layout: post title: “Drill 1.17 Released” code: drill-1.17-released excerpt: Apache Drill 1.17's highlights are: Hadoop, Kafka, Sqlline, and Calcite upgrades, .zip compression, file/table function for schema provisioning, new UDFs, and more. authors: [“bbevens”]

Today, we're happy to announce the availability of Drill 1.17.0. You can download it here.

This release provides the following bug fixes and improvements:

Hive complex types support:

  • DRILL-7251 - Read Hive array without nulls
  • DRILL-7252 - Read Hive map using Dict<K,V> vector
  • DRILL-7253 - Read Hive struct without nulls
  • DRILL-7254 - Read Hive union without nulls
  • DRILL-7268 - Read Hive array with parquet native reader

New format plugins support:

  • DRILL-4303 - ESRI Shapefile (shp) format plugin
  • DRILL-7177 - Format Plugin for Excel Files
  • DRILL-6096 - Provide mechanisms to specify field delimiters and quoted text for TextRecordWriter
  • Parquet format improvements, including runtime row group pruning (DRILL-7062), empty parquet creation (DRILL-7156), reading (DRILL-4517) support, and more.

Metastore support:

  • DRILL-7272 - Implement Drill Iceberg Metastore plugin
  • DRILL-7273 - Create operator for handling metadata
  • DRILL-7357 - Expose Drill Metastore data through INFORMATION_SCHEMA

You can find a complete list of improvements and JIRAs resolved in the 1.17.0 release here.