layout: default title: “Apache DistributedLog Documentation”


This documentation is for Apache DistributedLog version {{ site.distributedlog_version }}.

Apache DistributedLog is a high-throughput, low-latency replicated log service, offering durability, replication and strong consistency as essentials for building reliable real-time applications.

First Steps

  • Concepts: Start with the [basic concepts]({{ site.baseurl }}/basics/introduction) of DistributedLog. This will help you to fully understand the other parts of the documentation, including the setup, integration, and operation guides. It is highly recommended to read this first.

  • Quickstarts: [Run DistributedLog]({{ site.baseurl }}/start/quickstart) on your local machine or follow the tutorial to [write a simple program]({{ site.baseurl }}/tutorials/basic-1) to interact with DistributedLog.

  • Setup: The [docker]({{ site.baseurl }}/deployment/docker) and [cluster]({{ site.baseurl }}/deployment/cluster) setup guides show how to deploy DistributedLog Stack.

  • Programming Guide: You can check out our guides about [basic concepts]({{ site.baseurl }}/basics/introduction) and the [Core Library API]({{ site.baseurl }}/user_guide/api/core) or [Proxy Client API]({{ site.baseurl }}/user_guide/api/proxy) to learn how to use DistributedLog to build your reliable real-time services.

Next Steps

  • Design Documents: Learn about the [architecture]({{ site.baseurl }}/user_guide/architecture/main), [design considerations]({{ site.baseurl }}/user_guide/design/main) and [implementation details]({{ site.baseurl }}/user_guide/implementation/main) of DistributedLog.

  • Tutorials: You can check out the [tutorials]({{ site.baseurl }}/tutorials/main) on how to build real applications.

  • Operation Guide: You can check out our guides about how to [operate]({{ site.baseurl }}/admin_guide/main) the DistributedLog Stack.