| -- /*q6 tpcds equivalent*/ |
| c.c_birth_country, |
| (case when mod(s.ss_promo_sk, 8) = 0 then 'Super hot deal' |
| when mod(s.ss_promo_sk, 8) = 1 then 'warm hot deal' |
| when mod(s.ss_promo_sk, 8) = 2 OR mod(s.ss_promo_sk, 8) = 3 then 'Warm deal' |
| when mod(s.ss_promo_sk, 8) = 4 then 'Not a deal at all' |
| when mod(s.ss_promo_sk, 8) = 5 then 'Steal' |
| when mod(s.ss_promo_sk, 8) = 6 then 'Big steal' |
| else 'Other' end) as Promotion, |
| sum(case when s.ss_quantity between 1 AND 20 then s.ss_wholesale_cost else 0 end) as wholesale, |
| sum(case when s.ss_quantity between 21 AND 40 then s.ss_list_price else 0 end) as listprice, |
| sum(case when s.ss_quantity BETWEEN 41 AND 60 then s.ss_sales_price else 0 end) as _salesprice, |
| sum(case when s.ss_quantity BETWEEN 61 AND 81 then s.ss_net_paid else 0 end) as _netpaid |
| FROM |
| store_sales s |
| JOIN |
| customer c |
| ON |
| s.ss_customer_sk = c.c_customer_sk |
| s.ss_promo_sk between 100 and 300 |
| and s.ss_quantity between 1 AND 99 |
| and s.ss_store_sk IN (10, 2, 8, 7, 1) |
| c.c_birth_country, |
| (case when mod(s.ss_promo_sk, 8) = 0 then 'Super hot deal' |
| when mod(s.ss_promo_sk, 8) = 1 then 'warm hot deal' |
| when mod(s.ss_promo_sk, 8) = 2 OR mod(s.ss_promo_sk, 8) = 3 then 'Warm deal' |
| when mod(s.ss_promo_sk, 8) = 4 then 'Not a deal at all' |
| when mod(s.ss_promo_sk, 8) = 5 then 'Steal' |
| when mod(s.ss_promo_sk, 8) = 6 then 'Big steal' |
| else 'Other' end) |
| Order by c.c_birth_country, Promotion; |