Auto Pagination in Drill

Remote APIs frequently implement some sort of pagination as a way of limiting results. However, if you are performing bulk data analysis, it is necessary to reassemble the data into one larger dataset. Drill's auto-pagination features allow this to happen in the background, so that the user will get clean data back.

To use a paginator, you simply have to configure the paginator in the connection for the particular API.

Words of Caution

While extremely powerful, the auto-pagination feature has the potential to run afoul of APIs rate limits and even potentially DDoS an API. Please use with extreme care.

Offset Pagination

Offset Pagination uses commands similar to SQL which has a LIMIT and an OFFSET. With an offset paginator, let's say you want 200 records and the page size is 50 records, the offset paginator will break up your query into 4 requests as shown below:


Configuring Offset Pagination

To configure an offset paginator, simply add the following to the configuration for your connection.

"paginator": {
   "limitParam": "<limit>",
   "offsetParam": "<offset>",
   "pageSize": 100,
   "method": "OFFSET"

Page Pagination

Page pagination is very similar to offset pagination except instead of using an OFFSET it uses a page number.

 "paginator": {
        "pageParam": "page",
        "pageSizeParam": "per_page",
        "pageSize": 100,
        "method": "PAGE"

In either case, the pageSize parameter should be set to the maximum page size allowable by the API. This will minimize the number of requests Drill is making.

Index / KeySet Pagination

Index or KeySet pagination is when the API itself returns values to generate the next page.

Consider an API that returned data like this:

  "companies": [
  "has-more": true,
  "index": 3849945478

In this case, the has-more parameter is a boolean value which indicates whether or not there are more pages. The index parameter gets appended to the URL in question to generate the next page.

There is a slight variant of this where the API will return the actual URL of the next page.

There are three possible parameters:

  • hasMoreParam: This is the name of the boolean parameter which indicates whether the API has more pages.
  • indexParam: The parameter name of the key or offset that will be used to generate the next page.
  • nextPageParam: The parameter name which returns a complete URL of the next page.

** Note: Index / Keyset Pagination is only implemented for APIs that return JSON **