blob: 43997e5347edbfea552a6ffdc669a85d433d0f6c [file] [log] [blame]
import { MetadataPosition, HighlightChunk } from "../../shared/interfaces";
import { highlightStemmed, splitIntoChunks } from "./highlightStemmed";
describe("highlightStemmed", () => {
test.each<[string, MetadataPosition[], string[], number | undefined, string]>(
"I Have A Dream. And the dream comes true",
//1 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0
[9, 5], // dream
[24, 5], // dream
[36, 4], // true
["dream", "true"],
"I Have A <mark>Dream</mark>. And the <mark>dream</mark> comes <mark>true</mark>",
"I Have A Dream. And the dream comes true",
//1 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0
[9, 5], // dream
[24, 5], // dream
[36, 4], // true
["dream", "true"],
"… A <mark>Dream</mark>. And …",
"highlightStemmed('%s', %j, %j, %j) should return '%s'",
(text, positions, tokens, maxLength, result) => {
expect(highlightStemmed(text, positions, tokens, maxLength)).toEqual(
describe("splitIntoChunks", () => {
test.each<[string, MetadataPosition[], string[], HighlightChunk[], number]>([
"I Have A Dream. And the dream comes true.<br />",
//1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
[9, 5], // dream
[12, 2], // am
[24, 5], // dream
[27, 2], // am
[36, 4], // true
["dream", "true", "am"],
html: "I",
textLength: 1,
html: " ",
textLength: 1,
html: "Have",
textLength: 4,
html: " ",
textLength: 1,
html: "A",
textLength: 1,
html: " ",
textLength: 1,
html: "<mark>Dream</mark>",
textLength: 5,
html: ". ",
textLength: 2,
html: "And",
textLength: 3,
html: " ",
textLength: 1,
html: "the",
textLength: 3,
html: " ",
textLength: 1,
html: "<mark>dream</mark>",
textLength: 5,
html: " ",
textLength: 1,
html: "comes",
textLength: 5,
html: " ",
textLength: 1,
html: "<mark>true</mark>",
textLength: 4,
html: ".&lt;",
textLength: 2,
html: "br",
textLength: 2,
html: " /&gt;",
textLength: 3,
[0, 3],
[0, 2],
["研究生", "研究"],
html: "<mark>研究生</mark>",
textLength: 3,
"splitIntoChunks('%s', %j, %j, 0, 0) should return %j",
(text, positions, tokens, chunks, chunkIndex) => {
expect(splitIntoChunks(text, positions, tokens)).toEqual({