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5.2 - Starting and Stopping the server

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5.2.1 Archive Distribution (zip/tar.gz)

Starting ApacheDS

On Linux/Unix Systems

In a terminal, first move to the ApacheDS directory of the unarchived distribution and then run the apacheds.sh script in the bin directory:

$ cd <path-to-apacheds-directory>
$ sh bin/apache.sh

On Windows

Double-click the apacheds.bat command in the bin directory or in a terminal, first move to the bin directory of the unarchived distribution and then run the apacheds.bat command:

$ cd <path-to-apacheds-directory>\bin
$ apacheds.bat

Stopping ApacheDS

ApacheDS can be stopped by hitting CTL+C in the terminal the server was launched with. If the apacheds.bat command was double-clicked, closing the terminal window will also stop ApacheDS.

5.2.2 Windows Installer (.exe)

ApacheDS is registered as a service on Windows. Start and Stop operations can be achieved in the Services utility which is accessible via Start > Control Panel > Administration Tools > Services.

ApacheDS also provides an easier access to the Services utility via Start > All Programs > ApacheDS > Manage ApacheDS.

Starting ApacheDS

The ApacheDS service can be started right-clicking on the ApacheDS - Default service and selecting Start in the context menu.

Stopping ApacheDS

The ApacheDS service can be started right-clicking on the ApacheDS - Default service and selecting Stop in the context menu.

5.2.3 Linux Binary (.bin), Debian (.deb) & Fedora (.rpm) Installers

Starting ApacheDS

In a terminal, run the following command:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/apacheds-${version}-default start

Stopping ApacheDS

In a terminal, run the following command:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/apacheds-${version}-default stop

NOTE: The ApacheDS Linux Binary installer lets the user decide the location of the launch script. The commands above refer to the default location and need to be adapted to whatever path was chosen during the installation.

5.2.4 Mac OS X Installer (.pkg)

Starting ApacheDS

In a terminal, run the following command:

$ sudo launchctl start org.apache.directory.server

Stopping ApacheDS

In a terminal, run the following command:

$ sudo launchctl stop org.apache.directory.server