blob: 14e1a1bfc20aa44e72785c5f73aa11e9d9febbaf [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "olap/options.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <string>
namespace doris {
void set_up() {
system("rm -rf ./test_run && mkdir -p ./test_run");
system("mkdir -p ./test_run/palo && mkdir -p ./test_run/palo.ssd");
void tear_down() {
system("rm -rf ./test_run");
class OptionsTest : public testing::Test {
OptionsTest() {}
virtual ~OptionsTest() {}
TEST_F(OptionsTest, parse_root_path) {
std::string path_prefix = boost::filesystem::system_complete("./test_run").string();
std::string path1 = path_prefix + "/palo";
std::string path2 = path_prefix + "/palo.ssd";
std::string root_path;
StorePath path;
// /path<.extension>, <capacity>
root_path = path1;
ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, parse_root_path(root_path, &path));
ASSERT_STREQ(path1.c_str(), path.path.c_str());
ASSERT_EQ(-1, path.capacity_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(TStorageMedium::HDD, path.storage_medium);
root_path = path2;
ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, parse_root_path(root_path, &path));
ASSERT_STREQ(path2.c_str(), path.path.c_str());
ASSERT_EQ(-1, path.capacity_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(TStorageMedium::SSD, path.storage_medium);
root_path = path2 + ", 50";
ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, parse_root_path(root_path, &path));
ASSERT_STREQ(path2.c_str(), path.path.c_str());
ASSERT_EQ(50 * GB_EXCHANGE_BYTE, path.capacity_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(TStorageMedium::SSD, path.storage_medium);
// /path, <property>:<value>,...
root_path = path1 + ", capacity:50, medium: ssd";
ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, parse_root_path(root_path, &path));
ASSERT_STREQ(path1.c_str(), path.path.c_str());
ASSERT_EQ(50 * GB_EXCHANGE_BYTE, path.capacity_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(TStorageMedium::SSD, path.storage_medium);
root_path = path1 + ", medium: ssd, capacity:30";
ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, parse_root_path(root_path, &path));
ASSERT_STREQ(path1.c_str(), path.path.c_str());
ASSERT_EQ(30 * GB_EXCHANGE_BYTE, path.capacity_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(TStorageMedium::SSD, path.storage_medium);
root_path = path1 + " , medium: ssd, 60";
ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, parse_root_path(root_path, &path));
ASSERT_STREQ(path1.c_str(), path.path.c_str());
ASSERT_EQ(60 * GB_EXCHANGE_BYTE, path.capacity_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(TStorageMedium::SSD, path.storage_medium);
root_path = path1 + ", medium: ssd, 60, medium: hdd, capacity: 10";
ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, parse_root_path(root_path, &path));
ASSERT_STREQ(path1.c_str(), path.path.c_str());
ASSERT_EQ(10 * GB_EXCHANGE_BYTE, path.capacity_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(TStorageMedium::HDD, path.storage_medium);
root_path = path2 + ", medium: hdd, 60, capacity: 10";
ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, parse_root_path(root_path, &path));
ASSERT_STREQ(path2.c_str(), path.path.c_str());
ASSERT_EQ(10 * GB_EXCHANGE_BYTE, path.capacity_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(TStorageMedium::HDD, path.storage_medium);
} // namespace doris
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
int ret = doris::OLAP_SUCCESS;
ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
return ret;