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4.6 - Authorized Roles

Set<String> authorizedRoles(Session session) throws SecurityException

This function returns the authorized roles associated with a session based on hierarchical relationships.

The function is valid if and only if the session is a valid Fortress session.


  • session - object contains the user's returned RBAC session from the createSession method.


  • Set containing all roles active in user's session. This will contain inherited roles.


  • SecurityException - is thrown if session invalid or system. error.


import org.apache.directory.fortress.core.AccessMgr;
import org.apache.directory.fortress.core.AccessMgrFactory;
import org.apache.directory.fortress.core.SecurityException;
import org.apache.directory.fortress.core.model.Session;

public static void testAuthorizedRoles( Session session )
    String szLocation = ".testAuthorizedRoles";
        // Instantiate the AccessMgr implementation.
        AccessMgr accessMgr = AccessMgrFactory.createInstance();
        // Using Session object returned from createSession
        Set<String> roles = accessMgr.authorizedRoles( session );
        assertNotNull( roles );
        for ( String roleName : roles  )
            LOG.info( szLocation + "user [" + session.getUserId() + "] role [" + roleName + "]" );
    catch ( SecurityException ex )
        LOG.error( szLocation + " caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(), ex );
        fail( ex.getMessage() );