| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <!-- |
| Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more |
| contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with |
| this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. |
| The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with |
| the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| limitations under the License. |
| --> |
| <!-- |
| @author <a href="mailto:dev@directory.apache.org">Apache Directory Project</a> |
| --> |
| <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd"> |
| <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> |
| <parent> |
| <groupId>org.apache.directory.studio</groupId> |
| <artifactId>parent</artifactId> |
| <version>2.0.0.v20120127</version> |
| </parent> |
| |
| <artifactId>parent-helps</artifactId> |
| <name>Apache Directory Studio Help Plugins</name> |
| <packaging>pom</packaging> |
| |
| <modules> |
| <module>apacheds.help</module> |
| <module>apacheds.configuration.help</module> |
| <module>ldapbrowser.help</module> |
| <module>ldifeditor.help</module> |
| <module>rcp.help</module> |
| <module>schemaeditor.help</module> |
| </modules> |
| |
| <profiles> |
| <!-- UserGuides --> |
| <profile> |
| <id>userguides</id> |
| <build> |
| <resources> |
| <resource> |
| <directory>src/main/resources/html</directory> |
| <targetPath>../pdf</targetPath> |
| </resource> |
| <resource> |
| <directory>src/main/resources/html</directory> |
| <targetPath>../html</targetPath> |
| </resource> |
| <resource> |
| <directory>src/main/docbook</directory> |
| <targetPath>../docbook/documents</targetPath> |
| <filtering>true</filtering> |
| </resource> |
| </resources> |
| <plugins> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId> |
| <dependencies> |
| <!-- |
| Putting this dependency in the core pom produces following error (?): |
| Embedded error: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.fop.render.pdf.PDFRendererMaker cannot be cast to org.apache.fop.render.AbstractRendererMaker |
| --> |
| <dependency> |
| <groupId>org.apache.xmlgraphics</groupId> |
| <artifactId>xmlgraphics-commons</artifactId> |
| <version>1.1</version> |
| <scope>compile</scope> |
| </dependency> |
| </dependencies> |
| <executions> |
| <execution> |
| <id>build-pdf-html-help</id> |
| <phase>compile</phase> |
| <configuration> |
| <target> |
| <taskdef name="fop" classname="org.apache.fop.tools.anttasks.Fop"> |
| <classpath> |
| <path refid="maven.compile.classpath" /> |
| <pathelement location="${project.build.outputDirectory}" /> |
| </classpath> |
| </taskdef> |
| |
| <!-- Prepare docbook --> |
| <property name="fromregexpxml" value="^(docbook-xml-[^/]+)/(.*)" /> |
| <property name="toregexpxml" value="docbook-xml/\2" /> |
| <move todir="target/docbook"> |
| <fileset dir="target/docbook"> |
| <include name="docbook-xml-*/**" /> |
| </fileset> |
| <regexpmapper from="${fromregexpxml}" to="${toregexpxml}" handledirsep="true" /> |
| </move> |
| |
| <property name="fromregexpxsl" value="^(docbook-xsl-[^/]+)/(.*)" /> |
| <property name="toregexpxsl" value="docbook-xsl/\2" /> |
| <move todir="target/docbook"> |
| <fileset dir="target/docbook"> |
| <include name="docbook-xsl-*/**" /> |
| </fileset> |
| <regexpmapper from="${fromregexpxsl}" to="${toregexpxsl}" handledirsep="true" /> |
| </move> |
| |
| <!-- Create PDF --> |
| <xslt basedir="target/docbook" in="target/docbook/documents/0_index.xml" out="target/pdf/${project.artifactId}.fo" style="target/docbook/docbook-xsl/fo/docbook.xsl"> |
| <param name="manifest.in.base.dir" expression="0" /> |
| <param name="generate.section.toc.level" expression="5" /> |
| <param name="toc.max.depth" expression="3" /> |
| <param name="ulink.target" expression="_self" /> |
| <param name="suppress.navigation" expression="0" /> |
| <param name="use.id.as.filename" expression="1" /> |
| <param name="chapter.autolabel" expression="I" /> |
| <param name="section.autolabel" expression="1" /> |
| <outputproperty name="method" value="xml" /> |
| <outputproperty name="standalone" value="yes" /> |
| <outputproperty name="encoding" value="iso8859_1" /> |
| <outputproperty name="indent" value="es" /> |
| </xslt> |
| <fop format="application/pdf" basedir="target/pdf" fofile="target/pdf/${project.artifactId}.fo" outfile="target/pdf/${name}.pdf" /> |
| |
| <!-- Create HTML --> |
| <xslt in="target/docbook/documents/0_index.xml" out="target/html/index.html" style="target/docbook/docbook-xsl/html/chunk.xsl"> |
| <param name="ignore.image.scaling" expression="1" /> |
| <param name="manifest.in.base.dir" expression="0" /> |
| <!-- <param name="base.dir" expression="html/" /> --> |
| <param name="html.stylesheet" expression="css/book.css" /> |
| <param name="table.cell.borders.thickness" expression="1" /> |
| <!-- <param name="table.borders.with.css" expression="1" /> --> |
| <param name="generate.section.toc.level" expression="5" /> |
| <param name="toc.max.depth" expression="3" /> |
| <param name="chunk.first.sections" expression="1" /> |
| <param name="chunk.section.depth" expression="5" /> |
| <param name="chunk.fast" expression="1" /> |
| <param name="chunk.separate.lots" expression="1" /> |
| <!--<param name="chunk.tocs.and.lots" expression="1" />--> |
| <param name="ulink.target" expression="_self" /> |
| <param name="suppress.navigation" expression="0" /> |
| <param name="html.cleanup" expression="1" /> |
| <param name="html.cellpadding" expression="3" /> |
| <param name="use.id.as.filename" expression="1" /> |
| <param name="chapter.autolabel" expression="0" /> |
| <param name="section.autolabel" expression="0" /> |
| <outputproperty name="method" value="xml" /> |
| <outputproperty name="standalone" value="yes" /> |
| <outputproperty name="encoding" value="iso8859_1" /> |
| <outputproperty name="indent" value="es" /> |
| </xslt> |
| |
| <!-- Copy PDF/HTML to ../target --> |
| <mkdir dir="../target/userguides" /> |
| <copy todir="../target/userguides"> |
| <fileset dir="target/pdf" /> |
| </copy> |
| <mkdir dir="../target/userguides/${name}" /> |
| <copy todir="../target/userguides/${name}"> |
| <fileset dir="target/html" /> |
| </copy> |
| </target> |
| </configuration> |
| <goals> |
| <goal>run</goal> |
| </goals> |
| </execution> |
| </executions> |
| </plugin> |
| </plugins> |
| </build> |
| </profile> |
| <profile> |
| <id>help-plugin</id> |
| <activation> |
| <file><exists>src/main/docbook/0_index.xml</exists></file> |
| </activation> |
| <build> |
| <resources> |
| <resource> |
| <directory>.</directory> |
| <includes> |
| <include>plugin.xml</include> |
| </includes> |
| </resource> |
| <resource> |
| <directory>src/main/resources</directory> |
| </resource> |
| <resource> |
| <directory>src/main/docbook</directory> |
| <targetPath>../docbook/documents</targetPath> |
| <filtering>true</filtering> |
| </resource> |
| </resources> |
| <plugins> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-eclipse-plugin</artifactId> |
| <configuration> |
| <skip>false</skip> |
| </configuration> |
| </plugin> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-eclipse-plugin</artifactId> |
| <configuration> |
| <buildcommands> |
| <buildcommand>org.eclipse.pde.ManifestBuilder</buildcommand> |
| <buildcommand>org.eclipse.pde.SchemaBuilder</buildcommand> |
| </buildcommands> |
| <projectnatures> |
| <projectnature>org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature</projectnature> |
| </projectnatures> |
| </configuration> |
| </plugin> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.directory.studio</groupId> |
| <artifactId>studio-maven-plugin</artifactId> |
| <configuration> |
| <skip>false</skip> |
| <createManifest>true</createManifest> |
| </configuration> |
| <executions> |
| <execution> |
| <goals> |
| <goal>prepare-jar-package</goal> |
| </goals> |
| </execution> |
| </executions> |
| </plugin> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-jar-plugin</artifactId> |
| <configuration> |
| <archive> |
| <manifestFile>META-INF/MANIFEST.MF</manifestFile> |
| <addMavenDescriptor>false</addMavenDescriptor> |
| </archive> |
| </configuration> |
| </plugin> |
| |
| <!-- MANIFEST.MF Generation --> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.felix</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-bundle-plugin</artifactId> |
| <extensions>true</extensions> |
| <configuration> |
| <manifestLocation>META-INF</manifestLocation> |
| <instructions> |
| <Bundle-SymbolicName>${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId};singleton:=true</Bundle-SymbolicName> |
| <Bundle-Localization>plugin</Bundle-Localization> |
| <Eclipse-LazyStart>true</Eclipse-LazyStart> |
| <Export-Package>!</Export-Package> |
| </instructions> |
| </configuration> |
| <executions> |
| <execution> |
| <id>generate-manifest</id> |
| <phase>process-classes</phase> |
| <goals> |
| <goal>manifest</goal> |
| </goals> |
| </execution> |
| </executions> |
| </plugin> |
| |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId> |
| <executions> |
| <execution> |
| <id>unpack-docbook-dependencies</id> |
| <phase>process-resources</phase> |
| <goals> |
| <goal>unpack</goal> |
| </goals> |
| <configuration> |
| <overWrite>true</overWrite> |
| <artifactItems> |
| <artifactItem> |
| <groupId>docbook</groupId> |
| <artifactId>docbook-xml</artifactId> |
| <type>zip</type> |
| <outputDirectory>target/docbook/docbook-xml</outputDirectory> |
| </artifactItem> |
| <artifactItem> |
| <groupId>docbook</groupId> |
| <artifactId>docbook-xsl</artifactId> |
| <type>zip</type> |
| <outputDirectory>target/docbook</outputDirectory> |
| </artifactItem> |
| </artifactItems> |
| </configuration> |
| </execution> |
| </executions> |
| </plugin> |
| |
| <plugin> |
| <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId> |
| <executions> |
| <execution> |
| <id>build-eclipse-help</id> |
| <phase>process-classes</phase> |
| <configuration> |
| <target> |
| <!-- Prepare docbook --> |
| <property name="fromregexpxml" value="^(docbook-xml-[^/]+)/(.*)" /> |
| <property name="toregexpxml" value="docbook-xml/\2" /> |
| <move todir="target/docbook"> |
| <fileset dir="target/docbook"> |
| <include name="docbook-xml-*/**" /> |
| </fileset> |
| <regexpmapper from="${fromregexpxml}" to="${toregexpxml}" handledirsep="true" /> |
| </move> |
| |
| <property name="fromregexpxsl" value="^(docbook-xsl-[^/]+)/(.*)" /> |
| <property name="toregexpxsl" value="docbook-xsl/\2" /> |
| <move todir="target/docbook"> |
| <fileset dir="target/docbook"> |
| <include name="docbook-xsl-*/**" /> |
| </fileset> |
| <regexpmapper from="${fromregexpxsl}" to="${toregexpxsl}" handledirsep="true" /> |
| </move> |
| |
| <!-- Create HTML --> |
| <xslt basedir="target/docbook/" in="target/docbook/documents/0_index.xml" out="target/classes/index.html" style="target/docbook/docbook-xsl/eclipse/eclipse.xsl"> |
| <param name="ignore.image.scaling" expression="1" /> |
| <param name="manifest.in.base.dir" expression="0" /> |
| <param name="base.dir" expression="html/" /> |
| <param name="html.stylesheet" expression="css/book.css" /> |
| <param name="table.cell.borders.thickness" expression="1" /> |
| <!-- <param name="table.borders.with.css" expression="1" /> --> |
| <param name="generate.section.toc.level" expression="5" /> |
| <param name="toc.max.depth" expression="1" /> |
| <param name="chunk.first.sections" expression="1" /> |
| <param name="chunk.section.depth" expression="5" /> |
| <param name="chunk.fast" expression="1" /> |
| <param name="chunk.separate.lots" expression="1" /> |
| <!--<param name="chunk.tocs.and.lots" expression="1" />--> |
| <param name="ulink.target" expression="_self" /> |
| <param name="suppress.navigation" expression="1" /> |
| <param name="html.cleanup" expression="1" /> |
| <param name="html.cellpadding" expression="3" /> |
| <param name="use.id.as.filename" expression="1" /> |
| <param name="chapter.autolabel" expression="0" /> |
| <param name="section.autolabel" expression="0" /> |
| <outputproperty name="method" value="xml" /> |
| <outputproperty name="standalone" value="yes" /> |
| <outputproperty name="encoding" value="iso8859_1" /> |
| <outputproperty name="indent" value="es" /> |
| </xslt> |
| |
| <!-- Copy the good plugin.xml. |
| The eclipse.xsl creates its own plugin.xml but we want |
| to use our own. |
| --> |
| <copy todir="target/classes" file="plugin.xml" overwrite="true" /> |
| </target> |
| </configuration> |
| <goals> |
| <goal>run</goal> |
| </goals> |
| </execution> |
| </executions> |
| </plugin> |
| |
| <!-- No tests to run --> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId> |
| <configuration> |
| <skip>true</skip> |
| </configuration> |
| </plugin> |
| </plugins> |
| <pluginManagement> |
| <plugins> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.rat</groupId> |
| <artifactId>apache-rat-plugin</artifactId> |
| <configuration> |
| <excludeSubProjects>false</excludeSubProjects> |
| <excludes> |
| <exclude>**/target/**/*</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/cobertura.ser</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/.classpath</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/.project</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/.settings/**/*</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/*.iml</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/*.ipr</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/*.iws</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/MANIFEST.MF</exclude> |
| <!-- Missing license header in dependency reduced pom, see http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSHADE-48 --> |
| <exclude>**/dependency-reduced-pom.xml</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/.gitignore</exclude> |
| <!-- ABOUT_EXCLUDES --> |
| <exclude>**/about.ini</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/about_files/*</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/*.log</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/*.vm</exclude> |
| <!-- NSIS_EXCLUDES --> |
| <exclude>**/src/main/resources/AdvUninstLog.nsh</exclude> |
| <!-- OTHER_EXCLUDES --> |
| <exclude>ldapbrowser.help/src/main/resources/sevenseas.ldif</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/src/main/resources/html/rfc/*.txt</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/src/main/resources/html/rfcs/*.txt</exclude> |
| </excludes> |
| </configuration> |
| </plugin> |
| </plugins> |
| </pluginManagement> |
| </build> |
| </profile> |
| </profiles> |
| |
| <build> |
| <pluginManagement> |
| <plugins> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.rat</groupId> |
| <artifactId>apache-rat-plugin</artifactId> |
| <configuration> |
| <excludeSubProjects>false</excludeSubProjects> |
| <excludes> |
| <exclude>**/target/**/*</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/cobertura.ser</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/.classpath</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/.project</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/.settings/**/*</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/*.iml</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/*.ipr</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/*.iws</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/MANIFEST.MF</exclude> |
| <!-- Missing license header in dependency reduced pom, see http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSHADE-48 --> |
| <exclude>**/dependency-reduced-pom.xml</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/.gitignore</exclude> |
| <!-- ABOUT_EXCLUDES --> |
| <exclude>**/about.ini</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/about_files/*</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/*.log</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/*.vm</exclude> |
| <!-- NSIS_EXCLUDES --> |
| <exclude>**/src/main/resources/AdvUninstLog.nsh</exclude> |
| <!-- OTHER_EXCLUDES --> |
| <exclude>ldapbrowser.help/src/main/resources/sevenseas.ldif</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/src/main/resources/html/rfc/*.txt</exclude> |
| <exclude>**/src/main/resources/html/rfcs/*.txt</exclude> |
| </excludes> |
| </configuration> |
| </plugin> |
| </plugins> |
| </pluginManagement> |
| </build> |
| </project> |