Tail reading records from a stream

This tutorial shows how to tail read records from a stream.

Open a distributedlog manager

  • Create distributedlog URI.

        String dlUriStr = ...;
        URI uri = URI.create(dlUriStr);
  • Create distributedlog configuration.

        DistributedLogConfiguration conf = new DistributedLogConfiguration();
  • Build the distributedlog namespace.

        DistributedLogNamespace namespace = DistributedLogNamespaceBuilder.newBuilder()
  • Open the distributedlog manager.

        DistributedLogManager dlm = namespace.openLog("basic-stream-9");

Get Last Record

  • Get the last record from the record. From the last record, we can use DLSN of last record to start tailing the stream.
        LogRecordWithDLSN record = dlm.getLastLogRecord();
        DLSN lastDLSN = record.getDlsn();

Read Records

  • Open the stream to start read the records.

        AsyncLogReader reader = FutureUtils.result(dlm.openAsyncLogReader(lastDLSN));
  • Read the next available record from the stream. The future is satisified when the record is available.

        Future<LogRecordWithDLSN> readFuture = reader.readNext();
  • Register a future listener on read completion.

        final FutureEventListener<LogRecordWithDLSN> readListener = new FutureEventListener<LogRecordWithDLSN>() {
            public void onFailure(Throwable cause) {
                // executed when read failed.
            public void onSuccess(LogRecordWithDLSN record) {
                // process the record
                // issue read next

Close the reader

  • Close the reader after usage.


Run the example in the following steps:

  1. Start the local bookkeeper cluster. After the bookkeeper cluster is started, you could access it using distributedlog uri distributedlog://

        // dlog local ${zk-port}
        ./distributedlog-core/bin/dlog local 7000
  2. Start the write proxy, listening on port 8000.

        // DistributedLogServerApp -p ${service-port} --shard-id ${shard-id} -sp ${stats-port} -u {distributedlog-uri} -mx -c ${conf-file}
        ./distributedlog-proxy-server/bin/dlog org.apache.distributedlog.service.DistributedLogServerApp -p 8000 --shard-id 1 -sp 8001 -u distributedlog:// -mx -c ${distributedlog-repo}/distributedlog-proxy-server/conf/distributedlog_proxy.conf
  3. Create the stream under the distributedlog uri.

        // Create Stream `basic-stream-9`
        // dlog tool create -u ${distributedlog-uri} -r ${stream-prefix} -e ${stream-regex}
        ./distributedlog-core/bin/dlog tool create -u distributedlog:// -r basic-stream- -e 9
  4. Tailing the stream using TailReader to wait for new records.

        // Tailing Stream `basic-stream-9`
        // runner run org.apache.distributedlog.basic.TailReader ${distributedlog-uri} ${stream}
        ./distributedlog-tutorials/distributedlog-basic/bin/runner run org.apache.distributedlog.basic.TailReader distributedlog:// basic-stream-9
  5. Run the example to write records to the stream in a console.

        // Write Records into Stream `basic-stream-9`
        // runner run org.apache.distributedlog.basic.ConsoleProxyWriter ${distributedlog-uri} ${stream}
        ./distributedlog-tutorials/distributedlog-basic/bin/runner run org.apache.distributedlog.basic.ConsoleProxyWriter 'inet!' basic-stream-9
  6. Example output from ConsoleProxyWriter and TailReader.

        // Output of `ConsoleProxyWriter`
        May 08, 2016 10:27:41 AM com.twitter.finagle.BaseResolver$$anonfun$resolvers$1 apply
        INFO: Resolver[inet] = com.twitter.finagle.InetResolver(com.twitter.finagle.InetResolver@756d7bba)
        May 08, 2016 10:27:41 AM com.twitter.finagle.BaseResolver$$anonfun$resolvers$1 apply
        INFO: Resolver[fixedinet] = com.twitter.finagle.FixedInetResolver(com.twitter.finagle.FixedInetResolver@1d2e91f5)
        May 08, 2016 10:27:41 AM com.twitter.finagle.BaseResolver$$anonfun$resolvers$1 apply
        INFO: Resolver[neg] = com.twitter.finagle.NegResolver$(com.twitter.finagle.NegResolver$@5c707aca)
        May 08, 2016 10:27:41 AM com.twitter.finagle.BaseResolver$$anonfun$resolvers$1 apply
        INFO: Resolver[nil] = com.twitter.finagle.NilResolver$(com.twitter.finagle.NilResolver$@5c8d932f)
        May 08, 2016 10:27:41 AM com.twitter.finagle.BaseResolver$$anonfun$resolvers$1 apply
        INFO: Resolver[fail] = com.twitter.finagle.FailResolver$(com.twitter.finagle.FailResolver$@52ba2221)
        May 08, 2016 10:27:41 AM com.twitter.finagle.Init$$anonfun$1 apply$mcV$sp
        [dlog] > test-proxy-writer
        [dlog] >
        // Output of `TailReader`
        Opening log stream basic-stream-9
        Log stream basic-stream-9 is empty.
        Wait for records starting from DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=0, slotId=0}
        Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=0, slotId=0}