title: Testimonials


This page is dedicated to people using {}Apache Directory Studio{} and like it !

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George Stoianov says:

I have spend only a limited time with LDAP Studio maybe 1-2 hours, so far and I am really impressed with the way it works and behaves. I have seen other Linux GUI LDAP clients but they had limited capabilities in some ways, did not work in others or were not very user friendly, as subjective as that is, in my mind. Long story short they kept me wanting more: be it a way to limit the entries returned instead of opening a tree branch and having the whole application freeze, or an easy way to switch connections etc. etc.. All of this kept me going back to a Windows only client.

LDAP Studio is sleek, fast and responds to user input even when extracting LDIFs with records in the size of hundreds of thousands. It is intuitive to use and has a really nice look and feel to it.

It simply rocks so far!!! (I do not want to puch my luck :-) but that is how it feels).