blob: d6ad36cdb1c42ecbcdf04654fa7a2b3a6f863c99 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
* Tests {@link MostSpecificProtectedItemFilter}.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
* @version $Rev$, $Date$
public class MostSpecificProtectedItemFilterTest extends TestCase
private static final Collection EMPTY_COLLECTION = Collections.unmodifiableCollection( new ArrayList() );
private static final Set EMPTY_SET = Collections.unmodifiableSet( new HashSet() );
private static final List TUPLES_A = new ArrayList();
private static final List TUPLES_B = new ArrayList();
private static final List TUPLES_C = new ArrayList();
private static final List TUPLES_D = new ArrayList();
private static final List TUPLES_E = new ArrayList();
Collection attributeType = new ArrayList();
Collection allAttributeValues = new ArrayList();
Collection selfValue = new ArrayList();
Collection attributeValue = new ArrayList();
Collection rangeOfValues = new ArrayList();
Collection allUserAttributeTypes = new ArrayList();
Collection allUserAttributeTypesAndValues = new ArrayList();
attributeType.add( new ProtectedItem.AttributeType( EMPTY_COLLECTION ) );
allAttributeValues.add( new ProtectedItem.AllAttributeValues( EMPTY_COLLECTION ) );
selfValue.add( new ProtectedItem.SelfValue( EMPTY_COLLECTION ) );
attributeValue.add( new ProtectedItem.AttributeValue( EMPTY_COLLECTION ) );
rangeOfValues.add( new ProtectedItem.RangeOfValues( new PresenceNode( "objectClass" ) ) );
allUserAttributeTypes.add( ProtectedItem.ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPES );
allUserAttributeTypesAndValues.add( ProtectedItem.ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTE_TYPES_AND_VALUES );
ACITuple attributeTypeTuple = new ACITuple( EMPTY_COLLECTION, AuthenticationLevel.NONE, attributeType,
EMPTY_SET, true, 0 );
ACITuple allAttributeValuesTuple = new ACITuple( EMPTY_COLLECTION, AuthenticationLevel.NONE,
allAttributeValues, EMPTY_SET, true, 0 );
ACITuple selfValueTuple = new ACITuple( EMPTY_COLLECTION, AuthenticationLevel.NONE, selfValue, EMPTY_SET, true,
0 );
ACITuple attributeValueTuple = new ACITuple( EMPTY_COLLECTION, AuthenticationLevel.NONE, attributeValue,
EMPTY_SET, true, 0 );
ACITuple rangeOfValuesTuple = new ACITuple( EMPTY_COLLECTION, AuthenticationLevel.NONE, rangeOfValues,
EMPTY_SET, true, 0 );
ACITuple allUserAttributeTypesTuple = new ACITuple( EMPTY_COLLECTION, AuthenticationLevel.NONE,
allUserAttributeTypes, EMPTY_SET, true, 0 );
ACITuple allUserAttributeTypesAndValuesTuple = new ACITuple( EMPTY_COLLECTION, AuthenticationLevel.NONE,
allUserAttributeTypesAndValues, EMPTY_SET, true, 0 );
TUPLES_A.add( attributeTypeTuple );
TUPLES_A.add( allAttributeValuesTuple );
TUPLES_A.add( selfValueTuple );
TUPLES_A.add( attributeValueTuple );
TUPLES_A.add( rangeOfValuesTuple );
TUPLES_A.add( allUserAttributeTypesTuple );
TUPLES_A.add( allUserAttributeTypesAndValuesTuple );
TUPLES_B.add( allAttributeValuesTuple );
TUPLES_B.add( selfValueTuple );
TUPLES_B.add( attributeValueTuple );
TUPLES_B.add( rangeOfValuesTuple );
TUPLES_B.add( allUserAttributeTypesTuple );
TUPLES_B.add( allUserAttributeTypesAndValuesTuple );
TUPLES_C.add( selfValueTuple );
TUPLES_C.add( attributeValueTuple );
TUPLES_C.add( rangeOfValuesTuple );
TUPLES_C.add( allUserAttributeTypesTuple );
TUPLES_C.add( allUserAttributeTypesAndValuesTuple );
TUPLES_D.add( attributeValueTuple );
TUPLES_D.add( rangeOfValuesTuple );
TUPLES_D.add( allUserAttributeTypesTuple );
TUPLES_D.add( allUserAttributeTypesAndValuesTuple );
TUPLES_E.add( allUserAttributeTypesTuple );
TUPLES_E.add( allUserAttributeTypesAndValuesTuple );
public void testZeroOrOneTuple() throws Exception
MostSpecificProtectedItemFilter filter = new MostSpecificProtectedItemFilter();
Assert.assertEquals( 0, filter.filter( EMPTY_COLLECTION, OperationScope.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_AND_VALUE, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ).size() );
Collection tuples = new ArrayList();
tuples.add( new ACITuple( EMPTY_COLLECTION, AuthenticationLevel.NONE, EMPTY_COLLECTION, EMPTY_SET, false, 0 ) );
Assert.assertEquals( 1, filter.filter( tuples, OperationScope.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_AND_VALUE, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null ).size() );
public void testTuplesA() throws Exception
MostSpecificProtectedItemFilter filter = new MostSpecificProtectedItemFilter();
List tuples = new ArrayList( TUPLES_A );
tuples = ( List ) filter.filter( tuples, OperationScope.ENTRY, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null );
Assert.assertEquals( 4, tuples.size() );
Assert.assertSame( TUPLES_A.get( 0 ), tuples.get( 0 ) );
Assert.assertSame( TUPLES_A.get( 1 ), tuples.get( 1 ) );
Assert.assertSame( TUPLES_A.get( 2 ), tuples.get( 2 ) );
Assert.assertSame( TUPLES_A.get( 3 ), tuples.get( 3 ) );
public void testTuplesB() throws Exception
MostSpecificProtectedItemFilter filter = new MostSpecificProtectedItemFilter();
List tuples = new ArrayList( TUPLES_B );
tuples = ( List ) filter.filter( tuples, OperationScope.ENTRY, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null );
Assert.assertEquals( 3, tuples.size() );
Assert.assertSame( TUPLES_B.get( 0 ), tuples.get( 0 ) );
Assert.assertSame( TUPLES_B.get( 1 ), tuples.get( 1 ) );
Assert.assertSame( TUPLES_B.get( 2 ), tuples.get( 2 ) );
public void testTuplesC() throws Exception
MostSpecificProtectedItemFilter filter = new MostSpecificProtectedItemFilter();
List tuples = new ArrayList( TUPLES_C );
tuples = ( List ) filter.filter( tuples, OperationScope.ENTRY, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null );
Assert.assertEquals( 2, tuples.size() );
Assert.assertSame( TUPLES_C.get( 0 ), tuples.get( 0 ) );
Assert.assertSame( TUPLES_C.get( 1 ), tuples.get( 1 ) );
public void testTuplesD() throws Exception
MostSpecificProtectedItemFilter filter = new MostSpecificProtectedItemFilter();
List tuples = new ArrayList( TUPLES_D );
tuples = ( List ) filter.filter( tuples, OperationScope.ENTRY, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null );
Assert.assertEquals( 1, tuples.size() );
Assert.assertSame( TUPLES_D.get( 0 ), tuples.get( 0 ) );
public void testTuplesE() throws Exception
MostSpecificProtectedItemFilter filter = new MostSpecificProtectedItemFilter();
List tuples = new ArrayList( TUPLES_E );
tuples = ( List ) filter.filter( tuples, OperationScope.ENTRY, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null );
Assert.assertEquals( 2, tuples.size() );
Assert.assertSame( TUPLES_E.get( 0 ), tuples.get( 0 ) );
Assert.assertSame( TUPLES_E.get( 1 ), tuples.get( 1 ) );