[Release]Add change log (#21)

* Add new hive catalog shade package to resolve version conflicts (#7)

- The thrift used internally by hive is not compatible with the thrift version used internally by our doris

* Hive-catalog shade package dependency slimming (#11)

* Update pom.xml

* rename commons-lang3 (#13)

* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release doris-shade-1.0.1

* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

* rename commons-cli to prevent conflicts (#14)

* [hive-catalog] update to 1.0.3 snapshot (#15)

* [paimon-catalog] Add paimon-catalog (#18)

Co-authored-by: hugoluo <hugoluo@tencent.com>

* rename com.google.flatbuffers (#19)

* 1.0.1-pre-release


Co-authored-by: wudi <676366545@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: wudi <>
Co-authored-by: Mingyu Chen <morningman@163.com>
Co-authored-by: yuxuan-luo <119841515+yuxuan-luo@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: hugoluo <hugoluo@tencent.com>
Co-authored-by: WenYao <729673078@qq.com>
11 files changed
tree: 47266d723586c716b2ac8d80ad14ae28df5d55ae
  1. .github/
  2. hadoop-aws-shade-2/
  3. hadoop-cloud-shade-2/
  4. hadoop-shade-2/
  5. hive-catalog-shade/
  6. hive-shade-3/
  7. hudi-mr-shade-0.13/
  8. kerby-shade-1.0/
  9. spring-shade-5/
  10. thrift-shade-0.13/
  11. .asf.yaml
  12. .gitignore
  13. CHANGE-LOG.txt
  15. NOTICE
  16. pom.xml
  17. README.md

Apache Doris Shade Dependencies

This repository contains a number of shaded dependencies for the Apache Doris project.