{ “title”: “Audit log plugin”, “language”: “en” }

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Audit log plugin

Doris‘s audit log plugin was developed based on FE’s plugin framework. Is an optional plugin. Users can install or uninstall this plugin at runtime.

This plugin can periodically import the FE audit log into the specified Doris cluster, so that users can easily view and analyze the audit log through SQL.

Compile, Configure and Deploy


After executing sh build_plugin.sh in the Doris code directory, you will get the auditloader.zip file in the fe_plugins/output directory.


Unzip auditloader.zip and you will see three files:


Open plugin.conf for configuration. See the comments of the configuration items.

After the configuration is complete, repackage the three files as auditloader.zip.


You can place this file on an http download server or copy it to the specified directory of all FEs. Here we use the latter.


After deployment is complete, and before installing the plugin, you need to create the audit database and tables previously specified in plugin.conf. The table creation statement is as follows:

create table doris_audit_tbl__
    query_id varchar (48) comment "Unique query id",
    time datetime not null comment "Query start time",
    client_ip varchar (32) comment "Client IP",
    user varchar (64) comment "User name",
    db varchar (96) comment "Database of this query",
    state varchar (8) comment "Query result state. EOF, ERR, OK",
    query_time bigint comment "Query execution time in millisecond",
    scan_bytes bigint comment "Total scan bytes of this query",
    scan_rows bigint comment "Total scan rows of this query",
    return_rows bigint comment "Returned rows of this query",
    stmt_id int comment "An incremental id of statement",
    is_query tinyint comment "Is this statemt a query. 1 or 0",
    frontend_ip varchar (32) comment "Frontend ip of executing this statement",
    stmt varchar (2048) comment "The original statement, trimed if longer than 2048 bytes"
partition by range (time) ()
distributed by hash (query_id) buckets 1
properties (
    "dynamic_partition.time_unit" = "DAY",
    "dynamic_partition.start" = "-30",
    "dynamic_partition.end" = "3",
    "dynamic_partition.prefix" = "p",
    "dynamic_partition.buckets" = "1",
    "dynamic_partition.enable" = "true",
    "replication_num" = "1"

The dynamic_partition attribute selects the number of days to keep the audit log based on your needs.

After that, connect to Doris and use the INSTALL PLUGIN command to complete the installation. After successful installation, you can see the installed plug-ins through SHOW PLUGINS, and the status is INSTALLED.

Upon completion, the plug-in will continuously import audit date into this table at specified intervals.