blob: 12d7d39cec5318ba7e8215408544bc7bcdb41d96 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.ldap.server.jndi;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.EmptyStackException;
import javax.naming.Name;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.ldap.LdapContext;
import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
import org.apache.ldap.common.filter.ExprNode;
import org.apache.ldap.server.PartitionNexus;
import org.apache.ldap.server.db.Database;
import org.apache.ldap.server.ContextPartition;
import org.apache.ldap.server.invocation.Invocation;
* Aspect coupling the JNDI provider with the nexus thereby facilitating the
* injection of interceptors between calls to the nexus from the JNDI.
* @author <a href="">Alex Karasulu</a>
* @author $Author$
* @version $Revision$
public aspect ProviderNexusAspect
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// M E M B E R I N T R O D U C T I O N S
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Adds a static ThreadLocal for a Stack of LdapContexts representing nested
* backend nexus calls made by the DefaultContextFactoryContext's contexts within the same
* thread of execution.
private static ThreadLocal DefaultContextFactoryContext.s_contextStacks = new ThreadLocal();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// M E T H O D I N T R O D U C T I O N S
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Pushes a calling LdapContext onto the Thread's ThreadLocal Stack before
* calls are made on the nexus within the LdapContext code.
* @param context the caller or the current context for the nexus call
private static void DefaultContextFactoryContext.push( LdapContext context )
Stack stack = ( Stack ) s_contextStacks.get();
if ( null == stack )
stack = new Stack();
s_contextStacks.set( stack );
stack.push( context );
* Pops the head of the Thread's ThreadLocal Stack after calls complete on
* the nexus within the LdapContext code.
* @return the last LdapContext or caller
private static LdapContext DefaultContextFactoryContext.pop()
Stack stack = ( Stack ) s_contextStacks.get();
if ( null == stack )
throw new EmptyStackException();
return ( LdapContext ) stack.pop();
* Peeks at the head of the Thread's ThreadLocal Stack.
* @return the current LdapContext or caller
static LdapContext DefaultContextFactoryContext.peek()
Stack stack = ( Stack ) s_contextStacks.get();
if ( null == stack )
throw new EmptyStackException();
return ( LdapContext ) stack.peek();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A S P E C T M E T H O D S
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Gets a shallow copy of the context stack.
* @return the context Stack.
private static Stack getContextStack()
Stack stack = ( Stack ) DefaultContextFactoryContext.s_contextStacks.get();
if ( stack == null )
return null;
return ( Stack ) stack.clone();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// P O I N T C U T S
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Selects join points on any public method calls made on the BackendNexus
* interface implementing proxy from code executing within an LdapContext
* caller. Makes sure that Proxy methods (static) and the
* getInvokationHandler() do not get selected.
* @param caller the calling LdapContext.
pointcut jndiNexusCalls( Context caller ):
this( caller ) &&
! this( ContextPartition ) &&
target( PartitionNexus ) &&
! target( Database ) &&
// these are for the ContextPartition interface methods
// not used anymore since it was moved to RootNexus class
// call( public Attributes getRootDSE() ) ||
call( public Name getMatchedDn( Name, boolean ) ) ||
call( public Name getSuffix( Name, boolean ) ) ||
call( public Iterator listSuffixes( boolean ) ) ||
call( public Attributes lookup( Name, String [] ) ) ||
// these are for BackingStore interface methods
call( public void add( String, Name, Attributes ) ) ||
call( public void delete( Name ) ) ||
call( public boolean hasEntry( Name ) ) ||
call( public boolean isSuffix( Name ) ) ||
call( public NamingEnumeration list( Name ) ) ||
call( public Attributes lookup( Name ) ) ||
call( public void modify( Name, int, Attributes ) ) ||
call( public void modify( Name, ModificationItem [] ) ) ||
call( public void modifyRn( Name, String, boolean ) ) ||
call( public void move( Name, Name ) ) ||
call( public void move( Name, Name, String, boolean ) ) ||
call( public NamingEnumeration
search( Name, Map, ExprNode, SearchControls ) ) );
* Selects join points where the Invokation default constructor executes.
* @param invocation the Invocation instantiated
pointcut newInvocation( Invocation invocation ):
target( invocation ) &&
execution( );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A D V I C E
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
before( Context caller ):
jndiNexusCalls( caller )
DefaultContextFactoryContext.push( ( LdapContext ) caller );
//System.out.println( "\npushed " + caller + " for join point "
// + thisJoinPoint );
after( Context caller ):
jndiNexusCalls( caller )
LdapContext head = DefaultContextFactoryContext.pop();
//System.out.println( "\npopped " + caller + " for join point "
// + thisJoinPoint );
after( Invocation invocation ):
newInvocation( invocation )
invocation.setContextStack( getContextStack() );
// "\nJust set the context stack on a new Invocation: "
// + thisJoinPoint );