the event

Structured Data

Syslog data can contain a list of key/value pairs which Drill will extract in a field called structured_data. This field is a Drill Map.