| src = ["src"] |
| |
| target-version = "py38" |
| |
| # max-line-length = 110 |
| line-length = 110 |
| |
| lint.extend-select = [ |
| "I", # isort |
| "D", # pydocstyle |
| "UP", # pyupgrade |
| ] |
| |
| lint.ignore = [ |
| # D107: Missing docstring in __init__ |
| "D107", |
| # D105: Missing docstring in magic method |
| "D105", |
| # D418: Function/ Method decorated with @overload shouldn’t contain a docstring |
| "D418", |
| # D400: First line should end with a period |
| "D400", |
| ] |
| |
| # Exclude a variety of commonly ignored directories. |
| exclude = [ |
| "__pycache__", |
| ".egg-info", |
| ".eggs", |
| ".git", |
| ".pytest_cache", |
| ".tox", |
| "build", |
| "dist", |
| "examples", |
| "venv", |
| "docs/source/conf.py", |
| "htmlcov" |
| ] |
| |
| [lint.extend-per-file-ignores] |
| "*/pydolphinscheduler/side/__init__.py" = ["F401"] |
| "*/pydolphinscheduler/tasks/__init__.py" = ["F401"] |
| |
| [lint.isort] |
| # Mark sqlfluff, test and it's plugins as known first party |
| known-first-party = [ |
| "pydolphinscheduler", |
| ] |
| |
| [lint.pydocstyle] |
| convention = "google" |