tree: b65a50d635f7793ea4468ce6de6818c809b7248d [path history] [tgz]
  1. config/
  2. public/
  3. src/
  4. package.json
  5. postcss.config.js
  7. tsconfig.json
  8. webpack.config.js

Getting Started

Installation dependencies

$ npm install

or use yarn

$ npm install -g yarn
$ yarn install --pure-lockfile

Start server.

$ npm run dev

# visit http://localhost:8030

Submit code

$ git commit -m "xxx" will automatically run npm run lint to check grammar rules


$ npm run build

Technology stack convention

react + react-router-dom + ant-design + rxjs

File introduction

  public: some static resources
  src: development home directory
    assets: static resources, pictures, etc., refer to webpack
    components: common components
    pages: subpages, can contain subcomponents
    utils: public methods

  webpack.config.js: webpack configuration