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# 13 - Controls
Controls are extension to the protocol. They are added in messages, and can contain extra information. A **Control** contains :
* an **OID**, unique to this **Control**, as an identifier
* a **Criticality** flag, which tells if the control can be ignored or not
* a value, which might be **BER** encoded
We have 20 **Control**s declared in the **LDAP API**, and we can add more.
## Implementation
Here is the **Control** classes and interfaces hierarchy :
![Control Hierarchy](images/controls.png)
As we can see, each _Impl_ class is coupled with a _Decorator_ class, used to process teh encoding and decoding of a **Control**
Keep in mind that **Control**s have to be sent within a message, thus be encoded or decoded when the response come back.
## Package/module
We have two flavors of **Control**s, standard and 'extra'. Standard **Control**s are those supported by all he servers, extras are oly supported by a few servers. This is an arbitrary decision, we could have put all of them at teh same place.
The list of standard **Control**s is :
* _Cascade_
* _EntryChange_
* _ManageDsaIT_
* _PagedResults_
* _PersistentSearch_
* _ProxiedAuthz_
* _SortRequest_
* _SortResponse_
* _Subentries_
The list of extra **Control**s is :
* _AdDirSync_
* _AdPolicyHints_
* _AdShowDeleted_
* _ChangeNotifications_
* _PermissiveModify_
* _PasswordPolicy_
* _SyncDoneValue_
* _SyncRequestValue_
* _SyncStateValue_
* _VirtualListViewRequest_
* _VirtualListViewResponse_
The standard **Control**s are described in the _ldap/model_ module (for the classes and interfaces) and in the _ldap/codec/core_ module (for the _Decorator_ and the decoding classes), in the package.
The extra **Control**s are described in the _ldap/extras/codec_ and _ldap/extras/codec-api modules (the first module contains the _classes_ and _interfaces_, the second module contains the _Decorator_s and all the decoder classes.) , in the packages (one sub-package per control) and in the package.
Any new **Control** is likely to be declared as an extra **Control**.
## Creating a new Control
The **Control** creation follows a few rules :
* It has to have a unique **OID** (this is generally the case, for **Control**s defined in RFCs)
* It has an _Interface_, a _Decorator_ and an implementation
* It must be declared
Let's see how it all works, using an example. We will add the **Transaction Specification Control**, defined in [RFC 5805(], paragraphe 2.2 :
2.2. Transaction Specification Control
A Transaction Specification Control is an LDAPControl where the
controlType is, the criticality is TRUE, and the
controlValue is a transaction identifier. The control is appropriate
for update requests including Add, Delete, Modify, and ModifyDN
(Rename) requests [RFC4511], as well as the Password Modify requests
As discussed in Section 4, the Transaction Specification control can
be used in conjunction with request controls appropriate for the
update request.
The _Interface_ will just expose the _Transaction Identifier_, and store the **Control** **OID** :
* The Transaction Specification control. It's defined in RFC 5805.
* This control is sent with every update once a transaction is started.
* It contains the Transaction ID.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
public interface TransactionSpecification
/** The Transaction Specification control OID */
String OID = "";
* @return The transaction identifier
byte[] getIdentifier();
* Set the transaction ID
* @param The transaction identifier, an opaque byte array
void setIdentifier( byte[] identifier );
We now need an implementation for this **Control**. It really just a matter of having an instanciable object. Note that this class exteds the _AbstractControl_ class.
Here it is :
* The Transaction Specification control. It's defined in RFC 5805.
* This control is sent with every update once a transaction is started.
* It contains the Transaction ID.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
public class TransactionSpecificationImpl extends AbstractControl implements TransactionSpecification
/** The Transaction Specification identifier */
private byte[] identifier;
* Default constructor
public TransactionSpecificationImpl()
super( OID );
* {@inheritDoc}
public byte[] getIdentifier()
return identifier;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setIdentifier( byte[] identifier )
// Copy the byte[]
if ( identifier != null )
this.identifier = new byte[identifier.length];
System.arraycopy( identifier, 0, this.identifier, 0, identifier.length );
* @see Object#toString()
public String toString()
if ( identifier != null )
return "Transaction specification ID=null";
return "Transaction specification ID=" + Strings.dumpBytes( identifier );
Nothing much to say, except that we have a default constructor that use the **Control**'s **OID** and a _toString()_ method, for convenience. The _Identifier_ is printed in hex format.
That's it for the two base _class_ and _interface_, we now have to deal with encoding and decoding.
### Encoding & Decoding
Encoding the **Control** is done by the **Decorator**. This class implements the _Asn1Object_ which defines the method _encode()_. Let's see how it works...
In order to encode the value we need to know its length, this is why we also have to implement the _computeLegth()_ method. In our case, it's superflouous, as the length is known : it's the _identifier_'s length.
Decoidng is quitre trivial : as we only need to decode the **Control** value, and as it's an opaque _byte[]_, we just need to copy this value in the instance.
In any case, we don't encode the whole **Control**, we just encode it's value : the **Control** itself is encode by the **LdapMessage**.
Here is the _Decorator_ code.
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
* TransactionSpecification decorator.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
public class TransactionSpecificationDecorator extends ControlDecorator<TransactionSpecification> implements TransactionSpecification
* Create a new instance of TransactionSpecificationDecorator
* @param codec The LDAP Service to use
* @param decoratedControl The control to decorate
public TransactionSpecificationDecorator( LdapApiService codec, TransactionSpecification decoratedControl )
super( codec, decoratedControl );
* {@inheritDoc}
public Asn1Object decode( byte[] controlBytes ) throws DecoderException
// Nothing to decode, the byte array is copied as is in identifier
setIdentifier( controlBytes );
return this;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int computeLength()
byte[] identifier = getDecorated().getIdentifier();
if ( identifier != null )
return identifier.length;
return -1;
* {@inheritDoc}
public ByteBuffer encode( ByteBuffer buffer ) throws EncoderException
byte[] identifier = getDecorated().getIdentifier();
if ( identifier != null )
ByteBuffer encoded = ByteBuffer.allocate( identifier.length );
encoded.put( identifier );
return encoded;
return ByteBuffer.allocate( 0 );
* {@inheritDoc}
public byte[] getIdentifier()
return getDecorated().getIdentifier();
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setIdentifier( byte[] identifier )
getDecorated().setIdentifier( identifier );
### The Factory
We also need a _Factory_ class that is used to register the **Control**. This class simply expose a constructor for the **Control**. It's code is pretty trival, there is nothing specific to the added **Control**.
Side note : as this class is ony invoked at startup, we could use reflection instead of having one _Factory_ per **Control**...
* A codec {@link ControlFactory} implementation for {@link TransactionSpecification} controls.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
public class TransactionSpecificationFactory implements ControlFactory<TransactionSpecification>
/** The LDAP codec responsible for encoding and decoding Cascade Controls */
private LdapApiService codec;
* Creates a new instance of TransactionSpecificationFactory.
* @param codec The LDAP codec
public TransactionSpecificationFactory( LdapApiService codec )
this.codec = codec;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getOid()
return TransactionSpecification.OID;
* {@inheritDoc}
public CodecControl<TransactionSpecification> newCodecControl()
return new TransactionSpecificationDecorator( codec, new TransactionSpecificationImpl() );
* {@inheritDoc}
public CodecControl<TransactionSpecification> newCodecControl( TransactionSpecification control )
return new TransactionSpecificationDecorator( codec, control );
## A more complex Control
We just shown a **Control** which was easy to encode or decode. Most of the time, the **Control**'s value is itself an **ASN/1** **BER** encoded value, and we need more classes to be able to process the decoding. Let use another **Control** as a sample :
## Adding a Control to the API
Once we have written the **Control** classes and interfaces, we need to declare it so that the **LDAP API** can use it.
The thing is that the **LDAP API** is **OSGi** compliant, so we need to expose the **Control**s and we also have to activate them.
The _ExtrasBundleActivator_ class (in the _ldap/extras/codec_ module) has to be modified to register and unregister the added **Control** :
* A BundleActivator for the ldap codec extras extension: extra ApacheDS and
* Apache Directory Studio specific controls and extended operations.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
public class ExtrasBundleActivator implements BundleActivator
* Registers all the extras controls present in this control pack.
* @param codec The codec service.
private void registerExtrasControls( LdapApiService codec )
ControlFactory<AdDirSync> adDirSyncFactory = new AdDirSyncFactory( codec );
codec.registerControl( adDirSyncFactory );
ControlFactory<TransactionSpecification> TransactionSpecificationFactory = new TransactionSpecificationFactory( codec );
codec.registerControl( TransactionSpecification );
private void unregisterExtrasControls( LdapApiService codec )
codec.unregisterControl( AdDirSync.OID );
codec.unregisterControl( AdShowDeleted.OID );
codec.unregisterControl( TransactionSpecification.OID );
Here we added the _TransactionSpecification_ **Control** at the end of thse two methods, and added the associated _import_.
Last, not least, we need to update the _loadStockControls_ method in the _CodecFactoryUtil_ class (in _ldap/codec/standalone_ module) :
* A utility class for adding Codec and extended operation factories.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
public final class CodecFactoryUtil
* Loads the Controls implement out of the box in the codec.
* @param controlFactories The Control factories to use
* @param apiService The LDAP Service instance to use
public static void loadStockControls( Map<String, ControlFactory<?>> controlFactories, LdapApiService apiService )
// Standard controls
ControlFactory<Cascade> cascadeFactory = new CascadeFactory( apiService );
controlFactories.put( cascadeFactory.getOid(), cascadeFactory ); "Registered pre-bundled control factory: {}", cascadeFactory.getOid() );
ControlFactory<TransactionSpecification> transactionSpecificationFactory =
new TransactionSpecificationFactory( apiService );
controlFactories.put( transactionSpecificationFactory.getOid(), transactionSpecificationFactory ); "Registered pre-bundled control factory: {}", transactionSpecificationFactory.getOid() );
We are done ! Note that there is nothing to change in the _MANIFEST.MF_ file, as the packages are already exported.