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DRILL-7863: Add Storage Plugin for Apache Phoenix


Phoenix say : “We put the SQL back in NoSQL”,
Drill call : “We use the SQL to cross almost all the file systems and storage engines”,
“Cheers !”, users said.


Features :

  • Full support for Enhanced Vector Framework.
  • Tested in phoenix 4.14 and 5.1.2.
  • Support the array data type.
  • Support the pushdown (Project, Limit, Filter, Aggregate, Join, CrossJoin, Join_Filter, GroupBy, Distinct and more).
  • Use the PQS client (6.0).

Related Information :

  1. PHOENIX-6398: Returns uniform SQL dialect in calcite for the PQS
  2. PHOENIX-6582: Bump default HBase version to 2.3.7 and 2.4.8
  3. PHOENIX-6605, PHOENIX-6606 and PHOENIX-6607.
  4. DRILL-8060, DRILL-8061 and DRILL-8062.


To connect Drill to Phoenix, create a new storage plugin with the following configuration :

Option 1 (Use the host and port):

  "type": "phoenix",
  "zkQuorum": "zk.quorum.hostnames",
  "port": 2181,
  "zkPath": "/hbase",
  "enabled": true

Option 2 (Use the jdbcURL) :

  "type": "phoenix",
  "jdbcURL": "jdbc:phoenix:zk.quorum.hostname1,zk.quorum.hostname2,zk.quorum.hostname3:2181:/hbase",
  "enabled": true

Use the connection properties :

  "type": "phoenix",
  "zkQuorum": "zk.quorum.hostnames",
  "port": 2181,
  "props": {
    "hbase.client.retries.number": 10,
    "hbase.client.pause": 10000
  "enabled": true

Tips :

  • More connection properties, see also PQS Configuration.
  • If you provide the jdbcURL, the connection will ignore the value of zkQuorum and port.
  "type": "phoenix",
  "zkQuorum": "zk.quorum.hostnames",
  "port": 8765,
  "userName": "my_user",
  "password": "my_pass",
  "enabled": true


Configurations :

  1. Enable Drill User Impersonation
  2. Enable PQS Impersonation
  3. Phoenix URL:
  4. Provide zkQuorum and port and Drill will create a connection to Phoenix with a doAs of current session user
  5. Provide the jdbcURL with a principal, for instance: jdbc:phoenix:<ZK-QUORUM>:<ZK-PORT>:<ZK-HBASE-NODE>:principal_name@REALM:/path/to/keytab.


The test framework of phoenix queryserver required the Hadoop 3, but exist PHOENIX-5993 and HBASE-22394 :

" The HBase PMC does not release multiple artifacts for both Hadoop2 and Hadoop3 support at the current time.
Current HBase2 releases still compile against Hadoop2 by default, and using Hadoop 3 against HBase2
requires a recompilation of HBase because of incompatible changes between Hadoop2 and Hadoop3. "

To Add Features

  • Don't forget to add a test function to the test class.

  • If a new test class is added, please declare it in the PhoenixTestSuite class.

Play in CLI

apache drill> use phoenix123.v1;
|  ok  |                  summary                  |
| true | Default schema changed to [phoenix123.v1] |
1 row selected (0.308 seconds)
apache drill (phoenix123.v1)> select n_regionkey, max(n_nationkey) from nation group by n_regionkey having max(n_nationkey) > 20;
| n_regionkey | EXPR$1 |
| 1           | 24     |
| 2           | 21     |
| 3           | 23     |
3 rows selected (0.734 seconds)
apache drill (phoenix123.v1)> select a.n_name, b.r_name from nation a join region b on a.n_regionkey = b.r_regionkey where b.r_name = 'ASIA';
|  n_name   | r_name |
| INDIA     | ASIA   |
| JAPAN     | ASIA   |
| CHINA     | ASIA   |
| VIETNAM   | ASIA   |
5 rows selected (1.199 seconds)
apache drill (phoenix123.v1)> select n_name, n_regionkey from nation limit 3 offset 10;
| n_name | n_regionkey |
| IRAN   | 4           |
| IRAQ   | 4           |
| JAPAN  | 2           |
3 rows selected (0.77 seconds)