layout: post title: “Drill 0.7 Released” code: drill-0.7-released excerpt: The community has just released Drill 0.7, which includes 228 resolved JIRAs and numerous enhancements. authors: [“jnadeau”]

I'm excited to announce that the community has just released Drill 0.7, which includes 228 resolved JIRAs and numerous enhancements such as:

  • No dependency on UDP multicast. Drill can now work on EC2, as well as clusters with multiple subnets or multihomed configurations
  • Automatic partition pruning based on directory structures
  • New nested data functions: KVGEN and FLATTEN
  • Fast “schema” return. This provides a better experience when using BI tools
  • Hive 0.13 Metastore support
  • Improved performance for queries on JSON data

You can now [download Drill 0.7]({{ site.baseurl }}/download/). As always, you may check out the official release notes for more details.

In case you‘re interested in understanding more about where we’re heading, check out Tomer's recent blog post outlining some of the [planned initiatives for 2015]({{ site.baseurl }}/blog/2014/12/16/whats-coming-in-2015/).

Happy Drilling!
Jacques Nadeau