blob: 92fd55f02e0fc0ad17817eb07323ce8d55a90ed9 [file] [log] [blame]
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<section id="annotations">
The following preferences can be changed on the
<emphasis role="strong">Text Editors > Annotations</emphasis>
preference page.
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colname="Option" colwidth="1* " />
<colspec colname="Description" colwidth="2*" />
<colspec colname="Default" colwidth="1*" />
<entry>Show in Text as</entry>
This option controls whether the selected
annotation type is shown in the text. The
corresponding text will be underlined with
squiggles or highlighted.
<entry>Show in Overview ruler</entry>
This option controls whether the overview
ruler on the right side of the text editor
is shown.
<entry>Show in Vertical ruler</entry>
This option controls whether the selected
annotation type is shown in the vertical
This option controls the color for the
selected annotation type.
Here is what the Annotations preferences page looks like:
<imagedata scale="50"
fileref="images/annotations_screen.png" format="PNG" />