Fix wrong license header
2 files changed
tree: 86ce45220b97a1a30d6e0bc08336186b29c1295f
  1. .github/
  2. api/
  3. config/
  4. controllers/
  5. hack/
  6. .dockerignore
  7. .gitignore
  8. .licenserc.yaml
  9. Dockerfile
  10. go.mod
  11. go.sum
  12. main.go
  13. Makefile



  1. deployment the master ,worker moudle
  2. scale the pods numbers with one commond
  3. update the master,worker version quickly (not include the sql)

Project Status

Project status: ‘alpha1’

Current API version: v1alpha1


go version : go1.17.6

minikube version: v1.25.1

kubebuilder version: 3.3.0

kubectl version: 1.23.1

Get Started

  1. create namespace ds

    kubectl create namespace ds

  2. install postgres (not required)

    if had no postgressql ,you can turn into config/ds/ and run “kubectl apply -f postgreSQL/” ,but you need to replace your local document to hostPath.path in postgres-pv.yaml first

    connect to postgressql and run the sql script in dolphinscheduler/dolphinscheduler-dao/resources/sql

    record the deployment ip eg:


  1. install zookeeper(not required)

    if had no zookeeper ,the doployment file is in config/ds/zookeeper ,run “kubectl apply -f zookeeper/” and record the ip ,eg :

  2. create pv and pvc (not required)

    if you had pv and pvc ,you can config it in config/sameples

    or you can create it with config/ds/ds-pv.yaml and config/configmap/ds-pvc.yaml .notice to replace your local document address in hostPath.path in ds-pv.yaml

    and you can mount the lib in dolphinscheduler /opt/soft in config/samples/ds_v1alpha1_dsworker.yaml with paramter named lib_pvc_name

    mount the logs in /opt/dolphinscheduler/logs with the paramters named log_pvc_name with pvcname

how to test

  • replace the database config and zookeeper config paramters in config/samples/*.yaml

  • replace the nodeport in config/samples/ds_v1alpha1_api.yaml

  • in current project run “make build && make manifests && make install && make run”

  • cd to config/samples

  • first run "kubectl apply -f ds_v1alpha1_dsalert.yaml "

  • then run "kubectl apply -f ds_v1alpha1_api.yaml -f ds_v1alpha1_dsmaster.yaml -f ds_v1alpha1_dsworker.yaml "

the result
