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# - AttributeTypes
The **AttributeType** **SchemaObject** exposes extra parameters. Here is the description as found in RFC 4512 :
4.1.2. Attribute Types
Attribute Type definitions are written according to the ABNF:
AttributeTypeDescription = LPAREN WSP
numericoid ; object identifier
[ SP "NAME" SP qdescrs ] ; short names (descriptors)
[ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ] ; description
[ SP "OBSOLETE" ] ; not active
[ SP "SUP" SP oid ] ; supertype
[ SP "EQUALITY" SP oid ] ; equality matching rule
[ SP "ORDERING" SP oid ] ; ordering matching rule
[ SP "SUBSTR" SP oid ] ; substrings matching rule
[ SP "SYNTAX" SP noidlen ] ; value syntax
[ SP "SINGLE-VALUE" ] ; single-value
[ SP "COLLECTIVE" ] ; collective
[ SP "NO-USER-MODIFICATION" ] ; not user modifiable
[ SP "USAGE" SP usage ] ; usage
extensions WSP RPAREN ; extensions
usage = "userApplications" / ; user
"directoryOperation" / ; directory operational
"distributedOperation" / ; DSA-shared operational
"dSAOperation" ; DSA-specific operational
The follwing methods have been added to cover ones not already present within the **SchemaObject** interface :
* getEquality() : returns the **MatchingRule** instance used to control the equality of the **AttributeType**
* getEqualityName() : returns the name of the EQUALITY **MatchingRule**.
* getEqualityOid() : returns the OID of the EQUALITY **MatchingRule**.
* getOrdering() : returns the **MatchingRule** instance used to control the ordering of the *AttributeType**
* getOrderingName() : returns the name of the ORDERING **MatchingRule**.
* getOrderingOid() : returns the OID of the ORDERING **MatchingRule**.
* getSubstring() : returns the **MatchingRule** instance used to match a substring from the **AttributeType**
* getSubstringName() : returns the name of the SUBSTR **MatchingRule**.
* getSubstringOid() : returns the OID of the SUBSTR **MatchingRule**.
* getSuperior() : returns the **AttributeType** instance that this instance inherits from
* getSuperiorName() : returns the superior **AttributeType**'s name
* getSuperiorOid() : returns the superior **AttributeType**'s OID
* getSyntax() : returns the associated **LdapSyntax** instance (or the parent's **AttributeType**'s one)
* getSyntaxLength() : returns the maximum length for the **AttributeType** value
* getSyntaxName() : returns the associated **LdapSyntax** instance's name
* getSyntaxOid() : returns the associated **LdapSyntax** instance's OID
* isAncestorOf(AttributeType) : tells if the **AttributeType** is the superior of another one
* isCollective() : tells if the **AttributeType** is a collective attribute
* isDescendantOf(AttributeType)
* isOperational() : tells if the **AttributeType** is an operational attribute (one of DIRECTORY_OPERATION, DISTRIBUTED_OPERATION and DSA_OPERATION)
* isSingleValued() : tells if the **AttributeType** only accept single values
* isUser() : tells if the **AttributeType** is a USER_APPLICATIONS attribute
* isUserModifiable() : tells if the **AttributeType** is modifiable or not
What is important to know is that an **AttributeType** may inherit some characteristics from a **SUP** **AttributeType**. For example, the **Syntax**, **MatchingRules**, etc. In any case, if you don't define the specific characteristics for a given **AttributeType**, they'll be inherited from its parent -- if there is one.