tree: 377925af29b1a2a2ee1a8ce60d1a5e9a94db85b3 [path history] [tgz]
  1. complextype/
  2. data-shapes/
  3. hive/
  4. json/
  5. metadata_caching/
  6. mondrian/
  7. tpcds/
  8. tpch/

Advanced Test Suites

Datasets for some of the Advanced Test Suites are not shipped with the repository. You can get them as follows:

TPC-H SF 100

For the TPC-H SF100 Parquet tests, download dataset from Amazon S3

Extract this compressed file and copy over files to MapR-FS / HDFS into /drill/testdata/tpch100/parquet


For the TPC-DS SF100 tests, download dataset from Amazon S3

Extract this compressed file and copy over files to MapR-FS / HDFS into /drill/testdata/tpcds_sf100/parquet


For the Mondrian tests, download dataset from Amazon S3

Extract this compressed file and copy over files to MapR-FS / HDFS into /drill/testdata/mondrian

Metadata Caching

Download the required data set from Extract this compresses file and copy over files to “/drill/testdata/tpch100_dir_partitioned_50000files/lineitem”

Data-shapes widestring

For the data-shapes widestring 100000rows parquet tests, download dataset from Amazon S3

Extract this compressed file and copy over files to MapR-FS / HDFS into /drill/testdata/data-shapes/wide-columns/5000/100000rows/parquet