layout: post title: “Drill 1.20 Released” code: drill-1.20-released excerpt: Apache Drill 1.20 has been released providing the Apache Phoenix storage plugin with impersonation support, the Apache Iceberg format plugin, expanded push down support for MongoDB, persistent table and storage aliases, a release for Hadoop 2 environments, write support in the JDBC storage plugin, SAS and PDF format plugins, pagination and OAuth support in the HTTP storage plugin, a HashiCorp Vault authentication and credential storage providers and read/write support for all compression codecs and both format versions of Parquet.

authors: [“jturton”]

Today, we're happy to announce the availability of Drill 1.20.0. You can download it here. Like much of Drill, this release is full of valuable contributions from talented Ukrainian contributors. As a crisis unfolds in their homeland, the Drill community would like to record here its sympathy and concern for the well-being of our Ukrainian colleagues and friends.

This release provides the following new Features:

  • [DRILL-1282] - Add read and write support for Parquet v2
  • [DRILL-7985] - Support Mongo aggregate, union, project, limit, sort pushdowns
  • [DRILL-8027] - Format plugin for Apache Iceberg
  • [DRILL-8073] - Add support for persistent table and storage aliases
  • [DRILL-8107] - Hadoop2 backport Maven profile
  • [DRILL-7969] - Add support for reading and writing Parquet files using Brotli, LZ4 and Zstandard codecs
  • [DRILL-7971] - Support Elasticsearch authentication
  • [DRILL-7988] - Add credentials provider support for API connections in HTTP plugin
  • [DRILL-7995] - Add ability to query OCI OS
  • [DRILL-8005] - Add Writer to JDBC Storage Plugin
  • [DRILL-8011] - Add Dropbox File System to Drill
  • [DRILL-8022] - Add Provided Schema Support for Excel Reader
  • [DRILL-8028] - Add PDF Format Plugin
  • [DRILL-8047] - Add a custom authn provider for HashiCorp Vault
  • [DRILL-8054] - Add SAS Format Plugin
  • [DRILL-8056] - Add OAuth2 Support for HTTP Rest Plugin