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<author email="akarasulu">akarasulu</author>
<section heading="h2" name="Introduction">
Subentries are used for managing the administration of different aspects of the
directory. LDAP has just recently formalized the notion of subentires
<a href="">RFC 3672</a>
. Subentries have existed within X.500 Directories for years with clear
specifications for administering collective attributes, schema, and access
controls. With the exception of managing collective attributes LDAP has no
equivalent *yet* for administering these aspects. However with RFC 3672, LDAP
is on its way towards adopting and adapting these mechanisms from X.500
Directories. It is only a matter of
For this reason we intend to remain ahead of the curve by implementing these
aspects of administration using Subentries and Administrative Areas similar to
<section heading="h2" name="What exactly are subentries?">
To explain this properly we're going to need to discuss a couple other things
like administrative areas (AA) and administrative points (AP) within the
directory. However for the impatient here's a quick attempt to describe what
Subentries are hidden leaf entries (which cannot have children). These entries
immediately subordinate to an administrative point (AP) within the directory.
They are used to specify administrative information for a part of the Directory
Information Tree (DIT). Subentries can contain administrative information for
aspects of access control, schema administration, and collective attributes (and
others which have not been defined in any specification
<section heading="h2" name="Administrative Areas, Entries and Points">
First some definitions as provided by
<ul nesting="1">
11.1.1 administrative area: A subtree of the DIT considered from the perspective
11.1.2 administrative entry: An entry located at an administrative
11.1.3 administrative point: The root vertex of an administrative
11.1.5 autonomous administrative area: A subtree of the DIT whose entries are
all administered by the same Administrative Authority. Autonomous administrative
areas are
11.1.11 inner administrative area: A specific administrative area whose scope is
wholly contained within the scope of another specific administrative area of the
11.1.17 specific administrative area: A subset (in the form of a subtree) of an
autonomous administrative area defined for a particular aspect of
administration: access control, subschema or entry collection administration.
When defined, specific administrative areas of a particular kind partition an
autonomous administrative
11.1.18 specific administrative point: The root vertex of a specific
Now take a step back because the above definitions are, well, from a sleep
inducing spec. Let's just talk about some
Presume you're the uber directory administrator over at WallyWorld (a Walmart
competitor). Let's say WallyWorld uses their corporate directory for various
things including their product catalog. As the uber admin you're going to have a
bunch of people wanting access, update and even administer your directory.
Entire departments within WallyWorld are going to want to control different
parts of the directory. Sales may want to manage the product catalog, while
operations may want to manage information in other areas dealing with suppliers
and store locations. Whatever the domain some department will need to manage the
information as the
Each department will probably designate different people to manage different
aspects of their domain. You're not going to want to deal with their little
fiefdoms instead you can delegate the administration of access control policy to
a departmental contact. You will want to empower your users and administrative
contacts in these departments so they can do part of the job for you. Plus it's
much better than having to communicate with everyone in the company to meet
their needs. This is where the delegation of authority comes into the
Usually administrators do this already to an extent without defining
administrative areas. Giving users the ability to change their own passwords for
example is a form of delegation. This is generally a good idea because you don't
want to set passwords for people. First because you don't want to see the
password and secondly because of the management nightmare you'd have to deal
with. Expand this idea out a little further and think about delegating
administration not of users on their passwords but of entire subtrees in the
directory to administrative contacts in various
Do you really want to manage the corporate product catalog or just let the sales
department manage it? But what do we mean by manage? You want sales people to
create, and delete entries but they may only trust a few people to do this.
Others may just view the catelog. Who are the people with add/remove powers and
why should you have to be involved with deciding this ever changing departmental
policy? Instead you can delegate the management of access controls in this area
to a administrative contact in the sales department. The sales contact can then
administer access controls for their department. They're closer to the people in
sales than you are and they probably have more bandwidth to handle sales related
needs than you do. Delegating authority in this fashion is what X.500 engineers
pioneered in the early 80's with the telecom boom in Europe. They knew different
authorities will want to manage different aspects of directory administration
for themselves. These X.500 definitions are there to be able to talk about
administrative areas within the directory. Now let's get back to what these
things are
An administrative area is some part of the directory tree that is arbitrarily
defined. The tree can be split into different administrative areas to delegate
authority for managing various aspects of administration. For example you can
have a partition hanging off of *'dc=example,dc=com'* with an *'ou=product
catalog'* area. You may want this area to be managed by the sales department
with respect to the content, schema, it's visibility, and collective attributes.
Perhaps you only want to delegate only one aspect of administration , access
control, since you don't want people messing around with schema. To do so you
can define everything under *'ou=product catalog'* to be an administrative area
specifically for access control and delegate that aspect only. In that case the
entry, *'ou=product catalog,dc=example,dc=com'* becomes an administrative entry.
It is also the administrative point for the area which is the tree rooted at
Not all administrative areas are equal. There are really two kinds :
*autonomous* and *inner* areas. Autonomous areas are areas of administration
that cannot overlap. Meaning someone is assigned as the supreme authority for
that subtree. Inner areas are, as their name suggests, nested administrative
areas within autonomous areas and other inner areas. Yes, you can nest these
inner areas as deep as you like. You may be asking yourself what the point to
all this is. Well, say you're the supreme admin of admins. You delegate the
authority to manage access control for the corporate catalog to the sales admin.
That admin may in turn decide to delegate yet another area of the catalog to
another contact within a different department. You delegate access control
management to the sales admin over the product catalog. The sales admin realizes
that the job is way bigger than he can manage so he delegates administration of
subtrees in the catalog to various contacts in different departments. For
example regions of the catalog under *'ou=electronics' and 'ou=produce'* may be
delegated to different contacts in their respective departments. However the
sales admin still reserves the ability to override access controls in the
catalog. The sales admin can change who manages access controls for different
parts of the catalog. This chain of delegation is possible using inner
<section heading="h2" name="How are administrative areas defined?">
Usually an entry is selected as the administrative point and marked with an
operational attribute. The attributeType of the operational attribute is
'administrativeRole'. This attribute can have the following
As you can see, 3 aspects, *schema*, *collective attributes*, and *access
control* are considered. An autonomous administrative area can hence be
considered with respect to all three specific aspect of administration. If an AP
is marked as an autonomousArea it generally means that administration of all
aspects are allowed by the authority. If marked with a specific aspect then only
that aspect of administration is delegated. The administrativeRole operational
attribute is multivalued so the uber admin can delegate any number of specific
administration aspects as he
Also notice that two aspects, collective attribute and access controls, allow
administrative points to be inner areas. Delegated authorities for these two
aspects can create inner administrative areas to further delegate their
administrative powers. The schema aspect unlike the others cannot have inner
areas because of potential conflicts this may cause which would lead to data
integrity issues. For this reason only the authority of an automomous area can
manage schema for the entire
An autonomous administrative area (AAA) includes the AP and spans all
descendants below the AP down to the leaf entries of the subtree with one
exception. If another AAA, let's call it AAA' (prime) is present and rooted
below the first AAA then the first AAA does not include the entries of AAA'.
Translation: an AAA spans down until other AAAs or leaf entries are encountered
within the subtree. This is due to the fact that AAAs do not overlap as do inner
<section heading="h2" name="Subentries under an IAA or an AAA">
Subentries hold administrative information for an IAA or an AAA. These entries
are of the objectClass 'subentry'. The subentry must contain two attributes: a
*commonName* and a *subtreeSpecification*. The commonName (or cn) is used as the
subentry's rdn attribute. The subtreeSpecification describes the collection of
entries within the AA (IAA or AAA) that the administrative instruction applies
A subtree specification uses various parameters described below to define the
set of entries. Note that entries need not exist for them to be included in the
collection on
<subsection heading="h3" name="Base parameter">
This is the relative name of the root vertex of the subtree relative to the AP.
So if the AP is *'ou=system'* and the base is *'ou=users'*, the subtree begins
at *'ou=users,ou=system'*. The base can be any length of name components
including 0 where it's the empty name "". In this case, the subtree begins at
the AP, *'ou=system'* in the example
<subsection heading="h3" name="Chop parameters">
Chop specification parameters define specific nodes to be excluded from the
collection as well as how deep the subtree spans and even where it starts
relative to the
<subsection heading="h4" name="chopBefore and chopAfter">
These parameters are names relative to the root vertex of the subtree, hence
they are relative to the base parameter. They specify whether or not an entry
and its descendants are to be excluded from the
When *chopBefore* is used, the entry specified is excluded from the collection.
When *chopAfter* is used the entry is included however all descendants below the
entry are
<subsection heading="h4" name="minimum and maximum">
The minimum parameter describes the minimum DN length required to include
entries within the selection. The maximum parameter describes the maximum DN
length allowed before entries are excluded from the
<subsection heading="h3" name="Specification filter parameter">
The specification filter is a unique beast. It's a filter like a search filter,
however its syntax and expressivity is radically different. Think of a
specification filter as a simplified form of search filters where all terms only
test the objectClass attribute and only equality checks can be performed. Oh and
yes, you do have logical operators like *and*, *or* and
So with a filter you have the ability to "refine" the subtree already specified
with chop, and base parameters. This "refinement" makes it so the collection is
not really a contiguous subtree of entries but a possibly disconnected set of
selected based on the objectClass characteristics of entries. This feature of a
subtreeSpecification is very powerful. For example, I can define a subtree to
cover a region of an AA yet include only inetOrgPersons within this
<subsection heading="h3" name="Subentry types in ApacheDS">
Different subentry objectClasses exist for applying different aspects of
administration to the entry collection described by their subtreeSpecification
attribute. By the way the subtreeSpecification attribute is single valued so
there can only be one in a subentry. However you can have several subentries of
various kinds under an AP. Furthermore their collections can
The kinds of subentries allowed though are limited by the administrativeRole of
the AP. If the AP is for an access control AA then you can't add a subentry to
it for schema administration. The AP must have the role for schema
administration as well to allow both types of
ApacheDS does not manage schema using subentries in the formal X.500 sense right
now. There is a single global subentry defined at *'cn=schema'* for the entire
DSA. The schema is static and cannot be updated at runtime even by the
administrator. Pretty rough for now but it's the only lagging subsystem. We'll
of course make sure this subsystem catches
ApacheDS does however manage collective attributes using subentries. An AP that
takes the administrativeRole for managing collective attributes can have
subentries added. These subentries are described in greater detail
<a href="./collective.html">Collective</a>
. In short, collective attributes added to subentries show up within entries
included by the subtreeSpecification. Adding, removing, and modifying the values
of collective attributes within the subentries instantly manifest changes in the
entries selected by the subtreeSpecification. Again
<a href="./collective.html">Collective</a>
for a hands on explanation of how to use this
ApacheDS performs access control and allows delegation using subentries, AAAs,
and IAAs. ApacheDS uses the Basic Access Control Scheme from X.501 to manage
access control. By default this subsystem is deactivated because it locks down
everything except access by the admin. More information about hands on use is
<a href="./authorization.html">Authorization</a>
. However to summarize its association with subentries, access control
information (ACI) can be added to subentries under an AP for access control AAs.
When one or more ACI are added in this fashion, the access rules of the ACI set
apply to all entries selected by the subtreeSpecification. Even with this
powerful feature individual entries can have ACI added to them for controlling
access to them. Also there are things you can do with ACI added to subentries
that cannot be done with entry level ACI. For example you cannot allow entry
addition with entry ACI. You must use subtreeSpecifications to define where
entries may be added because those entries and their parents may not exist
<subsection heading="h3" name="How to specify a subentry's subtreeSpecification">
The best way to demonstrate subtreeSpecification values are through examples.
Here's the simplest filter of them
This basically selects the entire contiguous subtree below the AP. The base is
the empty name and it's rooted at the
Next step let's add a
<source>{ base "ou=users" }
If this is the subtreeSpecification under the AP, *'ou=system'*, then it selects
every entry under
OK that was easy so now let's slice and dice the tree now using the minimum and
maximum chop
<source>{ minimum 3, maximum 5 }
This selects all entries below *'ou=system'* which have a DN size equal to 3
name components, but no more than 5. So for example
*'uid=jdoe,ou=users,ou=system'* would be included but
*'uid=jack,ou=do,ou=not,ou=select,ou=users,ou=system'* would not be included.
Let's continue and combine the base with just a minimum
<source>{ base "ou=users", minimum 4 }
Here the subtree starts at *'ou=users,ou=system'* if the subentry subordinates
to the AP at *'ou=system'*. The user
*'uid=jdoe,ou=deepenough,ou=users,ou=system'* is selected by the spec where as
*'uid=jbean,ou=users,ou=system'* is
It's time to add some chop
base "ou=users",
minimum 4,
specificExclusions { chopBefore: "ou=untrusted" }
Again if placed at the AP *'ou=system'* this subtree would begin at
*'ou=users,ou=system'*. It would not include users that subordinate to it though
because of the minimum constraint since these users would have 3 components in
their DN. The specific exclusions prevent *'ou=untrusted,ou=users,ou=system'*
and all its descendants from being included in the collection. However
*'uid=jbean,ou=trusted,ou=users,ou=system'* would be included since it meets the
minimum requirement, is a descendant of *'ou=users,ou=system'* and is not under
the excluded DN,
Note that you can add as many exclusions as you like by comma delimiting them.
base "ou=users",
minimum 4,
specificExclusions { chopBefore: "ou=untrusted", chopAfter: "ou=ugly", chopBefore: "ou=bad" }
The final example includes a refinement. Again any combination of chop, filter
and base parameters can be used. The following refinement makes sure the users
selected are of the objectClass inetOrgPerson and specialUser where the OID for
the specialUser class is
base "ou=users",
minimum 4,
specificExclusions { chopBefore: "ou=untrusted", chopAfter: "ou=ugly", chopBefore: "ou=bad" }
specificationFilter and:{ item:, item:inetOrgPerson }
If you'd like to see the whole specification of the grammar used for the
subtreeSpecification take a look at Appendix A
<a href="">RFC 3672</a>
<section heading="h2" name="Future Possibilities">
In the immediate future we intend to
<a href="./triggers.html">Triggers</a>
, stored procedures and views into ApacheDS. Subentries will play a critical
role in the administration and application of these features. For example a
Trigger specification need not include information on what entries it applies to
since the subtreeSpecification handles this. The question of "on what" a trigger
applies to is nicely disassociated from the "which operation" part of the
specification. This makes for much better reuse of triggers. It also allows for
the pin point application of triggers to entries in the DIT. Likewise a view
itself will be defined by a specification. A view for example in a subentry can
define a region of the tree that does not exist but is shadowed from another
region all together. The possibilities here are
Of course we will revamp the schema subsystem of ApacheDS to use subentries in
AAA to manage the schema in effect within different regions of the DIT. Today
most LDAP servers just have a global scheme in effect for the entire DIT served
by a DSA. We don't think that is reasonable at all. So expect some serious
advances in the design of a new schema subsystem based on
Replication is yet another excellent candidate for using subentries. Replication
of specific collections of entries can be managed for each cluster rather than
replicating the entire DIT served by a DSA to replicas. This way we don't only
control what is replicated but we can also control how and where it is
<section heading="h2" name="Conclusions">
ApacheDS has implemented subentries for the administration of various aspects of
the directory and gains several powerful features as a result: namely precision
application of control to entry collections and the ability to delegate
administrative authority. For details on the administration of each aspect using
<a href="./collective.html">Collective</a>
<a href="./authorization.html">Authorization</a>
) please see the respective
As ApacheDS progresses it will gain an immense advantage from subentries. Both
for existing LDAP features like scheme and for new experimental features like
triggers, and