blob: abaa8434a80677cebe331f861e662bc749b684f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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#include "olap/bloom_filter.hpp"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <string>
#include "common/configbase.h"
#include "util/logging.h"
using std::string;
namespace doris {
class TestBloomFilter : public testing::Test {
virtual ~TestBloomFilter() {}
virtual void SetUp() {}
virtual void TearDown() {}
// Init BloomFilter with different item number and fpp,
// and verify bit_num and hash_function_num calculated by BloomFilter
TEST_F(TestBloomFilter, init_bloom_filter) {
BloomFilter bf;
ASSERT_EQ(6400, bf.bit_num());
ASSERT_EQ(4, bf.hash_function_num());
BloomFilter bf;
bf.init(1024, 0.01);
ASSERT_EQ(9856, bf.bit_num());
ASSERT_EQ(7, bf.hash_function_num());
BloomFilter bf;
bf.init(10240, 0.1);
ASSERT_EQ(49088, bf.bit_num());
ASSERT_EQ(3, bf.hash_function_num());
BloomFilter bf;
uint32_t data_len = 100;
uint32_t hash_function_num = 4;
uint64_t* data = new uint64_t[data_len];
bf.init(data, data_len, hash_function_num);
ASSERT_EQ(6400, bf.bit_num());
ASSERT_EQ(4, bf.hash_function_num());
ASSERT_EQ(data, bf.bit_set_data());
ASSERT_EQ(0, bf.bit_num());
ASSERT_EQ(0, bf.hash_function_num());
ASSERT_EQ(NULL, bf.bit_set_data());
delete[] data;
// Add different buffer to BloomFilter and verify existence
TEST_F(TestBloomFilter, add_and_test_bytes) {
string bytes;
BloomFilter bf;
bf.add_bytes(nullptr, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(bf.test_bytes(nullptr, 0));
bytes = "hello";
bf.add_bytes(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
ASSERT_TRUE(bf.test_bytes(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size()));
bytes = "doris";
bf.add_bytes(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
ASSERT_TRUE(bf.test_bytes(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size()));
BloomFilter new_bf;
bytes = "world";
new_bf.add_bytes(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
ASSERT_TRUE(bf.test_bytes(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size()));
// Print bloom filter buffer and points of specified string
TEST_F(TestBloomFilter, bloom_filter_info) {
string bytes;
BloomFilter bf;
bf.init(8, 0.1);
bytes = "doris";
bf.add_bytes(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
string buffer_expect =
"bit_num:64 hash_function_num:6 "
string buffer = bf.to_string();
ASSERT_TRUE(buffer_expect == buffer);
string points_expect = "4-23-42-61-16-35";
string points = bf.get_bytes_points_string(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
ASSERT_TRUE(points_expect == points);
bytes = "a";
points = bf.get_bytes_points_string(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
LOG(WARNING) << "bytes=" << bytes << " points=" << points;
bytes = "ab";
points = bf.get_bytes_points_string(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
LOG(WARNING) << "bytes=" << bytes << " points=" << points;
bytes = "b";
points = bf.get_bytes_points_string(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
LOG(WARNING) << "bytes=" << bytes << " points=" << points;
bytes = "ba";
points = bf.get_bytes_points_string(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
LOG(WARNING) << "bytes=" << bytes << " points=" << points;
bytes = "c";
points = bf.get_bytes_points_string(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
LOG(WARNING) << "bytes=" << bytes << " points=" << points;
bytes = "bc";
points = bf.get_bytes_points_string(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
LOG(WARNING) << "bytes=" << bytes << " points=" << points;
bytes = "ac";
points = bf.get_bytes_points_string(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
LOG(WARNING) << "bytes=" << bytes << " points=" << points;
bytes = "abc";
points = bf.get_bytes_points_string(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
LOG(WARNING) << "bytes=" << bytes << " points=" << points;
} // namespace doris
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();