tree: bb2c60309e98b8ffa51960e122a1af8413253e74 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. .gitignore
  4. LICENSE.txt
  5. pom.xml

Oracle NoSQL Database Server

Berkley Database Java Edition - build and runtime support.

LicensesApache 2
Home page
Source code
OrganizationOracle Corporation
DevelopersOracle Corporation


A fork of com.sleepycat:je:18.3.12 from bdbje, Applied patches from StarRocks bdbje. Because of StarRocks bdbje based on version 7.x, Apache Doris use bdbje base on version 18.x. So cannot use StarRocks bdb-je directly.

Deploy maven snapshot

  1. Preparation

    Following the instruction of Maven Release Preparation

  2. Change the version in pom.xml

    Change the version in pom.xml and create a tag.

    Push the tag to the repo.

  3. Deploy

    Run: mvn deploy

    If you see error: You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key.

    Run: gpg -s aaa

    aaa can be a non-exist file, and a window will pop up to let you enter the passphase.

    Run: mvn deploy again.

    If success, you will see the snapshot in