{ ‘title’: ‘Apache Doris announced the official release of version 1.1.2’, ‘description’: ‘Dear community, Apache Doris team has fixed more than 170 issues or performance improvements in version 1.1.2 compared to previous verisons’, ‘date’: ‘2022-09-13’, ‘author’: ‘Apache Doris’, ‘tags’: [‘Release Notes’], “image”: ‘/images/release-notes.png’ }

In this release, Doris Team has fixed more than 170 issues or performance improvement since 1.1.1. This release is a bugfix release on 1.1 and all users are encouraged to upgrade to this release.


New MemTracker

Introduced new MemTracker for both vectorized engine and non-vectorized engine which is more accurate.

Add API for showing current queries and kill query

Support read/write emoji of UTF16 via ODBC Table


Data Lake related improvements

  • Improved HDFS ORC File scan performance about 300%. #11501

  • Support HDFS HA mode when query Iceberg table.

  • Support query Hive data created by Apache Tez

  • Add Ali OSS as Hive external support.

Add support for string and text type in Spark Load

Add reuse block in non-vectorized engine and have 50% performance improvement in some cases. #11392

Improve like or regex performance

Disable tcmalloc's aggressive_memory_decommit

It will have 40% performance gains in load or query.

Currently it is a config, you can change it by set config tc_enable_aggressive_memory_decommit.

Bug Fixes

Some issues about FE that will cause FE failure or data corrupt.

  • Add reserved disk config to avoid too many reserved BDB-JE files.(Serious) In an HA environment, BDB JE will retains as many reserved files. The BDB-je log doesn't delete until approaching a disk limit.

  • Fix fatal bug in BDB-JE which will cause FE replica could not start correctly or data corrupted.** (Serious)**

Fe will hang on waitFor_rpc during query and BE will hang in high concurrent scenarios.

#12459 #12458 #12392

A fatal issue in vectorized storage engine which will cause wrong result. (Serious)

#11754 #11694

Lots of planner related issues that will cause BE core or in abnormal state.

#12080 #12075 #12040 #12003 #12007 #11971 #11933 #11861 #11859 #11855 #11837 #11834 #11821 #11782 #11723 #11569