blob: a0eae7aada4bb1e834aa27bebba7ee503e3a6fa1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
package org.apache.doris.catalog;
import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateDbStmt;
import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateTableLikeStmt;
import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateTableStmt;
import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
import org.apache.doris.common.ExceptionChecker;
import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
* @author wangcong
* @version 1.0
* @date 2020/10/7 12:31 下午
public class CreateTableLikeTest {
private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/CreateTableLikeTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
private static ConnectContext connectContext;
public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
// create connect context
connectContext = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
// create database
String createDbStmtStr = "create database test;";
CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr, connectContext);
String createDbStmtStr2 = "create database test2;";
CreateDbStmt createDbStmt2 = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr2, connectContext);
public static void tearDown() {
File file = new File(runningDir);
private static void createTable(String sql) throws Exception {
CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, connectContext);
private static void createTableLike(String sql) throws Exception {
CreateTableLikeStmt createTableLikeStmt = (CreateTableLikeStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, connectContext);
private static void checkTableEqual(Table newTable, Table existedTable) {
List<String> newCreateTableStmt = Lists.newArrayList();
Catalog.getDdlStmt(newTable, newCreateTableStmt, null, null, false, true /* hide password */);
List<String> existedTableStmt = Lists.newArrayList();
Catalog.getDdlStmt(existedTable, existedTableStmt, null, null, false, true /* hide password */);
Assert.assertEquals(newCreateTableStmt.get(0).replace(newTable.getName(), existedTable.getName()), existedTableStmt.get(0));
private static void checkCreateOlapTableLike(String createTableSql, String createTableLikeSql,
String newDbName, String existedDbName,
String newTblName, String existedTblName) throws Exception {
Database newDb = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:" + newDbName);
Database existedDb = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:" + existedDbName);
OlapTable newTbl = (OlapTable) newDb.getTable(newTblName);
OlapTable existedTbl = (OlapTable) existedDb.getTable(existedTblName);
checkTableEqual(newTbl, existedTbl);
private static void checkCreateMysqlTableLike(String createTableSql, String createTableLikeSql,
String newDbName, String existedDbName,
String newTblName, String existedTblName) throws Exception {
Database newDb = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:" + newDbName);
Database existedDb = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:" + existedDbName);
MysqlTable newTbl = (MysqlTable) newDb.getTable(newTblName);
MysqlTable existedTbl = (MysqlTable) existedDb.getTable(existedTblName);
checkTableEqual(newTbl, existedTbl);
public void testNormal() throws Exception {
// 1. creat table with single partition
String createTableSql = "create table test.testTbl1\n" + "(k1 int, k2 int)\n" + "duplicate key(k1)\n"
+ "distributed by hash(k2) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1'); ";
String createTableLikeSql = "create table test.testTbl1_like like test.testTbl1";
String newDbName = "test";
String newTblName = "testTbl1_like";
String existedTblName = "testTbl1";
checkCreateOlapTableLike(createTableSql, createTableLikeSql, newDbName, newDbName, newTblName, existedTblName);
// 2. create table with hash partition
String createTableWithHashPartitionSql = "create table test.testTbl2\n" + "(k1 int, k2 int)\n"
+ "duplicate key(k1)\n" + "partition by range(k2)\n" + "(partition p1 values less than(\"10\"))\n"
+ "distributed by hash(k2) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1'); ";
String createTableLikeSql2 = "create table test.testTbl2_like like test.testTbl2";
String newDbName2 = "test";
String newTblName2 = "testTbl2_like";
String existedTblName2 = "testTbl2";
checkCreateOlapTableLike(createTableWithHashPartitionSql, createTableLikeSql2, newDbName2, newDbName2, newTblName2, existedTblName2);
// 3. create aggregate table
String createAggTableSql3 = "create table test.testTbl3\n" + "(k1 varchar(40), k2 int, v1 int sum)\n"
+ "partition by range(k2)\n" + "(partition p1 values less than(\"10\"))\n"
+ "distributed by hash(k1) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1');";
String createTableLikeSql3 = "create table test.testTbl3_like like test.testTbl3";
String newDbName3 = "test";
String newTblName3 = "testTbl3_like";
String existedTblName3 = "testTbl3";
checkCreateOlapTableLike(createAggTableSql3, createTableLikeSql3, newDbName3, newDbName3, newTblName3, existedTblName3);
// 4. create aggregate table without partition
String createAggTableWithoutPartitionSql4 = "create table test.testTbl4\n" + "(k1 varchar(40), k2 int, k3 int)\n" + "duplicate key(k1, k2, k3)\n"
+ "partition by range(k2)\n" + "()\n"
+ "distributed by hash(k1) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1');";
String createTableLikeSql4 = "create table test.testTbl4_like like test.testTbl4";
String newDbName4 = "test";
String newTblName4 = "testTbl4_like";
String existedTblName4 = "testTbl4";
checkCreateOlapTableLike(createAggTableWithoutPartitionSql4, createTableLikeSql4, newDbName4, newDbName4, newTblName4, existedTblName4);
// 5. create table from different db
String createTableFromDiffDb5 = "create table test.testTbl5\n" + "(k1 varchar(40), k2 int, k3 int)\n" + "duplicate key(k1, k2, k3)\n"
+ "partition by range(k2)\n" + "()\n"
+ "distributed by hash(k1) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1');";
String createTableLikeSql5 = "create table test2.testTbl5_like like test.testTbl5";
String newDbName5 = "test2";
String existedDbName5 = "test";
String newTblName5 = "testTbl5_like";
String existedTblName5 = "testTbl5";
checkCreateOlapTableLike(createTableFromDiffDb5, createTableLikeSql5, newDbName5, existedDbName5, newTblName5, existedTblName5);
// 6. create table from dynamic partition table
String createDynamicTblSql = "CREATE TABLE test.`dynamic_partition_normal` (\n" +
" `k1` date NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
" `k2` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
" `k3` smallint NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
" `v1` varchar(2048) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
" `v2` datetime NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
"DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`, `k3`)\n" +
"COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
"(\n" +
"PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-01-01\"),\n" +
"PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-06-01\"),\n" +
"PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-12-01\")\n" +
")\n" +
"\"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
"\"dynamic_partition.enable\" = \"true\",\n" +
"\"dynamic_partition.start\" = \"-3\",\n" +
"\"dynamic_partition.end\" = \"3\",\n" +
"\"dynamic_partition.time_unit\" = \"day\",\n" +
"\"dynamic_partition.prefix\" = \"p\",\n" +
"\"dynamic_partition.buckets\" = \"1\"\n" +
String createTableLikeSql6 = "create table test.dynamic_partition_normal_like like test.dynamic_partition_normal";
String newDbName6 = "test";
String newTblName6 = "dynamic_partition_normal_like";
String existedTblName6 = "dynamic_partition_normal";
checkCreateOlapTableLike(createDynamicTblSql, createTableLikeSql6, newDbName6, newDbName6, newTblName6, existedTblName6);
// 7. create table from colocate table
String createColocateTblSql = "create table test.colocateTbl (\n" +
" `k1` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
" `k2` varchar(10) NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
"DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`)\n" +
"COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
" \"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
" \"colocate_with\" = \"test_group\"\n" +
String createTableLikeSql7 = "create table test.colocateTbl_like like test.colocateTbl";
String newDbName7 = "test";
String newTblName7 = "colocateTbl_like";
String existedTblName7 = "colocateTbl";
checkCreateOlapTableLike(createColocateTblSql, createTableLikeSql7, newDbName7, newDbName7, newTblName7, existedTblName7);
// 8. creat non-OLAP table
String createNonOlapTableSql = "create table test.testMysqlTbl\n" +
"(k1 DATE, k2 INT, k3 SMALLINT, k4 VARCHAR(2048), k5 DATETIME)\n" +
"\"host\" = \"\",\n" +
"\"port\" = \"8239\",\n" +
"\"user\" = \"mysql_passwd\",\n" +
"\"password\" = \"mysql_passwd\",\n" +
"\"database\" = \"mysql_db_test\",\n" +
"\"table\" = \"mysql_table_test\");";
String createTableLikeSql8 = "create table test.testMysqlTbl_like like test.testMysqlTbl";
String newDbName8 = "test";
String existedDbName8 = "test";
String newTblName8 = "testMysqlTbl_like";
String existedTblName8 = "testMysqlTbl";
checkCreateMysqlTableLike(createNonOlapTableSql, createTableLikeSql8, newDbName8, existedDbName8, newTblName8, existedTblName8);
// 9. test if not exist
String createTableLikeSql9 = "create table test.testMysqlTbl_like like test.testMysqlTbl";
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("already exists"));
createTableLikeSql9 = "create table if not exists test.testMysqlTbl_like like test.testMysqlTbl";
try {
} catch (Exception e) {;
public void testAbnormal() {
// 1. create table with same name
String createTableSql = "create table test.testAbTbl1\n" + "(k1 int, k2 int)\n" + "duplicate key(k1)\n"
+ "distributed by hash(k2) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1'); ";
String createTableLikeSql = "create table test.testAbTbl1 like test.testAbTbl1";
String newDbName = "test";
String newTblName = "testAbTbl1";
ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsWithMsg(DdlException.class, "Table 'testAbTbl1' already exists",
() -> checkCreateOlapTableLike(createTableSql, createTableLikeSql, newDbName, newDbName, newTblName, newTblName));
// 2. create table with not existed DB
String createTableSql2 = "create table test.testAbTbl2\n" + "(k1 int, k2 int)\n" + "duplicate key(k1)\n"
+ "distributed by hash(k2) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1'); ";
String createTableLikeSql2 = "create table fake_test.testAbTbl2_like like test.testAbTbl1";
String newDbName2 = "fake_test";
String existedDbName2 = "test";
String newTblName2 = "testAbTbl2_like";
String existedTblName2 = "testAbTbl1";
ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsWithMsg(DdlException.class, "Unknown database 'default_cluster:fake_test'",
() -> checkCreateOlapTableLike(createTableSql2, createTableLikeSql2, newDbName2, existedDbName2, newTblName2, existedTblName2));