blob: 5fec825554f109e8246640041ee7bbff93c6f1f9 [file] [log] [blame]
export default {
'en-us': {
barText: 'Blog',
postsTitle: 'All posts',
list: [
title: ' Big Data Workflow Task Scheduling - Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) for Topological Sorting',
author: 'LidongDai',
translator: 'QuakeWang',
dateStr: '2021-05-06',
desc: 'DAG: Full name Directed Acyclic Graph,referred to as DAG。Tasks in the workflow are assembled in the form of directed acyclic graphs, which are topologically traversed from nodes with zero indegrees of ingress until there are no successor nodes.',
link: '/en-us/blog/DAG.html',
title: 'FAQ of Apache DolphinScheduler',
author: 'LidongDai',
dateStr: '2021-03-20',
desc: 'Apache Dolphin Scheduler(Incubating) will organize a meetup in Shanghai 2019.10.26. Welcome to register.',
link: '/en-us/blog/FAQ.html',
title: 'Apache Dolphin Scheduler(Incubating) Meetup 2019.10 Shanghai',
author: 'William',
dateStr: '2019-9-27',
desc: 'Apache Dolphin Scheduler(Incubating) will organize a meetup in Shanghai 2019.10.26. Welcome to register.',
link: '/en-us/blog/meetup_2019_10_26.html',
'zh-cn': {
barText: '博客',
postsTitle: '所有文章',
list: [
title: 'Apache Dolphin Scheduler(Incubating)将于2019.10在上海举行见面会',
author: '郭炜',
dateStr: '2019-9-27',
desc: 'Apache Dolphin Scheduler(Incubating) 将于2019年10月26日在上海组织一次会议,欢迎踊跃报名。 ',
link: '/zh-cn/blog/meetup_2019_10_26.html',
title: 'Apache DolphinScheduler 需要的sudo,还可以这么玩,长见识了!',
author: '海豚调度',
dateStr: '2020-12-16',
target: '_blank',
desc: '这里推荐一下社区贡献者 import 的实践文章,写的非常赞,sudo 也是非常的痛点,也寻求一种更好的实现方式来实现多租户',
link: '',
title: 'DolphinScheduler & K8s 在优路科技的实践!',
author: '李文禾',
dateStr: '2020-11-12',
target: '_blank',
desc: '本文通过介绍DolphinScheduler on Kubernetes 在优路科技的实践,阐述了DolphinScheduler如何在云原生时代,更好地助力企业实现高效的数据调度解决方案',
link: '',
title: 'Apache Dolphinscheduler 1.3.x 系列配置文件指南',
author: '张伯毅',
dateStr: '2021-01-05',
target: '_blank',
desc: '本文档为dolphinscheduler配置文件指南,针对版本为 dolphinscheduler-1.3.x 版本',
link: '',