tree: 64f3822570b7ffceeebe6b8b9345d651d7aef5af [path history] [tgz]
  1. .vuepress/
  2. en/
  3. zh-CN/
  4. .markdownlint.yml
  5. .markdownlintignore
  7. package.json

Doris Document

Vuepress is used as our document site generator, configurations are in ./docs/.vuepress folder.

Getting Started

Download and install nodejs

npm config set registry // Only if you are in Mainland China.
cd docs && npm install
npm run dev

Open your browser and navigate to localhost:8080/en/ or localhost:8080/zh-CN/.

Docs' Directories

  ├─ docs/
    ├─ .vuepress
      ├─ dist // Built site files.
      ├─ public // Assets
      ├─ sidebar // Side bar configurations.
        ├─ en.js
        └─ zh-CN.js
    ├─ theme // Global styles and customizations.
    └─ config.js // Vuepress configurations.
  ├─ zh-CN/
    └─ // Will be rendered as entry page.
  └─ en/
     └─ // Will be rendered as entry page.

Start Writing

  1. Write markdown files in multi languages and put them in separated folders ./en/ and ./zh-CN/. But they should be with the same name.

    ├─ en/
    └─ zh-CN/
  2. Frontmatters like below should always be on the top of each file:

        "title": "Backup and Recovery", // sidebar title
        "language": "en" // writing language
  3. Assets are in .vuepress/public/.

    Assuming that there exists a png .vuepress/public/images/image_x.png, then it can be used like:

    ![alter text](/images/image_x.png)
  4. Remember to update the sidebar configurations in .vuepress/sidebar/ after adding a new file or a folder.

    Assuming that the directories are:

    ├─ en/
      ├─ subfolder
    └─ zh-CN/
       ├─ subfolder

    Then the sidebar configurations would be like:

    // .vuepress/sidebar/en.js`
    module.exports = [
        title: "subfolder name",
        directoryPath: "subfolder/",
        children: ["one", "two"]
    // .vuepress/sidebar/zh-CN.js
    module.exports = [
        title: "文件夹名称",
        directoryPath: "subfolder/",
        children: ["one", "two"]
  5. Run npm run lint before starting a PR.

Surely that there will be lots of error logs if the mardown files are not following the rules, and these logs will all be printed in the console:

en/administrator-guide/alter-table/ MD040/fenced-code-language Fenced code blocks should have a language specified [Context: " ```"] en/administrator-guide/alter-table/ MD040/fenced-code-language Fenced code blocks should have a language specified [Context: "```"] en/administrator-guide/alter-table/ MD040/fenced-code-language Fenced code blocks should have a language specified [Context: "```"] en/administrator-guide/alter-table/ MD046/code-block-style Code block style [Expected: fenced; Actual: indented] en/administrator-guide/alter-table/ MD040/fenced-code-language Fenced code blocks should have a language specified [Context: "```"] en/administrator-guide/alter-table/ MD040/fenced-code-language Fenced code blocks should have a language specified [Context: "```"] en/administrator-guide/alter-table/ MD040/fenced-code-language Fenced code blocks should have a language specified [Context: "```"] en/administrator-guide/alter-table/ MD040/fenced-code-language Fenced code blocks should have a language specified [Context: "```"] en/administrator-guide/alter-table/ MD040/fenced-code-language Fenced code blocks should have a language specified [Context: "```"] en/administrator-guide/alter-table/ MD046/code-block-style Code block style [Expected: fenced; Actual: indented] en/administrator-guide/ MD029/ol-prefix Ordered list item prefix [Expected: 1; Actual: 2; Style: 1/1/1] en/administrator-guide/ MD029/ol-prefix Ordered list item prefix [Expected: 1; Actual: 2; Style: 1/1/1] en/administrator-guide/ MD029/ol-prefix Ordered list item prefix [Expected: 1; Actual: 3; Style: 1/1/1] npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 1 npm ERR! docs@ lint: `markdownlint '**/*.md' -f` npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the docs@ lint script.

FullText search

We use Algolia DocSearch as our fulltext search engine.

One thing we need to do is that Config.json From DocSearch should be updated if a new language or branch is created.

For more detail of the docsearch's configuration, please refer to Configuration of DocSearch


Just start a PR, and all things will be done automatically.

What Travis Does

Once a PR accepted, travis ci will be triggered to build and deploy the whole website within its own branch. Here is what .travis.yml does:

  1. Prepare nodejs and vuepress enviorment.

  2. Use current branch's name as the relative url path in .vuepress/config.js(which is the base property).

  3. Build the documents into a website all by vuepress.

  4. Fetch asf-site repo to local directory, and copy .vupress/dist/ into {BRANCH}/.

  5. Push the new site to asf-site repo with GitHub Token(which is preset in Travis console as a variable used in .travis.yml).

asf-site repository

Finally the asf-site repository will be like:

├─ master/
  ├─ en/
    ├─ subfolder
  └─ zh-CN/
      ├─ subfolder
├─ incubating-0.11/
  ├─ en/
    ├─ subfolder
  └─ zh-CN/
      ├─ subfolder
├─ index.html // user entry, and auto redirected to master folder
└─ versions.json // all versions that can be seleted on the website are defined here

And the versions.json is like:

  "en": [
      "text": "Versions", // dropdown label
      "items": [
          "text": "master", // dropdown-item label
          "link": "/../master/en/installing/compilation.html", // entry page for this version
          "target": "_blank"
          "text": "branch-0.11",
          "link": "/../branch-0.11/en/installing/compilation.html",
          "target": "_blank"
  "zh-CN": [
      "text": "版本",
      "items": [
          "text": "master",
          "link": "/../master/zh-CN/installing/compilation.html",
          "target": "_blank"
          "text": "branch-0.11",
          "link": "/../branch-0.11/zh-CN/installing/compilation.html",
          "target": "_blank"