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8 - Operational Attributes

Operational attributes are attributes that are used internally by the server. They generally can't be modified by a user, although one can read them.

In order to retrieve an operational attribute, you have to require it explicitely, or request all of them using the special attribute ‘+’.

RFC 4512 defines four different flavors of AttributeType :

  • userApplications : User's attributes
  • directoryOperation : Server's attributes
  • dSAOperation : Server's attributes that have no meant in being distributed
  • distributedOperation : Server's attribute that are used in a distributed environment

ApacheDS support a list of standard LDAP operational attributes, plus a few that are specific. Here are the supported operational attributes.

Global operational attributes

Those operational attributes are stored in the RootDSE, and global to the server. They can't be modified by a user.

Attribute nameTypeCategoryDescription
vendorNameDSA OPERATIONStandardRFC3045: name of implementation vendor
vendorVersionDSA OPERATIONStandardRFC3045: version of implementation
entryTtlDSA OPERATIONStandardRFC2589: entry time-to-live
dynamicSubtreesDSA OPERATIONStandardRFC2589: dynamic subtrees
supportedFeaturesDSA OPERATIONStandardRFC3674: features supported by the server
supportedControlDSA OPERATIONStandardRFC2252: supported controls
supportedSASLMechanismsDSA OPERATIONStandardRFC2252: supported SASL mechanisms
supportedLDAPVersionDSA OPERATIONStandardRFC2252: supported LDAP versions
namingContextsDSA OPERATIONStandardRFC2252: naming contexts
altServerDSA OPERATIONStandardRFC2252: alternative servers
supportedExtensionDSA OPERATIONStandardRFC2252: supported extended operations

Entry operational attributes

Those are attributes related to an entry, carrying some additional information about it

Attribute nameTypeCategoryDescription
createTimestampDIRECTORY OPERATIONStandardRFC2252: time which object was created
modifyTimestampDIRECTORY OPERATIONStandardRFC2252: time which object was last modified
creatorsNameDIRECTORY OPERATIONStandardRFC2252: name of creator
modifiersNameDIRECTORY OPERATIONStandardRFC2252: name of last modifier
hasSubordinatesDIRECTORY OPERATIONStandardX.501: entry has children
refDISTRIBUTED OPERATIONStandardRFC3296: named reference - a labeledURI
entryCSNDIRECTORY OPERATIONApacheDSChange sequence number of the entry
nbChildrenDIRECTORY OPERATIONApacheDSThe number of children for this entry
nbSubordinatesDIRECTORY OPERATIONApacheDSThe number of subordinates for this entry
entryParentIdDIRECTORY OPERATIONApacheDSAttribute holding the id of parent entry

Schema related operational attributes

Those operational attributes are containing the schema elements handled by the server. They are stored in the RootDSE

Attribute nameTypeCategoryDescription
ldapSyntaxesDIRECTORY OPERATIONStandardRFC2252: LDAP syntaxes
subschemaSubentryDIRECTORY OPERATIONStandardRFC2252: name of controlling subschema entry
dITStructureRulesDIRECTORY OPERATIONStandardRFC2252: DIT structure rules
dITContentRulesDIRECTORY OPERATIONStandardRFC2252: DIT content rules
matchingRulesDIRECTORY OPERATIONStandardRFC2252: matching rules
attributeTypesDIRECTORY OPERATIONStandardRFC2252: attribute types
objectClassesDIRECTORY OPERATIONStandardRFC2252: object classes
nameFormsDIRECTORY OPERATIONStandardRFC2252: Name Forms
matchingRuleUseDIRECTORY OPERATIONStandardRFC2252: matching rule uses
structuralObjectClassDIRECTORY OPERATIONStandardX.500(93): structural object class of entry
comparatorsDIRECTORY OPERATIONApacheDSA multivalued comparator description attribute
normalizersDIRECTORY OPERATIONApacheDSA multivalued normalizer description attribute
syntaxCheckersDIRECTORY OPERATIONApacheDSA multivalued syntaxCheckers description attribute
schemaModifyTimestampDIRECTORY OPERATIONApacheDSTime which schema was modified
schemaModifiersNameDIRECTORY OPERATIONApacheDSThe DN of the modifier of the schema

Collective Attributes operational attributes

Those are attributes related to collective attributes.

Attribute nameTypeCategoryDescription
collectiveAttributeSubentriesDIRECTORY OPERATIONStandardRFC3671: identifies all collective attribute subentries that affect the entry
collectiveExclusionsDIRECTORY OPERATIONStandardRFC3671: RFC3671: allows particular collective attributes to be excluded from an entry

Administrative Model Attributes

Those are attributes related to the Administrative Model management

Attribute nameTypeCategoryDescription
administrativeRoleDIRECTORY OPERATIONStandardRFC3672: indicate that the associated administrative area is concerned withone or more administrative roles
subtreeSpecificationDIRECTORY OPERATIONStandardRFC3672: defines a collection of entries within an administrative area
prescriptiveACIDIRECTORY OPERATIONApacheDSAccess control information that applies to a set of entries
entryACIDIRECTORY OPERATIONApacheDSAccess control information that applies to a single entry
subentryACIDIRECTORY OPERATIONApacheDSAccess control information that applies to a single subentry
autonomousAreaSubentryDIRECTORY OPERATIONApacheDSUsed to track a subentry associated with an autonomousArea
accessControlSubentriesDIRECTORY OPERATIONApacheDSUsed to track a subentry associated with access control areas

Replication related operational attributes

Those attributes are used in a replication context.

Attribute nameTypeCategoryDescription
contextCSNDIRECTORY OPERATIONApacheDSThe largest committed CSN of a context
entryDeletedDIRECTORY OPERATIONApacheDSWhether or not an entry has been deleted. (Not anymore used)

Index related operational attributes

Those operational attributes are used to define the various system predefined indexes

Attribute nameTypeCategoryDescription
apachePresenceDSA OPERATIONApacheDSIndex attribute used to track the existence of attributes
apacheOneLevelDSA OPERATIONApacheDSIndex attribute used to track one level searches
apacheOneAliasDSA OPERATIONApacheDSIndex attribute used to track single level aliases
apacheSubAliasDSA OPERATIONApacheDSIndex attribute used to track sub level aliases
apacheAliasDSA OPERATIONApacheDSIndex attribute used to track aliases
apacheSubLevelDSA OPERATIONApacheDSIndex attribute used to track sub level searches
apacheRdnDSA OPERATIONApacheDSIndex attribute RDN with values both user provided and normalized based on schema

Trigger interceptor Model Attributes

Those are attributes used in the Trigger Interceptor

Attribute nameTypeCategoryDescription
prescriptiveTriggerSpecificationDIRECTORY OPERATIONApacheDSTrigger specification that applies to a set of entries
entryTriggerSpecificationDIRECTORY OPERATIONApacheDSTrigger specification that applies to a single entry
triggerExecutionSubentriesDIRECTORY OPERATIONApacheDSUsed to track subentries associated with a trigger area which an entry falls under

ChangeLog related operational attributes

Those operational attributes are meant to be used by teh ChangeLog interceptor. They are not supposed to be distributed, and they can't be modified by a user.

Attribute nameTypeCategoryDescription
revisionsDSA OPERATIONApacheDSRevision numbers used in change log
changeTimeDSA OPERATIONApacheDSRepresents the time when the change event occurred
changeTypeDSA OPERATIONApacheDSType of change operation
eventIdDSA OPERATIONApacheDSThe unique sequential id for the event (a.k.a revision number)
committerDSA OPERATIONApacheDSThe principal committing the change
changeLogContextDSA OPERATIONApacheDSTells about the changelog context suffix