blob: f36f60184a847752eea3733a85df845e5fa6b085 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.doris.clone;
import org.apache.doris.catalog.TabletInvertedIndex.PartitionBalanceInfo;
import org.apache.doris.clone.TwoDimensionalGreedyRebalanceAlgo.PartitionMove;
import org.apache.doris.clone.PartitionRebalancer.ClusterBalanceInfo;
import org.apache.doris.common.Pair;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.Configurator;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
public class TwoDimensionalGreedyRebalanceAlgoTest {
private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(TwoDimensionalGreedyRebalanceAlgoTest.class);
TwoDimensionalGreedyRebalanceAlgo algo = new TwoDimensionalGreedyRebalanceAlgo(TwoDimensionalGreedyRebalanceAlgo.EqualSkewOption.PICK_FIRST);
// Structure to describe rebalancing-related state of the cluster expressively
// enough for the tests.
private static class TestClusterConfig {
static class PartitionPerBeReplicas {
Long partitionId;
Long indexId;
// Number of replicas of this partition on each server in the cluster.
// By definition, the indices in this container correspond to indices
// in TestClusterConfig::beIds.
List<Long> numReplicasByServer;
PartitionPerBeReplicas(Long p, Long i, List<Long> l) {
this.partitionId = p;
this.indexId = i;
this.numReplicasByServer = l;
// IDs of bes; every element must be unique.
List<Long> beIds = Lists.newArrayList();
// Distribution of partition replicas across the bes. The following
// constraints should be in place:
// * for each p in partitionReplicas:
// p.numReplicasByServer.size() == beIds.size()
List<PartitionPerBeReplicas> partitionReplicas = Lists.newArrayList();
// The expected replica movements: the reference output of the algorithm
// to compare with.
List<PartitionMove> expectedMoves = Lists.newArrayList();
// TODO MovesOrderingComparison: Options controlling how the reference and the actual results are compared.
// PartitionBalanceInfos in skew map are arbitrary ordering, so we can't get the fixed moves
// when more than one partition have the maxSkew.
// Transform the definition of the test cluster into the ClusterInfo
// that is consumed by the rebalancing algorithm.
private ClusterBalanceInfo ClusterConfigToClusterBalanceInfo(TestClusterConfig tcc) {
// First verify that the configuration of the test cluster is valid.
Set<Pair<Long, Long>> partitionIds = Sets.newHashSet();
for (TestClusterConfig.PartitionPerBeReplicas p : tcc.partitionReplicas) {
Assert.assertEquals(tcc.beIds.size(), p.numReplicasByServer.size());
partitionIds.add(new Pair<>(p.partitionId, p.indexId));
Assert.assertEquals(partitionIds.size(), tcc.partitionReplicas.size());
// Check for uniqueness of the tablet servers' identifiers.
Set<Long> beIdSet = new HashSet<>(tcc.beIds);
Assert.assertEquals(tcc.beIds.size(), beIdSet.size());
ClusterBalanceInfo balance = new ClusterBalanceInfo();
for (int beIdx = 0; beIdx < tcc.beIds.size(); ++beIdx) {
// Total replica count at the tablet server.
long count = 0;
for (TestClusterConfig.PartitionPerBeReplicas p : tcc.partitionReplicas) {
count += p.numReplicasByServer.get(beIdx);
balance.beByTotalReplicaCount.put(count, tcc.beIds.get(beIdx));
for (int pIdx = 0; pIdx < tcc.partitionReplicas.size(); ++pIdx) {
// Replicas of the current partition per be.
TestClusterConfig.PartitionPerBeReplicas distribution = tcc.partitionReplicas.get(pIdx);
PartitionBalanceInfo info = new PartitionBalanceInfo(distribution.partitionId, distribution.indexId);
List<Long> replicaCount = distribution.numReplicasByServer;
IntStream.range(0, replicaCount.size()).forEach(i -> info.beByReplicaCount.put(replicaCount.get(i), tcc.beIds.get(i)));
Long max_count = info.beByReplicaCount.keySet().last();
Long min_count = info.beByReplicaCount.keySet().first();
Assert.assertTrue(max_count >= min_count);
balance.partitionInfoBySkew.put(max_count - min_count, info);
return balance;
private void verifyMoves(List<TestClusterConfig> configs) {
for (TestClusterConfig config : configs) {
List<PartitionMove> moves = algo.getNextMoves(ClusterConfigToClusterBalanceInfo(config), 0);
Assert.assertEquals(moves, config.expectedMoves);
public void setUp() {
Configurator.setLevel("org.apache.doris.clone.TwoDimensionalGreedyAlgo", Level.WARN);
public void testApplyMoveFailed() {
PartitionMove move = new PartitionMove(11L, 22L, 10001L, 10002L);
// total count is valid
TreeMultimap<Long, Long> beByTotalReplicaCount = TreeMultimap.create();
beByTotalReplicaCount.put(10L, 10001L);
beByTotalReplicaCount.put(10L, 10002L);
// no info of partition
TreeMultimap<Long, PartitionBalanceInfo> skewMap = TreeMultimap.create(Ordering.natural(), Ordering.arbitrary());
try {
TwoDimensionalGreedyRebalanceAlgo.applyMove(move, beByTotalReplicaCount, skewMap);
} catch (Exception e) {
Assert.assertSame(e.getClass(), IllegalStateException.class);;
// beByTotalReplicaCount should be modified
Assert.assertEquals(0, beByTotalReplicaCount.keySet().stream().filter(skew -> skew != 10L).count());
// invalid info of partition
skewMap.put(6L, new PartitionBalanceInfo(11L, 22L));
try {
TwoDimensionalGreedyRebalanceAlgo.applyMove(move, beByTotalReplicaCount, skewMap);
} catch (Exception e) {
Assert.assertSame(e.getClass(), IllegalStateException.class);
// beByTotalReplicaCount should be modified
Assert.assertEquals(0, beByTotalReplicaCount.keySet().stream().filter(skew -> skew != 10L).count());
public void testInvalidClusterBalanceInfo() {
Configurator.setLevel("org.apache.doris.clone.TwoDimensionalGreedyAlgo", Level.DEBUG);
try {
algo.getNextMoves(new ClusterBalanceInfo(), 0);
} catch (Exception e) {;
try {
algo.getNextMoves(new ClusterBalanceInfo() {{
beByTotalReplicaCount.put(0L, 10001L);
}}, 0);
} catch (Exception e) {;
try {
// Invalid balance info will cause IllegalStateException
algo.getNextMoves(new ClusterBalanceInfo() {
beByTotalReplicaCount.put(0L, 10001L);
beByTotalReplicaCount.put(1L, 10002L);
}, 0);"Exception will be thrown in GetNextMoves");
} catch (Exception e) {
Assert.assertSame(e.getClass(), IllegalStateException.class);;
// Partition- and cluster-wise balanced configuration with one-off skew.
// Algorithm won't consider about the tablet health
public void testAlreadyBalanced() {
List<TestClusterConfig> configs = Lists.newArrayList(
// A single be with a single replica of the only partition.
new TestClusterConfig() {{
partitionReplicas.add(new PartitionPerBeReplicas(22L, 33L, Lists.newArrayList(1L)));
// expectedMoves is empty
// A single be in the cluster that hosts all replicas.
new TestClusterConfig() {{
partitionReplicas.add(new PartitionPerBeReplicas(22L, 33L, Lists.newArrayList(1L)));
partitionReplicas.add(new PartitionPerBeReplicas(22L, 44L, Lists.newArrayList(10L)));
partitionReplicas.add(new PartitionPerBeReplicas(22L, 55L, Lists.newArrayList(10L)));
// Single partition and 2 be: 100 and 99 replicas at each.
new TestClusterConfig() {{
partitionReplicas.add(new PartitionPerBeReplicas(22L, 33L, Lists.newArrayList(100L, 99L)));
// TODO after MovesOrderingComparison supported
// Set of scenarios where the distribution of replicas is partition-wise balanced
// but not yet cluster-wise balanced, requiring just a few replica moves
// to achieve both partition- and cluster-wise balance state.
// TODO add more tests after MovesOrderingComparison supported
// Set of scenarios where the distribution of table replicas is cluster-wise
// balanced, but not table-wise balanced, requiring just few moves to make it
// both table- and cluster-wise balanced.
public void testClusterWiseBalanced() {
List<TestClusterConfig> configs = Lists.newArrayList(
new TestClusterConfig() {{
partitionReplicas.add(new PartitionPerBeReplicas(22L, 33L, Lists.newArrayList(2L, 0L)));
partitionReplicas.add(new PartitionPerBeReplicas(22L, 44L, Lists.newArrayList(1L, 2L)));
expectedMoves.add(new PartitionMove(22L, 33L, 10001L, 10002L));
// Unbalanced (both table- and cluster-wise) and simple enough configurations
// to make them balanced moving just few replicas.
public void testFewMoves() {
List<TestClusterConfig> configs = Lists.newArrayList(
new TestClusterConfig() {{
partitionReplicas.add(new PartitionPerBeReplicas(22L, 33L, Lists.newArrayList(2L, 0L)));
expectedMoves.add(new PartitionMove(22L, 33L, 10001L, 10002L));
new TestClusterConfig() {{
partitionReplicas.add(new PartitionPerBeReplicas(22L, 33L, Lists.newArrayList(3L, 0L)));
expectedMoves.add(new PartitionMove(22L, 33L, 10001L, 10002L));
new TestClusterConfig() {{
partitionReplicas.add(new PartitionPerBeReplicas(22L, 33L, Lists.newArrayList(4L, 0L)));
expectedMoves.add(new PartitionMove(22L, 33L, 10001L, 10002L));
expectedMoves.add(new PartitionMove(22L, 33L, 10001L, 10002L));
// Unbalanced (both table- and cluster-wise) and simple enough configurations to
// make them balanced moving many replicas around.
public void testManyMoves() {
List<TestClusterConfig> configs = Lists.newArrayList(
new TestClusterConfig() {{
partitionReplicas.add(new PartitionPerBeReplicas(22L, 33L, Lists.newArrayList(100L, 400L, 100L)));
for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
if (i % 2 == 1) {
expectedMoves.add(new PartitionMove(22L, 33L, 10002L, 10003L));
} else {
expectedMoves.add(new PartitionMove(22L, 33L, 10002L, 10001L));