title: 2.2.2 - RPM Instance Layout navPrev: 2.2.1-debian-instance-layout.html navPrevText: 2.2.1 - Debian Instance Layout navUp: 2.2-instance-layout.html navUpText: 2.2 Instance Layout navNext: 2.2.3-macosx-instance-layout.html navNextText: 2.2.3 - MacOSX Instance Layout

2.2.2 - RPM RPM Instance Layout

When you run the installer on your RPM based system, it will install the server on your disk, using this layout :

 +-- etc/
 |    |
 |    +-- init.d/
 |         |
 |         +-- apacheds-<version>-<instance>    The daemon used to start the server
 +-- opt/
 |    |
 |    +-- apacheds-<version>
 |         |
 |         +-- conf/
 |         |    |
 |         |    +-- wrapper.conf  The wrapper default configuration
 |         |
 |         +-- bin/
 |         |    |
 |         |    +-- apacheds*  The script that starts the server
 |         |    |
 |         |    +-- wrapper*  The binary that starts the server
 |         |
 |         +-- lib
 |         |    |
 |         |    +-- wrapper-3.2.3.jar
 |         |    |
 |         |    +-- libwrapper.so
 |         |    |
 |         |    +-- apacheds-wrapper-2.0.0-M20-SNAPSHOT.jar
 |         |    |
 |         |    +-- apacheds-service-2.0.0-M20-SNAPSHOT.jar
 |         |
 |         +-- NOTICE
 |         |
 |         +-- LICENSE
 +-- var/
          +-- apacheds-<version>/
            +-- <instance>/   
                 +-- run/
                 |    |
                 |    +-- apacheds-default.pid  The PID of the running process
                 +-- partitions/  This is were your data will be stored
                 |    |
                 |    +-- schema/
                 |    |
                 |    +-- system/
                 |    |
                 |    +-- example/
                 +-- log/  This is were the logs are stored
                 |    |
                 |    +-- apacheds.log
                 |    |
                 |    +-- wrapper.log
                 +-- cache/  This is where the various caches are stored
                 |    |
                 |    +-- changePwdReplayCache.data
                 |    |
                 |    +-- ou=system.data
                 |    |
                 |    +-- groupCache.data
                 |    |
                 |    +-- kdcReplayCache.data
                 +-- conf/
                      +-- wrapper-instance.conf  The specific instance wrapper configuration
                      +-- log4j.properties  The log configuration file
                      +-- config.ldif  The server configuration. Don't manipulate this file with a text editr !

As we can have more than one instance, we have more than one directory in /var/lib/apacheds that can be installed. Each one of these instance can be started using the /etc/init.d/apacheds daemon, passing the instancz as a parameter :

$ sudo /etc/init.d/apacheds-<version> start <instance>

The default instance name is ‘default’.

All the data for a given instance are stored into this /var/lib/apacheds- directory.

Configuring each instance

You can configure a specific settings. This is done by modifying the configuration files in /var/lib/apacheds-/.

JVM setting

Were you to change the memory you want to use for a given instance, you will have to modify the /var/lib/apacheds-///wrapper-instance.conf file. Here are the parameter you can configure in this file :

## In this file you can override parameters specified in the default
## Apache Directory Server config file which is usually at
## /opt/apacheds-2.0.0-M20-SNAPSHOT/conf/wrapper.conf
## See also http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.org/doc/english/properties.html
## For a list of properties that can be set.

## Override the JRE used
# wrapper.java.command=<path-to-java-executable>

## Override the JVM memory settings
## Initial Java Heap Size (in MB)
# wrapper.java.initmemory=1024

## Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB)
# wrapper.java.maxmemory=2048

You mainly want to change the memory used by the JVM.

Log configuration

You can configure the log level and content by changing the content of the /var/lib/apacheds-///log4j.properties file.

The default configuration is given below :

log4j.rootCategory=WARN, R, stdout



# Keep some backup files

log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d{HH:mm:ss}] %p [%c] - %m%n

log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d{HH:mm:ss}] %p [%c] - %m%n

# with these we'll not get innundated when switching to DEBUG

# Replication logs

# Search log

# Other logs