blob: b39b3c0454ffa23a9ac07b74e238e79e4cc06c8d [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package org.apache.doris.catalog;
import org.apache.doris.alter.AlterJobV2;
import org.apache.doris.analysis.AlterTableStmt;
import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateDbStmt;
import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateTableStmt;
import org.apache.doris.analysis.RecoverPartitionStmt;
import org.apache.doris.analysis.ShowPartitionsStmt;
import org.apache.doris.analysis.ShowStmt;
import org.apache.doris.analysis.ShowTabletStmt;
import org.apache.doris.analysis.TruncateTableStmt;
import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex.IndexExtState;
import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
import org.apache.doris.common.FeMetaVersion;
import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
import org.apache.doris.meta.MetaContext;
import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
import org.apache.doris.qe.ShowExecutor;
import org.apache.doris.qe.ShowResultSet;
import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
public class TempPartitionTest {
private static String tempPartitionFile = "./TempPartitionTest";
private static String tblFile = "./tblFile";
private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/TempPartitionTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
private static ConnectContext ctx;
public static void setup() throws Exception {
ctx = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
FeConstants.default_scheduler_interval_millisecond = 100;
public static void tearDown() {
File file = new File(runningDir);
File file2 = new File(tempPartitionFile);
File file3 = new File(tblFile);
public void before() {
private List<List<String>> checkShowPartitionsResultNum(String tbl, boolean isTemp, int expected) throws Exception {
String showStr = "show " + (isTemp ? "temporary" : "") + " partitions from " + tbl;
ShowPartitionsStmt showStmt = (ShowPartitionsStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(showStr, ctx);
ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, (ShowStmt) showStmt);
ShowResultSet showResultSet = executor.execute();
List<List<String>> rows = showResultSet.getResultRows();
Assert.assertEquals(expected, rows.size());
return rows;
private void alterTable(String sql, boolean expectedException) throws Exception {
try {
AlterTableStmt alterTableStmt = (AlterTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, ctx);
if (expectedException) {"expected exception not thrown");
} catch (Exception e) {
if (expectedException) {
System.out.println("got exception: " + e.getMessage());
} else {
throw e;
private List<List<String>> checkTablet(String tbl, String partitions, boolean isTemp, int expected)
throws Exception {
String showStr = "show tablet from " + tbl + (isTemp ? " temporary" : "") + " partition (" + partitions + ");";
ShowTabletStmt showStmt = (ShowTabletStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(showStr, ctx);
ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, (ShowStmt) showStmt);
ShowResultSet showResultSet = executor.execute();
List<List<String>> rows = showResultSet.getResultRows();
if (expected != -1) {
Assert.assertEquals(expected, rows.size());
return rows;
private long getPartitionIdByTabletId(long tabletId) {
TabletInvertedIndex index = Catalog.getCurrentInvertedIndex();
TabletMeta tabletMeta = index.getTabletMeta(tabletId);
if (tabletMeta == null) {
return -1;
return tabletMeta.getPartitionId();
private void getPartitionNameToTabletIdMap(String tbl, boolean isTemp, Map<String, Long> partNameToTabletId) throws Exception {
String showStr = "show " + (isTemp ? "temporary" : "") + " partitions from " + tbl;
ShowPartitionsStmt showStmt = (ShowPartitionsStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(showStr, ctx);
ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, (ShowStmt) showStmt);
ShowResultSet showResultSet = executor.execute();
List<List<String>> rows = showResultSet.getResultRows();
Map<Long, String> partIdToName = Maps.newHashMap();
for (List<String> row : rows) {
partIdToName.put(Long.valueOf(row.get(0)), row.get(1));
rows = checkTablet(tbl, Joiner.on(",").join(partIdToName.values()), isTemp, -1);
for (List<String> row : rows) {
long tabletId = Long.valueOf(row.get(0));
long partitionId = getPartitionIdByTabletId(tabletId);
String partName = partIdToName.get(partitionId);
partNameToTabletId.put(partName, tabletId);
private void checkTabletExists(Collection<Long> tabletIds, boolean checkExist) {
TabletInvertedIndex invertedIndex = Catalog.getCurrentInvertedIndex();
for (Long tabletId : tabletIds) {
if (checkExist) {
} else {
private void checkPartitionExist(OlapTable tbl, String partName, boolean isTemp, boolean checkExist) {
if (checkExist) {
Assert.assertNotNull(tbl.getPartition(partName, isTemp));
} else {
Assert.assertNull(tbl.getPartition(partName, isTemp));
public void testForSinglePartitionTable() throws Exception {
// create database db1
String createDbStmtStr = "create database db1;";
CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr, ctx);
// create table tbl1
String createTblStmtStr1 = "create table db1.tbl1(k1 int) distributed by hash(k1) buckets 3 properties('replication_num' = '1');";
CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createTblStmtStr1, ctx);
// add temp partition
String stmtStr = "alter table db1.tbl1 add temporary partition p1 values less than ('10');";
alterTable(stmtStr, true);
// drop temp partition
stmtStr = "alter table db1.tbl1 drop temporary partition tbl1;";
alterTable(stmtStr, true);
// show temp partition
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db1.tbl1", true, 0);
public void testForMultiPartitionTable() throws Exception {
// create database db2
String createDbStmtStr = "create database db2;";
CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr, ctx);
// create table tbl2
String createTblStmtStr1 = "create table db2.tbl2 (k1 int, k2 int)\n" +
"partition by range(k1)\n" +
"(\n" +
"partition p1 values less than('10'),\n" +
"partition p2 values less than('20'),\n" +
"partition p3 values less than('30')\n" +
")\n" +
"distributed by hash(k2) buckets 1\n" +
"properties('replication_num' = '1');";
CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createTblStmtStr1, ctx);
Database db2 = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:db2");
OlapTable tbl2 = (OlapTable) db2.getTable("tbl2");
Map<String, Long> originPartitionTabletIds = Maps.newHashMap();
getPartitionNameToTabletIdMap("db2.tbl2", false, originPartitionTabletIds);
Assert.assertEquals(3, originPartitionTabletIds.keySet().size());
// show temp partition
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 0);
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", false, 3);
// add temp partition with duplicate name
String stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition p1 values less than('10');";
alterTable(stmtStr, true);
// add temp partition
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition tp1 values less than('10');";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition tp2 values less than('10');";
alterTable(stmtStr, true);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition tp1 values less than('20');";
alterTable(stmtStr, true);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition tp2 values less than('20');";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition tp3 values [('18'), ('30'));";
alterTable(stmtStr, true);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition tp3 values [('20'), ('30'));";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
Map<String, Long> tempPartitionTabletIds = Maps.newHashMap();
getPartitionNameToTabletIdMap("db2.tbl2", true, tempPartitionTabletIds);
Assert.assertEquals(3, tempPartitionTabletIds.keySet().size());
System.out.println("partition tablets: " + originPartitionTabletIds);
System.out.println("temp partition tablets: " + tempPartitionTabletIds);
// drop non exist temp partition
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 drop temporary partition tp4;";
alterTable(stmtStr, true);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 drop temporary partition if exists tp4;";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 drop temporary partition tp3;";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
Map<String, Long> originPartitionTabletIds2 = Maps.newHashMap();
getPartitionNameToTabletIdMap("db2.tbl2", false, originPartitionTabletIds2);
Assert.assertEquals(originPartitionTabletIds2, originPartitionTabletIds);
Map<String, Long> tempPartitionTabletIds2 = Maps.newHashMap();
getPartitionNameToTabletIdMap("db2.tbl2", true, tempPartitionTabletIds2);
Assert.assertEquals(2, tempPartitionTabletIds2.keySet().size());
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 2);
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", false, 3);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition tp3 values less than('30');";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 3);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 drop partition p1;";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 3);
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", false, 2);
originPartitionTabletIds2 = Maps.newHashMap();
getPartitionNameToTabletIdMap("db2.tbl2", false, originPartitionTabletIds2);
Assert.assertEquals(2, originPartitionTabletIds2.size());
String recoverStr = "recover partition p1 from db2.tbl2;";
RecoverPartitionStmt recoverStmt = (RecoverPartitionStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(recoverStr, ctx);
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 3);
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", false, 3);
originPartitionTabletIds2 = Maps.newHashMap();
getPartitionNameToTabletIdMap("db2.tbl2", false, originPartitionTabletIds2);
Assert.assertEquals(originPartitionTabletIds2, originPartitionTabletIds);
tempPartitionTabletIds2 = Maps.newHashMap();
getPartitionNameToTabletIdMap("db2.tbl2", true, tempPartitionTabletIds2);
Assert.assertEquals(3, tempPartitionTabletIds2.keySet().size());
// Here, we should have 3 partitions p1,p2,p3, and 3 temp partitions tp1,tp2,tp3
System.out.println("we have partition tablets: " + originPartitionTabletIds2);
System.out.println("we have temp partition tablets: " + tempPartitionTabletIds2);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 replace partition(p1, p2) with temporary partition(tp2, tp3);";
alterTable(stmtStr, true);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 replace partition(p1, p2) with temporary partition(tp1, tp2) properties('invalid' = 'invalid');";
alterTable(stmtStr, true);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 replace partition(p1, p2) with temporary partition(tp2, tp3) properties('strict_range' = 'false');";
alterTable(stmtStr, true);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 replace partition(p1, p2) with temporary partition(tp1, tp2) properties('strict_range' = 'false', 'use_temp_partition_name' = 'true');";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 1);
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", false, 3);
checkTabletExists(tempPartitionTabletIds2.values(), true);
checkTabletExists(Lists.newArrayList(originPartitionTabletIds2.get("p3")), true);
checkTabletExists(Lists.newArrayList(originPartitionTabletIds2.get("p1"), originPartitionTabletIds2.get("p2")), false);
String truncateStr = "truncate table db2.tbl2 partition (p3);";
TruncateTableStmt truncateTableStmt = (TruncateTableStmt)UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(truncateStr, ctx);
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 1);
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", false, 3);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp1", false, true);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp2", false, true);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "p3", false, true);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp3", true, true);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 drop partition p3;";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add partition p31 values less than('25');";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add partition p32 values less than('35');";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
// for now, we have 4 partitions: tp1, tp2, p31, p32, 1 temp partition: tp3
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", false, 4);
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 1);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 replace partition(p31) with temporary partition(tp3);";
alterTable(stmtStr, true);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 replace partition(p31, p32) with temporary partition(tp3);";
alterTable(stmtStr, true);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 replace partition(p31, p32) with temporary partition(tp3) properties('strict_range' = 'false');";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", false, 3);
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 0);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp1", false, true);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp2", false, true);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp3", false, true);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition p1 values less than('10');";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition p2 values less than('20');";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition p3 values less than('30');";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 replace partition(tp1, tp2) with temporary partition(p1, p2);";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp1", false, true);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp2", false, true);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp3", false, true);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "p1", true, false);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "p2", true, false);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "p3", true, true);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 replace partition(tp3) with temporary partition(p3) properties('use_temp_partition_name' = 'true');";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp1", false, true);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp2", false, true);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "p3", false, true);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "p1", true, false);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "p2", true, false);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "p3", true, false);
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", false, 3);
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 0);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition tp1 values less than('10');"; // name conflict
alterTable(stmtStr, true);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 rename partition p3 tp3;";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition p1 values less than('10');";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
originPartitionTabletIds2 = Maps.newHashMap();
getPartitionNameToTabletIdMap("db2.tbl2", false, originPartitionTabletIds2);
Assert.assertEquals(3, originPartitionTabletIds2.size());
tempPartitionTabletIds2 = Maps.newHashMap();
getPartitionNameToTabletIdMap("db2.tbl2", true, tempPartitionTabletIds2);
Assert.assertEquals(1, tempPartitionTabletIds2.keySet().size());
// for now , we have 3 partitions: tp1, tp2, tp3, 1 temp partition: p1
System.out.println("we have partition tablets: " + originPartitionTabletIds2);
System.out.println("we have temp partition tablets: " + tempPartitionTabletIds2);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add rollup r1(k1);";
alterTable(stmtStr, true);
truncateStr = "truncate table db2.tbl2";
truncateTableStmt = (TruncateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(truncateStr, ctx);
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", false, 3);
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 0);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add rollup r1(k1);";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition p2 values less than('20');";
alterTable(stmtStr, true);
// wait rollup finish
Map<Long, AlterJobV2> alterJobs = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getRollupHandler().getAlterJobsV2();
for (AlterJobV2 alterJobV2 : alterJobs.values()) {
while (!alterJobV2.getJobState().isFinalState()) {
"alter job " + alterJobV2.getDbId() + " is running. state: " + alterJobV2.getJobState());
System.out.println("alter job " + alterJobV2.getDbId() + " is done. state: " + alterJobV2.getJobState());
Assert.assertEquals(AlterJobV2.JobState.FINISHED, alterJobV2.getJobState());
// waiting table state to normal
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition p2 values less than('20');";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
TempPartitions tempPartitions = Deencapsulation.getField(tbl2, "tempPartitions");
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 replace partition (tp1, tp2) with temporary partition (p2) properties('strict_range' = 'false');";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", false, 2);
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 0);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "p2", false, true);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp3", false, true);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp1", false, false);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp2", false, false);
checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "p2", true, false);
checkTablet("db2.tbl2", "p2", false, 2);
checkTablet("db2.tbl2", "tp3", false, 2);
// for now, we have 2 partitions: p2, tp3, [min, 20), [20, 30). 0 temp partition.
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition tp4 values less than('20') ('in_memory' = 'true') distributed by hash(k1) buckets 3";
alterTable(stmtStr, true);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition tp4 values less than('20') ('in_memory' = 'true', 'replication_num' = '2') distributed by hash(k2) buckets 3";
alterTable(stmtStr, true);
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition tp4 values less than('20') ('in_memory' = 'true', 'replication_num' = '1') distributed by hash(k2) buckets 3";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
Partition p2 = tbl2.getPartition("p2");
Assert.assertEquals(1, p2.getDistributionInfo().getBucketNum());
stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 replace partition (p2) with temporary partition (tp4)";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
// for now, we have 2 partitions: p2, tp3, [min, 20), [20, 30). 0 temp partition. and p2 bucket is 3, 'in_memory' is true.
p2 = tbl2.getPartition("p2");
Assert.assertEquals(3, p2.getDistributionInfo().getBucketNum());
public void testForStrictRangeCheck() throws Exception {
// create database db3
String createDbStmtStr = "create database db3;";
CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr, ctx);
// create table tbl3
String createTblStmtStr1 = "create table db3.tbl3 (k1 int, k2 int)\n" +
"partition by range(k1)\n" +
"(\n" +
"partition p1 values less than('10'),\n" +
"partition p2 values less than('20'),\n" +
"partition p3 values less than('30')\n" +
")\n" +
"distributed by hash(k2) buckets 1\n" +
"properties('replication_num' = '1');";
CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createTblStmtStr1, ctx);
Database db3 = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:db3");
OlapTable tbl3 = (OlapTable) db3.getTable("tbl3");
// base range is [min, 10), [10, 20), [20, 30)
// 1. add temp ranges: [10, 15), [15, 25), [25, 30), and replace the [10, 20), [20, 30)
String stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 add temporary partition tp1 values [('10'), ('15'))";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 add temporary partition tp2 values [('15'), ('25'))";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 add temporary partition tp3 values [('25'), ('30'))";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 replace partition (p2, p3) with temporary partition(tp1, tp2, tp3)";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
// now base range is [min, 10), [10, 15), [15, 25), [25, 30) -> p1,tp1,tp2,tp3
stmtStr = "truncate table db3.tbl3";
TruncateTableStmt truncateTableStmt = (TruncateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(stmtStr, ctx);
// 2. add temp ranges: [10, 31), and replace the [10, 15), [15, 25), [25, 30)
stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 add temporary partition tp4 values [('10'), ('31'))";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 replace partition (tp1, tp2, tp3) with temporary partition(tp4)";
alterTable(stmtStr, true);
// drop the tp4, and add temp partition tp4 [10,30) to to replace tp1, tp2, tp3
stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 drop temporary partition tp4";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 add temporary partition tp4 values [('10'), ('30'))";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 replace partition (tp1, tp2, tp3) with temporary partition(tp4)";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
// now base range is [min, 10), [10, 30) -> p1,tp4
stmtStr = "truncate table db3.tbl3";
truncateTableStmt = (TruncateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(stmtStr, ctx);
// 3. add temp partition tp5 [50, 60) and replace partition tp4
stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 add temporary partition tp5 values [('50'), ('60'))";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 replace partition (tp4) with temporary partition(tp5)";
alterTable(stmtStr, true);
stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 replace partition (tp4) with temporary partition(tp5) properties('strict_range' = 'true', 'use_temp_partition_name' = 'true')";
alterTable(stmtStr, true);
stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 replace partition (tp4) with temporary partition(tp5) properties('strict_range' = 'false', 'use_temp_partition_name' = 'true')";
alterTable(stmtStr, false);
// now base range is [min, 10), [50, 60) -> p1,tp5
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db3.tbl3", false, 2);
checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db3.tbl3", true, 0);
private void testSerializeOlapTable(OlapTable tbl) throws IOException, AnalysisException {
// 1. Write objects to file
File file = new File(tempPartitionFile);
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
// 2. Read objects from file
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
OlapTable readTbl = (OlapTable);
Assert.assertEquals(tbl.getId(), readTbl.getId());
Assert.assertEquals(tbl.getTempPartitions().size(), readTbl.getTempPartitions().size());
private void testSerializeTempPartitions(TempPartitions tempPartitionsInstance) throws IOException, AnalysisException {
MetaContext metaContext = new MetaContext();
// 1. Write objects to file
File file = new File(tempPartitionFile);
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
// 2. Read objects from file
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
TempPartitions readTempPartition =;
List<Partition> partitions = readTempPartition.getAllPartitions();
Assert.assertEquals(1, partitions.size());
Assert.assertEquals(2, partitions.get(0).getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.VISIBLE).size());