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DistributedLog meets MapReduce

A distributedlog log stream is consists of log segments. Each log segment is distributed among multiple bookies node. This nature of data distribution allows distributedlog easily integrated with any analytics processing systems like MapReduce and Spark. This tutorial shows how you could use MapReduce to process log streams' data in batch and how MapReduce can leverage the data locality of log segments.


InputFormat is one of the fundamental class in Hadoop MapReduce framework, that is used for accessing data from different sources. The class is responsible for defining two main things:

  • Data Splits
  • Record Reader

Data Split is a fundamental concept in Hadoop MapReduce framework which defines both the size of individual Map tasks and its potential execution server. The Record Reader is responsible for actual reading records from the data split and submitting them (as key/value pairs) to the mapper.

Using distributedlog log streams as the sources for a MapReduce job, the log segments are the data splits, while the log segment reader for a log segment is the record reader for a data split.

Log Segment vs Data Split

Any split implementation extends the Apache base abstract class - InputSplit, defining a split length and locations. A distributedlog log segment has record count, which could be used to define the length of the split, and its metadata contains the storage nodes that are used to store its log records, which could be used to define the locations of the split. So we could create a LogSegmentSplit wrapping over a LogSegment (LogSegmentMetadata and LedgerMetadata).

public class LogSegmentSplit extends InputSplit {

    private LogSegmentMetadata logSegmentMetadata;
    private LedgerMetadata ledgerMetadata;

    public LogSegmentSplit() {}

    public LogSegmentSplit(LogSegmentMetadata logSegmentMetadata,
                           LedgerMetadata ledgerMetadata) {
        this.logSegmentMetadata = logSegmentMetadata;
        this.ledgerMetadata = ledgerMetadata;


The length of the log segment split is the number of records in the log segment.

public long getLength()
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    return logSegmentMetadata.getRecordCount();

The locations of the log segment split are the bookies' addresses in the ensembles of the log segment.

public String[] getLocations()
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    Set<String> locations = Sets.newHashSet();
    for (ArrayList<BookieSocketAddress> ensemble : ledgerMetadata.getEnsembles().values()) {
        for (BookieSocketAddress host : ensemble) {
    return locations.toArray(new String[locations.size()]);

At this point, we will have a basic LogSegmentSplit wrapping LogSegmentMetadata and LedgerMetadata. Then we could retrieve the list of log segments of a log stream and construct corresponding data splits in distributedlog inputformat.

public class DistributedLogInputFormat
        extends InputFormat<DLSN, LogRecordWithDLSN> implements Configurable {

    public List<InputSplit> getSplits(JobContext jobContext)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        List<LogSegmentMetadata> segments = dlm.getLogSegments();
        List<InputSplit> inputSplits = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(segments.size());
        BookKeeper bk = namespace.getReaderBKC().get();
        LedgerManager lm = BookKeeperAccessor.getLedgerManager(bk);
        final AtomicInteger rcHolder = new AtomicInteger(0);
        final AtomicReference<LedgerMetadata> metadataHolder = new AtomicReference<LedgerMetadata>(null);
        for (LogSegmentMetadata segment : segments) {
            final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
                    new BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.GenericCallback<LedgerMetadata>() {
                public void operationComplete(int rc, LedgerMetadata ledgerMetadata) {
            if (BKException.Code.OK != rcHolder.get()) {
                throw new IOException("Faild to get log segment metadata for " + segment + " : "
                        + BKException.getMessage(rcHolder.get()));
            inputSplits.add(new LogSegmentSplit(segment, metadataHolder.get()));
        return inputSplits;


Log Segment Record Reader

At this point, we know how to break the log streams into data splits. Then we need to be able to create a RecordReader for individual data split. Since each data split is effectively a log segment in distributedlog, it is straight to implement it using distributedlog‘s log segment reader. For simplicity, this example uses the raw bk api to access entries, which it doesn’t leverage features like ReadAhead provided in distributedlog. It could be changed to use log segment reader for better performance.

From the data split, we know which log segment and its corresponding bookkeeper ledger. Then we could open the ledger handle when initializing the record reader.

LogSegmentReader(String streamName,
                 DistributedLogConfiguration conf,
                 BookKeeper bk,
                 LogSegmentSplit split)
        throws IOException {
    this.streamName = streamName;
    this.bk = bk;
    this.metadata = split.getMetadata();
    try {
        this.lh = bk.openLedgerNoRecovery(
    } catch (BKException e) {
        throw new IOException(e);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new IOException(e);

Reading records from the data split is effectively reading records from the distributedlog log segment.

try {
    Enumeration<LedgerEntry> entries =
            lh.readEntries(entryId, entryId);
    if (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
        LedgerEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
    return nextKeyValue();
} catch (BKException e) {
    throw new IOException(e);

We could calculate the progress by comparing the position with the record count of this log segment.

public float getProgress()
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    if (metadata.getRecordCount() > 0) {
        return ((float) (readPos + 1)) / metadata.getRecordCount();
    return 1;

Once we have LogSegmentSplit and the LogSegmentReader over a split. We could hook them up to implement distributedlog's InputFormat. Please check out the code for more details.