blob: 2a734467efa564951eac51a33b5b272dbfba92c8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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"""Configuration module for pydolphinscheduler."""
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
from pydolphinscheduler.exceptions import PyDSConfException
from pydolphinscheduler.utils import file
from pydolphinscheduler.utils.yaml_parser import YamlParser
BUILD_IN_CONFIG_PATH = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.joinpath("default_config.yaml")
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def config_path() -> Path:
"""Get the path of pydolphinscheduler configuration file."""
pyds_home = os.environ.get("PYDS_HOME", "~/pydolphinscheduler")
config_file_path = Path(pyds_home).joinpath("config.yaml").expanduser()
return config_file_path
def get_configs() -> YamlParser:
"""Get all configuration settings from configuration file.
Will use custom configuration file first if it exists, otherwise default configuration file in
default path.
path = str(config_path()) if config_path().exists() else BUILD_IN_CONFIG_PATH
with open(path) as f:
return YamlParser(
def init_config_file() -> None:
"""Initialize configuration file by default configs."""
path: Path = config_path()
if path.exists():
raise PyDSConfException(
"Initialize configuration false to avoid overwrite configure by accident, file already exists "
"in %s, if you wan to overwrite the exists configure please remove the exists file manually.",
file.write(content=str(get_configs()), to_path=str(path))
def get_single_config(key: str) -> Any:
"""Get single config to configuration file.
Support get from nested keys by delimiter ``.``.
For example, yaml config as below:
.. code-block:: yaml
three: value1
two2: value2
you could get ``value1`` and ``value2`` by nested path
.. code-block:: python
value1 = get_single_config("one.two1.three")
value2 = get_single_config("one.two2")
:param key: The config key want to get it value.
config = get_configs()
if key not in config:
raise PyDSConfException(
"Configuration path %s do not exists. Can not get configuration.", key
return config[key]
def set_single_config(key: str, value: Any) -> None:
"""Change single config to configuration file.
For example, yaml config as below:
.. code-block:: yaml
three: value1
two2: value2
you could change ``value1`` to ``value3``, also change ``value2`` to ``value4`` by nested path assigned
.. code-block:: python
set_single_config["one.two1.three"] = "value3"
set_single_config["one.two2"] = "value4"
:param key: The config key want change.
:param value: The new value want to set.
config = get_configs()
if key not in config:
raise PyDSConfException(
"Configuration path %s do not exists. Can not set configuration.", key
config[key] = value
file.write(content=str(config), to_path=str(config_path()), overwrite=True)
def token_alert(auth_token: str) -> None:
"""Alert when auth token is default token or None or not.
To avoid user forget to change the default token, we will alert user we they use it.
if auth_token is None:
"Auth token is None, highly recommend add a token in production, "
"especially you deploy in public network."
config = get_configs()
if config.get("java_gateway.auth_token") == auth_token:
"Auth token is default token, highly recommend add a token in production, "
"especially you deploy in public network."
def get_int(val: Any) -> int:
"""Covert value to int."""
return int(val)
def get_bool(val: Any) -> bool:
"""Covert value to boolean."""
if isinstance(val, str):
return val.lower() in {"true", "t"}
elif isinstance(val, int):
return val == 1
return bool(val)
# Start Common Configuration Settings
# Add configs as module variables to avoid read configuration multiple times when
# Get common configuration setting
# Set or get multiple configs in single time
configs: YamlParser = get_configs()
# Java Gateway Settings
JAVA_GATEWAY_ADDRESS = os.environ.get(
"PYDS_JAVA_GATEWAY_ADDRESS", configs.get("java_gateway.address")
os.environ.get("PYDS_JAVA_GATEWAY_PORT", configs.get("java_gateway.port"))
"PYDS_JAVA_GATEWAY_AUTO_CONVERT", configs.get("java_gateway.auto_convert")
JAVA_GATEWAY_AUTH_TOKEN = os.environ.get(
"PYDS_JAVA_GATEWAY_AUTH_TOKEN", configs.get("java_gateway.auth_token")
# User Settings
USER_NAME = os.environ.get("PYDS_USER_NAME", configs.get(""))
USER_PASSWORD = os.environ.get(
"PYDS_USER_PASSWORD", configs.get("default.user.password")
USER_EMAIL = os.environ.get("PYDS_USER_EMAIL", configs.get(""))
USER_TENANT = os.environ.get("PYDS_USER_TENANT", configs.get("default.user.tenant"))
USER_PHONE = str(os.environ.get("PYDS_USER_PHONE", configs.get("")))
USER_STATE = get_int(
os.environ.get("PYDS_USER_STATE", configs.get("default.user.state"))
# Workflow Settings
WORKFLOW_PROJECT = os.environ.get(
"PYDS_WORKFLOW_PROJECT", configs.get("default.workflow.project")
WORKFLOW_USER = os.environ.get(
"PYDS_WORKFLOW_USER", configs.get("default.workflow.user")
WORKFLOW_QUEUE = os.environ.get(
"PYDS_WORKFLOW_QUEUE", configs.get("default.workflow.queue")
WORKFLOW_RELEASE_STATE = os.environ.get(
"PYDS_WORKFLOW_RELEASE_STATE", configs.get("default.workflow.release_state")
WORKFLOW_WORKER_GROUP = os.environ.get(
"PYDS_WORKFLOW_WORKER_GROUP", configs.get("default.workflow.worker_group")
WORKFLOW_TIME_ZONE = os.environ.get(
"PYDS_WORKFLOW_TIME_ZONE", configs.get("default.workflow.time_zone")
WORKFLOW_WARNING_TYPE = os.environ.get(
"PYDS_WORKFLOW_WARNING_TYPE", configs.get("default.workflow.warning_type")
"PYDS_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_TYPE", configs.get("default.workflow.execution_type")
# End Common Configuration Setting