blob: 0a77aad031561dbc07988cdb84e7311611de69e4 [file] [log] [blame]
Release Notes
Apache Directory Studio 1.1.0
* [DIRSTUDIO-142] - Add SASL authentication
* [DIRSTUDIO-48] - Errors when help is open
* [DIRSTUDIO-95] - Not returning large queries
* [DIRSTUDIO-97] - Unable to display attributes of subschemasubentry cn=schema of TivoliDS 6.0 in Entry Editor
* [DIRSTUDIO-120] - 100% CPU when deleting thousands of entries
* [DIRSTUDIO-139] - Operational attributes not shown in the Entry Editor
* [DIRSTUDIO-152] - New entry creator does not know that 'dc' and 'domainComponent' is the same thing
* [DIRSTUDIO-154] - Studio getting slower and slower on bulk operations
* [DIRSTUDIO-161] - Unable to enter Base DN ending in 'dc='
* [DIRSTUDIO-163] - Schema Editor keep leaking GDI Handles
* [DIRSTUDIO-166] - LDif Import changetype: modify add attribute attrId is not case insensitive
* [DIRSTUDIO-184] - Error while reading entry in Active Directory
* [DIRSTUDIO-191] - Connection Name mess up if it contains non-ascii chars
* [DIRSTUDIO-196] - Error dialog displayed after Problems View is closed
* [DIRSTUDIO-197] - Following referrals throws NPE
* [DIRSTUDIO-198] - Search string is not working properly with metacharacters (*, +...)
* [DIRSTUDIO-201] - Project Name mess up if it contains non-ascii chars
* [DIRSTUDIO-203] - Help contexts of LDAP Browser does not display in the Dynamic Help window
* [DIRSTUDIO-204] - Warning displayed when showing the properties of a connection
* [DIRSTUDIO-205] - Windows installer's publisher is set to "Unknown Publisher"
* [DIRSTUDIO-206] - Browse does not work in subtree editor base selection
* [DIRSTUDIO-210] - Filter parser accepts bad filters
* [DIRSTUDIO-211] - Connections window doesn't display swedish characters properly
* [DIRSTUDIO-213] - NullPointerException raised when selecting an OC with no alias as a superior in the NewObjectClassWizard
* [DIRSTUDIO-214] - IllegalArgumentException raised when selecting an AT with no alias as superior in the NewAttributeTypeWizard
* [DIRSTUDIO-217] - Eclipse 3.3 New Connections shows "Browser Options" without possibility to add new address
* [DIRSTUDIO-220] - lowercase {crypt} in userPassword is an "Unsupported Hash Method"
* [DIRSTUDIO-222] - Pb when creating an entry with an invalid atribute as a RDN
* [DIRSTUDIO-223] - NullPointerException raised when adding values in the New Entry Wizard
* [DIRSTUDIO-224] - Can't Open Schema View with JDK 6.0
* [DIRSTUDIO-226] - Attribute Type Description is not imported when reading an OpenLDAP schema file
* [DIRSTUDIO-230] - Locate Dn in DIT Action does not work well
* [DIRSTUDIO-231] - F3 locate in DIT does not work correctly
* [DIRSTUDIO-233] - Browsing base DN returns [LDAP: error code 10 - Referral]
* [DIRSTUDIO-235] - Non ASCII characters are not rendered properly in the LDAP Browser View when label is limited to a certain number of characters
* [DIRSTUDIO-239] - No error message when importing a bad schema
* [DIRSTUDIO-242] - Inconsistent state of the Entry Editor after using "New Value" (or "New Attribute...") and pressing "Escape".
* [DIRSTUDIO-243] - Modified value of Equality Matching Rule in the AttributeTypeEditor is not saved
* [DIRSTUDIO-245] - Apache DS Configuration Plugin cannot parse server.xml file correctly
* [DIRSTUDIO-247] - Don't use implicit ManageDsaIT control magic of JNDI
* [DIRSTUDIO-249] - Modification Logs view does not display request controls, if sent to the server
* [DIRSTUDIO-250] - Unable to load entries if RDN is quoted and contains unescaped comma
* [DIRSTUDIO-252] - Advanced value editors don't work in NewEntryWizard
* [DIRSTUDIO-253] - cant open server.xml with directory studio
* [DIRSTUDIO-258] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when changing Base DN
* [DIRSTUDIO-259] - NPE when trying to turn back on "save password" on connection properties
* [DIRSTUDIO-261] - LDAP Browser shows same root objects two times under Root DSE
* [DIRSTUDIO-264] - ldif parser doesn't accept attributes with empty values
* [DIRSTUDIO-267] - Clicking on a bookmark loops and does not display attributes
* [DIRSTUDIO-269] - Attributes not displayed when browsing BEA Weblogic embedded LDAP
* [DIRSTUDIO-270] - Copy and paste does not work when value being edited
* [DIRSTUDIO-278] - Error when looking at a connection property
* [DIRSTUDIO-279] - Filter Editor doesn't remove spaces and line breaks after OK
* [DIRSTUDIO-281] - LDIF and Apache DS configuration files can't be saved in RCP mode
* [DIRSTUDIO-284] - Changing "Supported Authentication Mechanism" doesn't set the dirty flag.
* [DIRSTUDIO-285] - Export into LDIF format could be corrupted
* [DIRSTUDIO-286] - Update Site is not working, missing dependencies in ldifeditor, ldapbrower and schemaeditor feature
* [DIRSTUDIO-287] - NullPointerException raised by ValueEditorsPreferences.getSyntaxValueEditorMap(...) method
* [DIRSTUDIO-288] - "SWTError: No more handles" error when repeatedly adding a new entry
* [DIRSTUDIO-296] - The Modifications Log view is not refreshed when running the 'Execute LDIF' action from an LDIF file
* [DIRSTUDIO-299] - java.lang.NoSuchMethod error when attempting to edit a value
* [DIRSTUDIO-300] - user guide point to a wrong default port
* [DIRSTUDIO-302] - LDIF Editor does not work when loading LDIF file outside of workspace with Eclipse 3.3.x
* [DIRSTUDIO-310] - mangled values in binary or octetstring attribute types
* [DIRSTUDIO-313] - Copyright in Splash Screen and Help Dialog is still 2007
* [DIRSTUDIO-37] - Improve authentication methods and security mechanisms
* [DIRSTUDIO-119] - Allow user to disabled the Modification logs windows
* [DIRSTUDIO-123] - Refactor IConnection interface and Connection class
* [DIRSTUDIO-136] - Remove the "Apache DS" menu from the Java Perspective
* [DIRSTUDIO-138] - Add visual feedback to the user, if SSL (ldaps) is enabled
* [DIRSTUDIO-156] - useability improvement: when exporting an OU use the applied filter by default
* [DIRSTUDIO-187] - Add the ability to organize connections in folders
* [DIRSTUDIO-189] - Replace connection combo-box with BrowserConnectionWidget
* [DIRSTUDIO-195] - Add key bindings to the Schema Editor
* [DIRSTUDIO-199] - Add scopes for OC and AT in search
* [DIRSTUDIO-200] - Add an OC and AT hierarchical global view
* [DIRSTUDIO-202] - Add help contexts to the help plugin of the Schema Editor
* [DIRSTUDIO-216] - Improve Type Hierarchy View
* [DIRSTUDIO-221] - Improve Object Class selection in the New Entry Wizard
* [DIRSTUDIO-227] - Add the ability to select OpenLDAP schema files as core schemas when creating a project
* [DIRSTUDIO-237] - It would be good to be able to import 'core' schemas into an existing project
* [DIRSTUDIO-238] - Automatically add an alias when the 'ok' button is selected
* [DIRSTUDIO-240] - Memorize the last import's path
* [DIRSTUDIO-251] - Replace the Text Widget for the OID in the new AT and OC wizards by a Drop-Down Combo with history of the last used OIDs
* [DIRSTUDIO-254] - schema import does not provide error reporting when parsing schema file
* [DIRSTUDIO-257] - Use system small fonts on Mac OS X
* [DIRSTUDIO-275] - Import/Export wizards should display an error if no Schema Project is open
* [DIRSTUDIO-289] - Windows Installer should detect previous installation and propose to uninstall it before installing the newest
New Feature
* [DIRSTUDIO-192] - Add an extension point in the Schema Editor for SchemaConnectors
* [DIRSTUDIO-193] - Add the abitilty to import/export the Schema from/to a directory Server
* [DIRSTUDIO-194] - Add a SchemaConnector for Apache Directory Server
* [DIRSTUDIO-246] - Add support for simulated renaming of non-leaf entries
* [DIRSTUDIO-248] - Add support for simulated moving of non-leaf entries
* [DIRSTUDIO-218] - Some packages are not signed
* [DIRSTUDIO-225] - Update documentation for Schema Editor Plugin
* [DIRSTUDIO-229] - Replace internal DN/RDN/RDNPart with LdapDN/Rdn/ATAV of shared-ldap
* [DIRSTUDIO-236] - Update the Apache DS Configuration plugin to work with the server.xml file of Apache DS 1.5.1
* [DIRSTUDIO-265] - Migrate our build system from Ant+Ivy to Maven
* [DIRSTUDIO-280] - Remove remaining unwanted contributions from Eclipse
* [DIRSTUDIO-290] - Check creation and proper disposal of SWT Graphics objects
Apache Directory Studio 1.0.1
* [DIRSTUDIO-162] - Delete old RDN on rename has no effect
* [DIRSTUDIO-180] - Connection wizard and properties tabs are out of order
* [DIRSTUDIO-183] - It's not possible to select a Connection in a New Search
* [DIRSTUDIO-186] - When copying an entry it isn't displayed correctly in the browser tree
* [DIRSTUDIO-190] - SSL connections are no longer working
* [DIRSTUDIO-185] - Provide completion for all attribute types in the attribute wizard
* [DIRSTUDIO-181] - Update the documentation of the Schema Editor Plugin
* [DIRSTUDIO-188] - Move LDIF Editor help to its own help plugin
Apache Directory Studio 1.0.0
* [DIRSTUDIO-131] - Rename package names and plugin IDs for ldap browser plugins and features
* [DIRSTUDIO-140] - Add Eclipse Intro mecanism to the Apache Directory Studio RCP plugin
* [DIRSTUDIO-141] - Add content to Apache Directory Studio Intro
* [DIRSTUDIO-177] - Update dependencies on Apache DS jars
* [DIRSTUDIO-73] - Password appears in clear
* [DIRSTUDIO-96] - installation into existing Eclipse ruins key bindings for JDT
* [DIRSTUDIO-101] - Configuration lost on brutal exit
* [DIRSTUDIO-110] - No DIT shown when opening a connection with the 'open' icon
* [DIRSTUDIO-117] - Double click attribute to rename entry displays two dialog boxes
* [DIRSTUDIO-127] - Missing ASL 2.0 headers in files for ACIEditor
* [DIRSTUDIO-149] - Problems with the slash / in DN
* [DIRSTUDIO-168] - NPE when opening search dialog and connection is closed
* [DIRSTUDIO-172] - Syntax length definitions in schemas exported from LDAP Studio throws exception on Apache DS start-up.
* [DIRSTUDIO-47] - Improve filter widget and filter editor dialog
* [DIRSTUDIO-67] - Clear "Modification Logs" functionality missing
* [DIRSTUDIO-75] - Improve LDAP Studio build system
* [DIRSTUDIO-93] - Add server detection for ApacheDS and TivoliDS on RootDSE property page
* [DIRSTUDIO-99] - Display both OID and text for controls etc. in the property page of the Root DSE
* [DIRSTUDIO-102] - Add descriptions for OIDs for LDAP controls and extended ops specific to IBM Tivoli Directory Server
* [DIRSTUDIO-103] - Include Apache brand in splash screen of RCP application
* [DIRSTUDIO-104] - Add "Apache" prefix to window title of RCP Application
* [DIRSTUDIO-105] - Add descriptions for OIDs for LDAP controls and extended ops specific to Netscape Directory Server
* [DIRSTUDIO-106] - Add descriptions for OIDs for LDAP controls and extended ops specific to MS Active Directory
* [DIRSTUDIO-108] - Superlasses
* [DIRSTUDIO-122] - Schema editor should allow a user to add an OID in the Syntax input box
* [DIRSTUDIO-125] - Bootstrap Ivy
* [DIRSTUDIO-151] - Simplify IValueEditor interface
* [DIRSTUDIO-158] - Create a separte connection plugin
* [DIRSTUDIO-165] - Add the version number of Apache Directory Studio in the "About window" of the RCP application
* [DIRSTUDIO-169] - Make connection parameters editable even if the connection is opened
* [DIRSTUDIO-174] - Use an unique ID as connection identifier instead of the connection name
New Feature
* [DIRSTUDIO-90] - Add a Welcome view that is displayed at first launch
* [DIRSTUDIO-113] - Rename "LDAP Studio" to "Apache Directory Studio"
* [DIRSTUDIO-129] - Rename project names in trunk
* [DIRSTUDIO-130] - Rename package names and plugin IDs
* [DIRSTUDIO-159] - Create a separte feature project for the LDIF Editor
* [DIRSTUDIO-175] - Verify and add if needed the Notice.txt and Licence.txt files of all plugins
* [DIRSTUDIO-176] - Edit Release Notes.txt files for the 1.0 release
* [DIRSTUDIO-178] - Edit features and update site with the new update site URL
* [DIRSTUDIO-100] - Interface IRootDSE does not sufficiently define return values of methods
Apache Directory LDAP Studio 0.8.1
* [DIRSTUDIO-80] - LDAP Studio does not work on x86_64
* [DIRSTUDIO-144] - Unable to install plugins from updatesite on x86_64 architecture
Apache Directory LDAP Studio 0.8.0
* [DIRSTUDIO-71] - LDAP Studio installer creates bad shortcuts
* [DIRSTUDIO-74] - empty DN does not work
* [DIRSTUDIO-82] - Export to XLS or CSV
* [DIRSTUDIO-83] - Generated LDIF of a schema doesn't support the m-dependencies attribute
* [DIRSTUDIO-84] - Binding with a bad DN is accepted
* [DIRSTUDIO-86] - No way to specify search on rootDSE in search dialog
* [DIRSTUDIO-88] - Schema export to Apache DS has a spelling error which causes the import to fail.
* [DIRSTUDIO-78] - Refactor browser-ui plugin
New Feature
* [DIRSTUDIO-12] - Editor for editing ACIs
* [DIRSTUDIO-76] - Value editor for administrativeRole
* [DIRSTUDIO-79] - Value editor for subtreeSpecification
* [DIRSTUDIO-91] - Add a new plugin for handling the Apache DS server configuration file
Apache Directory LDAP Studio 0.7.0
* [DIRSTUDIO-1] - DSML Parser does not throw an exception when it doesn't find a requestID attribute when processing=parallel and responseOrder=unordered
* [DIRSTUDIO-4] - Selection in Schema
* [DIRSTUDIO-31] - Source Code View of a schema is not refreshed when one of its objectclasses or attributetypes is updated.
* [DIRSTUDIO-57] - Search Result editor isn't initialized properly
* [DIRSTUDIO-63] - Should not package ui-forms in
* [DIRSTUDIO-64] - Unable to modify an Attribute Type's OID
* [DIRSTUDIO-69] - Problems with search base and DN serialization
* [DIRSTUDIO-33] - Add syntax coloring to the Source Code view of AT, OC & Schema editors
* [DIRSTUDIO-35] - Disable action icons of the Schemas view when actions are not available
* [DIRSTUDIO-39] - Allow the user to switch between 'Standard schemas files' and 'Use specific schemas files' without having to relaunch the application.
* [DIRSTUDIO-40] - Source Code view of an AT or OC should reflect the changes made in the graphical editor
* [DIRSTUDIO-44] - Add small hover icon identifiers for OC and AC to differenciate them
* [DIRSTUDIO-49] - Improve history navigation
* [DIRSTUDIO-51] - Add a way to get the OC which use an AT
* [DIRSTUDIO-52] - may and must ATs are not sorted
* [DIRSTUDIO-53] - Bad search incon in the Schema perspective
* [DIRSTUDIO-55] - Adding 'instant search' into entry creation
* [DIRSTUDIO-56] - Automatic completion of inherited OC
* [DIRSTUDIO-58] - Improve the Hierarchy View
* [DIRSTUDIO-59] - Add a Schema Field in the AT/OC editors
* [DIRSTUDIO-61] - Pressing the down key in the search field of the Search View should pass the focus to the search results table
* [DIRSTUDIO-66] - Refresh of the LDAP Browser viewer after import
New Feature
* [DIRSTUDIO-7] - OID View
* [DIRSTUDIO-41] - Add an Overview page on the Schema Editor that displays all ATs and OCs of the schema
Apache Directory LDAP Studio 0.6.0 - Initial release