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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "udf/uda_test_harness.h"
#include "util/logging.h"
namespace doris_udf {
//-------------------------------- Count ------------------------------------
// Example of implementing Count(int_col).
// The input type is: int
// The intermediate type is bigint
// the return type is bigint
void CountInit(FunctionContext* context, BigIntVal* val) {
val->is_null = false;
val->val = 0;
void CountUpdate(FunctionContext* context, const IntVal& input, BigIntVal* val) {
// BigIntVal is the same ptr as what was passed to CountInit
if (input.is_null) {
void CountMerge(FunctionContext* context, const BigIntVal& src, BigIntVal* dst) {
dst->val += src.val;
BigIntVal CountFinalize(FunctionContext* context, const BigIntVal& val) {
return val;
//-------------------------------- Count(...) ------------------------------------
// Example of implementing Count(...)
// The input type is: multiple ints
// The intermediate type is bigint
// the return type is bigint
void Count2Update(FunctionContext* context, const IntVal& input1, const IntVal& input2,
BigIntVal* val) {
val->val += (!input1.is_null + !input2.is_null);
void Count3Update(FunctionContext* context, const IntVal& input1, const IntVal& input2,
const IntVal& input3, BigIntVal* val) {
val->val += (!input1.is_null + !input2.is_null + !input3.is_null);
void Count4Update(FunctionContext* context, const IntVal& input1, const IntVal& input2,
const IntVal& input3, const IntVal& input4, BigIntVal* val) {
val->val += (!input1.is_null + !input2.is_null + !input3.is_null + !input4.is_null);
//-------------------------------- Min(String) ------------------------------------
// Example of implementing MIN for strings.
// The input type is: STRING
// The intermediate type is BufferVal
// the return type is STRING
// This is a little more sophisticated since the result buffers are reused (it grows
// to the longest result string).
struct MinState {
uint8_t* value;
int len;
int buffer_len;
void set(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& val) {
if (buffer_len < val.len) {
value = context->allocate(val.len);
buffer_len = val.len;
memcpy(value, val.ptr, val.len);
len = val.len;
// Initialize the MinState scratch space
void MinInit(FunctionContext* context, BufferVal* val) {
MinState* state = reinterpret_cast<MinState*>(*val);
state->value = NULL;
state->buffer_len = 0;
// Update the min value, comparing with the current value in MinState
void MinUpdate(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& input, BufferVal* val) {
if (input.is_null) {
MinState* state = reinterpret_cast<MinState*>(*val);
if (state->value == NULL) {
state->set(context, input);
int cmp = memcmp(input.ptr, state->value, std::min(input.len, state->len));
if (cmp < 0 || (cmp == 0 && input.len < state->len)) {
state->set(context, input);
// Serialize the state into the min string
const BufferVal MinSerialize(FunctionContext* context, const BufferVal& intermediate) {
return intermediate;
// Merge is the same as Update since the serialized format is the raw input format
void MinMerge(FunctionContext* context, const BufferVal& src, BufferVal* dst) {
const MinState* src_state = reinterpret_cast<const MinState*>(src);
if (src_state->value == NULL) {
MinUpdate(context, StringVal(src_state->value, src_state->len), dst);
// Finalize also just returns the string so is the same as MinSerialize.
StringVal MinFinalize(FunctionContext* context, const BufferVal& val) {
const MinState* state = reinterpret_cast<const MinState*>(val);
if (state->value == NULL) {
return StringVal::null();
StringVal result = StringVal(context, state->len);
memcpy(result.ptr, state->value, state->len);
return result;
//----------------------------- Bits after Xor ------------------------------------
// Example of a UDA that xors all the input bits and then returns the number of
// resulting bits that are set. This illustrates where the result and intermediate
// are the same type, but a transformation is still needed in Finalize()
// The input type is: double
// The intermediate type is bigint
// the return type is bigint
void XorInit(FunctionContext* context, BigIntVal* val) {
val->is_null = false;
val->val = 0;
void XorUpdate(FunctionContext* context, const double* input, BigIntVal* val) {
// BigIntVal is the same ptr as what was passed to CountInit
if (input == NULL) {
val->val |= *reinterpret_cast<const int64_t*>(input);
void XorMerge(FunctionContext* context, const BigIntVal& src, BigIntVal* dst) {
dst->val |= src.val;
BigIntVal XorFinalize(FunctionContext* context, const BigIntVal& val) {
int64_t set_bits = 0;
// Do popcnt on val
// set_bits = popcnt(val.val);
return BigIntVal(set_bits);
//--------------------------- HLL(Distinct Estimate) ---------------------------------
// Example of implementing distinct estimate. As an example, we will compress the
// intermediate buffer.
// Note: this is not the actual algorithm but a sketch of how it would be implemented
// with the UDA interface.
// The input type is: bigint
// The intermediate type is string (fixed at 256 bytes)
// the return type is bigint
void DistinctEstimateInit(FunctionContext* context, StringVal* val) {
// Since this is known, this will be allocated to 256 bytes.
assert(val->len == 256);
memset(val->ptr, 0, 256);
void DistinctEstimatUpdate(FunctionContext* context, const int64_t* input, StringVal* val) {
if (input == NULL) {
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
int hash = 0;
// Hash(input) with the ith hash function
// hash = Hash(*input, i);
val->ptr[i] = hash;
StringVal DistinctEstimatSerialize(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& intermediate) {
int compressed_size = 0;
uint8_t* result = NULL; // SnappyCompress(intermediate.ptr, intermediate.len);
return StringVal(result, compressed_size);
void DistinctEstimateMerge(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& src, StringVal* dst) {
uint8_t* src_uncompressed = NULL; // SnappyUncompress(src.ptr, src.len);
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
dst->ptr[i] ^= src_uncompressed[i];
BigIntVal DistinctEstimateFinalize(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& val) {
int64_t set_bits = 0;
// Do popcnt on val
// set_bits = popcnt(val.val);
return BigIntVal(set_bits);
TEST(CountTest, Basic) {
UdaTestHarness<BigIntVal, BigIntVal, IntVal> test(CountInit, CountUpdate, CountMerge, NULL,
std::vector<IntVal> no_nulls;
EXPECT_TRUE(test.execute(no_nulls, BigIntVal(no_nulls.size()))) << test.get_error_msg();
EXPECT_FALSE(test.execute(no_nulls, BigIntVal(100))) << test.get_error_msg();
TEST(CountMultiArgTest, Basic) {
int num = 1000;
std::vector<IntVal> no_nulls;
UdaTestHarness2<BigIntVal, BigIntVal, IntVal, IntVal> test2(CountInit, Count2Update, CountMerge,
NULL, CountFinalize);
EXPECT_TRUE(test2.execute(no_nulls, no_nulls, BigIntVal(2 * num)));
EXPECT_FALSE(test2.execute(no_nulls, no_nulls, BigIntVal(100)));
UdaTestHarness3<BigIntVal, BigIntVal, IntVal, IntVal, IntVal> test3(
CountInit, Count3Update, CountMerge, NULL, CountFinalize);
EXPECT_TRUE(test3.execute(no_nulls, no_nulls, no_nulls, BigIntVal(3 * num)));
UdaTestHarness4<BigIntVal, BigIntVal, IntVal, IntVal, IntVal, IntVal> test4(
CountInit, Count4Update, CountMerge, NULL, CountFinalize);
EXPECT_TRUE(test4.execute(no_nulls, no_nulls, no_nulls, no_nulls, BigIntVal(4 * num)));
bool FuzzyCompare(const BigIntVal& r1, const BigIntVal& r2) {
if (r1.is_null && r2.is_null) {
return true;
if (r1.is_null || r2.is_null) {
return false;
return abs(r1.val - r2.val) <= 1;
TEST(CountTest, FuzzyEquals) {
UdaTestHarness<BigIntVal, BigIntVal, IntVal> test(CountInit, CountUpdate, CountMerge, NULL,
std::vector<IntVal> no_nulls;
EXPECT_TRUE(test.execute(no_nulls, BigIntVal(1000))) << test.get_error_msg();
EXPECT_FALSE(test.execute(no_nulls, BigIntVal(999))) << test.get_error_msg();
EXPECT_TRUE(test.execute(no_nulls, BigIntVal(1000))) << test.get_error_msg();
EXPECT_TRUE(test.execute(no_nulls, BigIntVal(999))) << test.get_error_msg();
EXPECT_FALSE(test.execute(no_nulls, BigIntVal(998))) << test.get_error_msg();
TEST(MinTest, Basic) {
UdaTestHarness<StringVal, BufferVal, StringVal> test(MinInit, MinUpdate, MinMerge, MinSerialize,
std::vector<StringVal> values;
EXPECT_TRUE(test.execute(values, StringVal("BBB"))) << test.get_error_msg();
EXPECT_TRUE(test.execute(values, StringVal("AA"))) << test.get_error_msg();
EXPECT_TRUE(test.execute(values, StringVal("AA"))) << test.get_error_msg();
EXPECT_TRUE(test.execute(values, StringVal("A"))) << test.get_error_msg();
EXPECT_TRUE(test.execute(values, StringVal::null())) << test.get_error_msg();
EXPECT_TRUE(test.execute(values, StringVal("ZZZ"))) << test.get_error_msg();
} // namespace doris_udf
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
return -1;
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();