blob: 60f629de943960611aa78f19f14be8b7724049a8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.distributedlog.api;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import org.apache.distributedlog.AppendOnlyStreamReader;
import org.apache.distributedlog.AppendOnlyStreamWriter;
import org.apache.distributedlog.DLSN;
import org.apache.distributedlog.LogRecordWithDLSN;
import org.apache.distributedlog.LogSegmentMetadata;
import org.apache.distributedlog.callback.LogSegmentListener;
import org.apache.distributedlog.namespace.NamespaceDriver;
import org.apache.distributedlog.api.subscription.SubscriptionsStore;
* A DistributedLogManager is responsible for managing a single place of storing
* edit logs. It may correspond to multiple files, a backup node, etc.
* Even when the actual underlying storage is rolled, or failed and restored,
* each conceptual place of storage corresponds to exactly one instance of
* this class, which is created when the EditLog is first opened.
public interface DistributedLogManager extends AsyncCloseable, Closeable {
* Get the name of the stream managed by this log manager
* @return streamName
public String getStreamName();
* Get the namespace driver used by this manager.
* @return the namespace driver
public NamespaceDriver getNamespaceDriver();
* Get log segments.
* @return log segments
* @throws IOException
public List<LogSegmentMetadata> getLogSegments() throws IOException;
* Register <i>listener</i> on log segment updates of this stream.
* @param listener
* listener to receive update log segment list.
public void registerListener(LogSegmentListener listener) throws IOException ;
* Unregister <i>listener</i> on log segment updates from this stream.
* @param listener
* listener to receive update log segment list.
public void unregisterListener(LogSegmentListener listener);
* Open async log writer to write records to the log stream.
* @return result represents the open result
public CompletableFuture<AsyncLogWriter> openAsyncLogWriter();
* Begin writing to the log stream identified by the name
* @return the writer interface to generate log records
public LogWriter startLogSegmentNonPartitioned() throws IOException;
* Begin writing to the log stream identified by the name
* @return the writer interface to generate log records
// @Deprecated
public AsyncLogWriter startAsyncLogSegmentNonPartitioned() throws IOException;
* Begin appending to the end of the log stream which is being treated as a sequence of bytes
* @return the writer interface to generate log records
public AppendOnlyStreamWriter getAppendOnlyStreamWriter() throws IOException;
* Get a reader to read a log stream as a sequence of bytes
* @return the writer interface to generate log records
public AppendOnlyStreamReader getAppendOnlyStreamReader() throws IOException;
* Get the input stream starting with fromTxnId for the specified log
* @param fromTxnId - the first transaction id we want to read
* @return the stream starting with transaction fromTxnId
* @throws IOException if a stream cannot be found.
public LogReader getInputStream(long fromTxnId)
throws IOException;
public LogReader getInputStream(DLSN fromDLSN) throws IOException;
* Open an async log reader to read records from a log starting from <code>fromTxnId</code>.
* @param fromTxnId
* transaction id to start reading from
* @return async log reader
public CompletableFuture<AsyncLogReader> openAsyncLogReader(long fromTxnId);
* Open an async log reader to read records from a log starting from <code>fromDLSN</code>
* @param fromDLSN
* dlsn to start reading from
* @return async log reader
public CompletableFuture<AsyncLogReader> openAsyncLogReader(DLSN fromDLSN);
// @Deprecated
public AsyncLogReader getAsyncLogReader(long fromTxnId) throws IOException;
// @Deprecated
public AsyncLogReader getAsyncLogReader(DLSN fromDLSN) throws IOException;
public CompletableFuture<AsyncLogReader> getAsyncLogReaderWithLock(DLSN fromDLSN);
* Get a log reader with lock starting from <i>fromDLSN</i> and using <i>subscriberId</i>.
* If two readers tried to open using same subscriberId, one would succeed, while the other
* will be blocked until it gets the lock.
* @param fromDLSN
* start dlsn
* @param subscriberId
* subscriber id
* @return async log reader
public CompletableFuture<AsyncLogReader> getAsyncLogReaderWithLock(DLSN fromDLSN, String subscriberId);
* Get a log reader using <i>subscriberId</i> with lock. The reader will start reading from
* its last commit position recorded in subscription store. If no last commit position found
* in subscription store, it would start reading from head of the stream.
* If the two readers tried to open using same subscriberId, one would succeed, while the other
* will be blocked until it gets the lock.
* @param subscriberId
* subscriber id
* @return async log reader
public CompletableFuture<AsyncLogReader> getAsyncLogReaderWithLock(String subscriberId);
* Get the {@link DLSN} of first log record whose transaction id is not less than <code>transactionId</code>.
* @param transactionId
* transaction id
* @return dlsn of first log record whose transaction id is not less than transactionId.
public CompletableFuture<DLSN> getDLSNNotLessThanTxId(long transactionId);
* Get the last log record in the stream
* @return the last log record in the stream
* @throws IOException if a stream cannot be found.
public LogRecordWithDLSN getLastLogRecord()
throws IOException;
* Get the earliest Transaction Id available in the log
* @return earliest transaction id
* @throws IOException
public long getFirstTxId() throws IOException;
* Get Latest Transaction Id in the log
* @return latest transaction id
* @throws IOException
public long getLastTxId() throws IOException;
* Get Latest DLSN in the log
* @return last dlsn
* @throws IOException
public DLSN getLastDLSN() throws IOException;
* Get Latest log record with DLSN in the log - async
* @return latest log record with DLSN
public CompletableFuture<LogRecordWithDLSN> getLastLogRecordAsync();
* Get Latest Transaction Id in the log - async
* @return latest transaction id
public CompletableFuture<Long> getLastTxIdAsync();
* Get first DLSN in the log.
* @return first dlsn in the stream
public CompletableFuture<DLSN> getFirstDLSNAsync();
* Get Latest DLSN in the log - async
* @return latest transaction id
public CompletableFuture<DLSN> getLastDLSNAsync();
* Get the number of log records in the active portion of the log
* Any log segments that have already been truncated will not be included
* @return number of log records
* @throws IOException
public long getLogRecordCount() throws IOException;
* Get the number of log records in the active portion of the log - async.
* Any log segments that have already been truncated will not be included
* @return future number of log records
* @throws IOException
public CompletableFuture<Long> getLogRecordCountAsync(final DLSN beginDLSN);
* Run recovery on the log.
* @throws IOException
public void recover() throws IOException;
* Check if an end of stream marker was added to the stream
* A stream with an end of stream marker cannot be appended to
* @return true if the marker was added to the stream, false otherwise
* @throws IOException
public boolean isEndOfStreamMarked() throws IOException;
* Delete the log.
* @throws IOException if the deletion fails
public void delete() throws IOException;
* The DistributedLogManager may archive/purge any logs for transactionId
* less than or equal to minImageTxId.
* This is to be used only when the client explicitly manages deletion. If
* the cleanup policy is based on sliding time window, then this method need
* not be called.
* @param minTxIdToKeep the earliest txid that must be retained
* @throws IOException if purging fails
public void purgeLogsOlderThan(long minTxIdToKeep) throws IOException;
* Get the subscriptions store provided by the distributedlog manager.
* @return subscriptions store manages subscriptions for current stream.
public SubscriptionsStore getSubscriptionsStore();