
pydolphinscheduler is python API for Apache DolphinScheduler, it just defines what workflow look like instead of store or execute it. We here use py4j to dynamically access Java Virtual Machine.

Setup Develop Environment

PyDolphinScheduler use GitHub to hold all source code, you should clone the code before you do same change.

git clone

Now, we should install all dependence to make sure we could run test or check code style locally

python -m pip install -e '.[dev]'

Next, we have to open pydolphinscheduler project in you editor. We recommend you use pycharm instead of IntelliJ IDEA to open it.

Brief Concept

Apache DolphinScheduler is design to define workflow by UI, and pydolphinscheduler try to define it by code. When define by code, user usually do not care user, tenant, or queue exists or not. All user care about is created a new workflow according the code definition. So we have some models object in pydolphinscheduler/models directory, their only check object exists or not, and create them if not exists.

More detail about core concept, please read concept in our documentation.

Syntax To Trigger Specific CI During Pull Request

We use [GitHub Actions][github-actions] to run CI, and it will run automatically when you push code to GitHub. But some CI we do not need to run them every time, or we have special rule to change our CI behavior.

  • [run-it]: By default, we will skip all integration test in pull requests, if you want to run them, you should add this syntax to your latest Git commit message. The common reason to run integration test is you change some code related to python gateway service in repository apache/dolphinscheduler.

Test Your Code

Linting and tests is very important for open source project, so we pay more attention to it. We have continuous integration service run by GitHub Action to test whether the patch is good or not, which you could jump to section With GitHub Action see more detail.

And to make more convenience to local tests, we also have the way to run your test automated with tox locally(run all tests except integrate test with need docker environment). It is helpful when your try to find out the detail when continuous integration in GitHub Action failed, or you have a great patch and want to test local first.

Besides automated testing with tox locally, we also have a manual way run tests. And it is scattered commands to reproduce each step of the integration test we told about.

With GitHub Action

GitHub Action test in various environment for pydolphinscheduler, including different python version in 3.9|3.10|3.11|3.12|3.13 and operating system linux|macOS|windows. It will trigger and run automatically when you submit pull requests to repository apache/dolphinscheduler-sdk-python.

Automated Testing With tox

tox is a package aims to automate and standardize testing in Python, both our continuous integration and local test use it to run actual task. To use it, you should install it first

python -m pip install --upgrade tox

After installation, you could run a single command to run all the tests, it is almost like test in GitHub Action but not so much different environment.

tox -e local-ci

It will take a while when you run it the first time, because it has to install dependencies and make some prepare, and the next time you run it will be faster.

The command tox -e local-ci will run all tests including code-style test, unit test, docs build test, which excepting integrate test, because it needs to run dolphinscheduler before the test, for more detail, please read Integrate Test.

If you failed section lint when you run command tox -e local-ci, you could try to run command tox -e auto-lint which we provider fix as many lints as possible. When I finish, you could run command tox -e local-ci to see whether the linter pass or not, you have to fix it by yourself if linter still fail.

NOTE: You can add -r or --recreate to recreate the virtual environment of tox, it is useful when you change our dependencies in or tox.ini, or some odd things happen.


Code Style

We use isort to automatically keep Python imports alphabetically, and use Black for code formatter and Flake8 for pep8 checker. If you use pycharmor IntelliJ IDEA, maybe you could follow Black-integration to configure them in your environment.

Our Python API CI would automatically run code style checker and unittest when you submit pull request in GitHub, you could also run static check locally.

Code Style Using tox

The command tox -e auto-lint will run code style checker and formatter, and fix as many lints as possible(some flake8 linter can not auto fix). When it finishes, you could run command tox -e local-ci to see whether have some flake8 linter still fail, you have to fix it by yourself.

Code Style Using pre-commit

We recommend pre-commit to do the checker mentioned above before you develop locally. You should install pre-commit by running

python -m pip install pre-commit 

in your development environment and then run pre-commit install to set up the git hooks scripts. After finish above steps, each time you run git commit or git push would run pre-commit check to make basic check before you create pull requests in GitHub.

Code Style Manually

If you do not want to use tox and pre-commit, you can run these lints command manually. First we should install dependencies for lints

python -m pip install '.[style]'
# We recommend you run isort and Black before Flake8, because Black could auto fix some code style issue
# but Flake8 just hint when code style not match pep8

# Run Isort
python -m isort .

# Run Black
python -m black .

# Run Flake8
python -m flake8

Build Document

We use sphinx to build docs. Dolphinscheduler Python API CI would automatically build docs when you submit pull request in GitHub. You may locally ensure docs could be built successfully in case the failure blocks CI, you can build by tox or manual.

Build Document Automatically with tox

We integrated document build process into tox, you can build the latest document and all document(including history documents) via single command

# Build the latest document in dev branch
tox -e doc-build
# Build all documents, which including the latest and all history documents
tox -e doc-build-multi

Build Document Manually

You can also build docs manually instead of using tox, in this case you should install dependencies first

python -m pip install '.[doc]'

Then go to document directory and execute the build command

cd pydolphinscheduler/docs/
make clean && make html

or if you want to build history documents, you should execute the command below

# Fetch all history tags because we use tag to build history documents via [sphinx-multiversion](
git fetch --tags
cd pydolphinscheduler/docs/
make clean && make multiversion

Unit Test

pydolphinscheduler using pytest to test our codebase. GitHub Action will run our test when you create pull request or commit to dev branch, with python version 3.9|3.10|3.11|3.12|3.13 and operating system linux|macOS|windows.

Unit Test Using tox

We integrated unit test into tox, you can run all unit tests and check the code coverage via single command

# Run unit test base on current python version
tox -e code-test

Besides run tests, it will also check the unit test coverage threshold, for now when test cover less than 90% will fail the coverage, as well as our GitHub Action.

Unit Test Manually

pydolphinscheduler using pytest to run all tests in directory tests. You could run tests by the commands

python -m pytest --cov=pydolphinscheduler --cov-config=.coveragerc tests/

The command above will check test coverage automatically, and you could also test the coverage by command.

python -m coverage run && python -m  coverage report

It would not only run unit test but also show each file coverage which cover rate less than 100%, and TOTAL line show you total coverage of you code. If your CI failed with coverage you could go and find some reason by this command output.

Integrate Test

Integrate Test can not run when you execute command tox -e local-ci because it needs external environment including Docker and specific image build by maven. Here we would show you the step to run integrate test in directory tests/integration. There are two ways to run integrate tests.

Launch Docker Container Locally

# Clone apache/dolphinscheduler repository
git clone

# Build apache/dolphinscheduler-standalone-server docker image
./mvnw -B clean install \
    -Dmaven.test.skip \
    -Dmaven.javadoc.skip \
    -Dmaven.checkstyle.skip \
    -Pdocker,release -Ddocker.tag=ci \
    -pl dolphinscheduler-standalone-server -am

# Go to dolphinscheduler-sdk/python root directory and run integrate tests via tox
cd dolphinscheduler-sdk/python
tox -e integrate-test

Start Standalone Server in IntelliJ IDEA

# Clone apache/dolphinscheduler repository
git clone

# Run apache/dolphinscheduler's Standalone Server in IntelliJ IDEA according to

# Go to dolphinscheduler-sdk/python root directory and run integrate tests via tox
tox -e local-integrate-test

NOTE: You can also run integrate test via command python -m pytest tests/integration/ or run them in Pycharm, after you start Standalone Server above.

Add LICENSE When New Dependencies Adding

When you add a new package in pydolphinscheduler, you should also add the package's LICENSE to directory licenses, and also add a short description to LICENSE file.

Update when public class, method or interface is being changed

When you change public class, method or interface, you should change the to notice users who may use it in other way.
