OAuth2.0 Authentication in Drill

Many APIs use OAuth2.0 as a means of authentication. Drill can connect to APIs that use OAuth2 for authentication but OAuth2 is significantly more complex than simple username/password authentication.

The good news, and bottom line here is that you can configure Drill to handle all this automagically, but you do have to understand how to configure it so that it works. First, let's get a high level understanding of how OAuth works. Click here to skip to the section on configuring Drill.

Understanding the OAuth2 Process

There are many tutorials as to how OAuth works which we will not repeat here. There are some slight variations but this is a good enough high level overview so you will understand the process works. Thus, we will summarize the process as four steps:

Step 1: Obtain an Authorization Code

For the first step, a user will have to log into the API's front end, and authorize the application to access the API. The API will issue you a clientID and a client_secret. We will use these tokens in later stages.

You will also need to provide the API with a callbackURL. This URL is how the API sends your application the authorizationCode which we will use in step 2.
Once you have the clientID and the callbackURL, your application will make a GET request to the API to obtain the authorizationCode.

Step 2: Swap the Authorization Code for an Access Token

At this point, we need to obtain the accessToken. We do so by sending a POST request to the API with the clientID, the clientSecret and the authorizationCode we obtained in step 1. Note that the authorizationCode is a short lived token, but the accessToken lasts for a longer period. When the access token expires, you may need to either re-authorize the application or use a refresh token to obtain a new one.

Step 3: Call the Protected Resource with the Access Token

Once you have the accessToken you are ready to make authenticated API calls. All you have to do here is add the accessToken to the API header and you can make API calls just like any other.

Step 4: (Optional) Obtain a new Access Token using the Refresh Token

Sometimes, the accessToken will expire. When this happens, the API will respond with a 401 not authorized response. When this happens, the application will make a POST request containing the clientSecret, the clientID and the refreshToken and will obtain new tokens.

The Artifacts

Unlike simple username/password authentication, there are about 5 artifacts that you will need to authenticate using OAuth and it is also helpful to understand where they come from and to whom they “belong”. Let's start with the artifacts that you will need to manually obtain from the API when you register your application: (These are not the Drill config variables, but the names are similar. More on that later.)

  • clientID: A token to uniquely identify your application with the API.
  • clientSecret: A sort of password token which will be used to obtain additional tokens.
  • callbackURL: The URL to which access and refresh tokens will be sent. You have to provide this URL when you register your application with the API. If this does not match what you provide the API, the calls will fail.
  • scope: An optional parameter which defines the scope of access request for the given access token. The API will provide examples, but you have to pick what accesses you are requesting.

You will need to find two URLs in the API documentation:

  • authorizationURL: This is the URL from which you will request the authorizationCode. You should find this in the API documentation.
  • tokenURL: The URL from which you can request the accessToken.

There are two other artifacts that you will need, but these artifacts are generated by the API. One thing to note is that while all the other artifacts are owned by the application, these two are unique (and “owned by”) the user. These artifacts are:

  • accessToken: The token which is used to grant access to a protected resource
  • refreshToken: The token used to obtain a new accessToken without having to re-authorize the application.

Currently, Drill does not allow per-user credentials. However, future work may permit this.

To use OAuth2.0, you will have to create an oAuthConfig in the plugin configuration. Within the oAuthConfig, define the callbackURL and authorizationURL parameters:

  • The authorizationURL is provided by the API and is the URL where the authorization code is obtained.
  • The callbackURL parameter is the URL where the API will send the access token. You must provide this when you register and obtain your client ID and client secret. This will be in the format: http(s)://<your drill host>/credentials/<storage plugin name>update_oauth2_authtoken
  • (Optional)scope: The scope parameter limits the scope of your access. This is something which can be found in the remote API documentation.

The Credential Provider

The actual tokens are stored using Drill's Credential Provider. In addition to the oAuthConfig section of the plugin configuration, you must also add a section for the credentialProvider as shown in the example below. At a minimum, that section must contain:

  • clientID
  • clientSecret
  • tokenURI

All those parameters are provided by the API once you register. Currently, only the PlainCredentialProvider is supported for this, but future work will likely include the VaultCredentialProvider.

Obtaining the Access Token

Once you have set up the configuration, you will see an additional button labeled Get Access Token at the bottom of the configuration screen.

If everything is configured correctly, you will be taken to your API's authentication page, where the user will be asked to authenticate with the API and grant your application permission to access protected resources. Once the user does this, you will see the window below:

When you close that window, you will see an updated configuration which includes the access and refresh tokens. At this point you are ready to query!

Example Configuration

The example configuration below demonstrates how to connect Drill to the API available at clickup.com.

  "type": "http",
  "connections": {
    "team": {
      "url": "https://api.clickup.com/api/v2/team",
      "requireTail": false,
      "method": "GET",
      "headers": {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
      "dataPath": "teams",
      "authType": "none",
      "inputType": "json",
      "xmlDataLevel": 1,
      "verifySSLCert": true
  "proxyType": "direct",
  "oAuthConfig": {
    "callbackURL": "http://localhost:8047/credentials/clickup/update_oath2_authtoken",
    "authorizationURL": "https://app.clickup.com/api"
  "credentialsProvider": {
    "credentialsProviderType": "PlainCredentialsProvider",
    "credentials": {
      "clientID": "<your client ID>",
      "clientSecret": "<your client secret>",
      "tokenURI": "https://app.clickup.com/api/v2/oauth/token"
  "enabled": true

Optional Parameters

There are a few optional parameters in the OAuth config which you may need to set in order for Drill to successfully. These parameters are completely optional.

  • tokenType: Some OAuth enabled APIs provide a Bearer token. If that is the case, this should be set to Bearer.
  • authorizationParams: A key value parameters which are sent during the authentication process.

Enabling Individual User Credentials with OAuth 2.0

Drill recently introduced the USER_TRANSLATION authorization mode, which is useful for plugins that do not have the concept of user impersonation. This is very much the case for OAuth enabled APIs. When you configure an OAuth enabled API, the client secret keys belong to the application. Following this design pattern, each individual user should authorize (or not) the application. Thus the clientID and client_secret tokens really belong to the application and the access_token and refresh_token belong to the individual user.

Enabling user translation is quite simple. In the configuration for the storage plugin simply add the key below to your plugin configuration. Note that for user translation to work, user impersonation and authentication must both be enabled globally.


Once you've done this, when a user logs in, they will see a new menu option at the top bar called Credentials. This will contain a listing of storage plugin instances that require credentials. For OAuth enabled plugins, there will be an Authorize button next to the plugin name. Each user will have to authorize Drill to access the plugin.