layout: post title: “Drill 1.18 Released” code: drill-1.18-released excerpt: Apache Drill 1.18 has been released providing Drill Metadata management “Drill Metastore”, Format Plugins for HDF5 and SPSS, Storage Plugins for Generic HTTP REST APIs and Apache Druid, Support for DICT type in RowSet Framework, Dynamic credit based flow control, Support for injecting BufferManager into UDF, Drill RDBMS Metastore" authors: [“agirish”]

Today, we're happy to announce the availability of Drill 1.18.0. You can download it here.

This release provides the following new Features:

  • DRILL-6835 - Schema Provision using File / Table Function
  • DRILL-7326 - Support repeated lists for CTAS parquet format
  • DRILL-7343 - Add User-Agent UDFs to Drill
  • DRILL-7374 - Support for IPV6 address

You can find a complete list of improvements and JIRAs resolved in the 1.18.0 release here.