blob: 6a9e27a28c439ad816c985ed6c3c4cd25638cf95 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* Base class for encrypted parts of KDC responses.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
* @version $Rev$, $Date$
public class EncKdcRepPart implements Encodable
private EncryptionKey key;
private LastRequest lastRequest;
private int nonce;
private KerberosTime keyExpiration; //optional
private TicketFlags flags = new TicketFlags();
private KerberosTime authTime;
private KerberosTime startTime; //optional
private KerberosTime endTime;
private KerberosTime renewTill; //optional
private KerberosPrincipal serverPrincipal;
private HostAddresses clientAddresses; //optional
private MessageComponentType componentType;
* Creates a new instance of EncKdcRepPart.
public EncKdcRepPart()
// built up by setter during reply generation
* Creates a new instance of EncKdcRepPart.
* @param key
* @param lastReq
* @param nonce
* @param keyExpiration
* @param flags
* @param authtime
* @param starttime
* @param endtime
* @param renewTill
* @param serverPrincipal
* @param caddr
* @param componentType
public EncKdcRepPart( EncryptionKey key, LastRequest lastReq, int nonce, KerberosTime keyExpiration,
TicketFlags flags, KerberosTime authtime, KerberosTime starttime, KerberosTime endtime, KerberosTime renewTill,
KerberosPrincipal serverPrincipal, HostAddresses caddr, MessageComponentType componentType )
this.key = key;
this.lastRequest = lastReq;
this.nonce = nonce;
this.keyExpiration = keyExpiration;
this.flags = flags;
this.authTime = authtime;
this.startTime = starttime;
this.endTime = endtime;
this.renewTill = renewTill;
this.serverPrincipal = serverPrincipal;
this.clientAddresses = caddr;
this.componentType = componentType;
* Returns the auth {@link KerberosTime}.
* @return The auth {@link KerberosTime}.
public KerberosTime getAuthTime()
return authTime;
* Returns the client {@link HostAddresses}.
* @return The client {@link HostAddresses}.
public HostAddresses getClientAddresses()
return clientAddresses;
* Returns the end {@link KerberosTime}.
* @return The end {@link KerberosTime}.
public KerberosTime getEndTime()
return endTime;
* Returns the {@link TicketFlags}.
* @return The {@link TicketFlags}.
public TicketFlags getFlags()
return flags;
* Returns the {@link EncryptionKey}.
* @return The {@link EncryptionKey}.
public EncryptionKey getKey()
return key;
* Returns the key expiration {@link KerberosTime}.
* @return The key expiration {@link KerberosTime}.
public KerberosTime getKeyExpiration()
return keyExpiration;
* Returns the {@link LastRequest}.
* @return The {@link LastRequest}.
public LastRequest getLastRequest()
return lastRequest;
* Returns the nonce.
* @return The nonce.
public int getNonce()
return nonce;
* Returns the renew till {@link KerberosTime}.
* @return The renew till {@link KerberosTime}.
public KerberosTime getRenewTill()
return renewTill;
* Returns the server {@link KerberosPrincipal}.
* @return The server {@link KerberosPrincipal}.
public KerberosPrincipal getServerPrincipal()
return serverPrincipal;
* Returns the server realm.
* @return The server realm.
public String getServerRealm()
return serverPrincipal.getRealm();
* Returns the start {@link KerberosTime}.
* @return The start {@link KerberosTime}.
public KerberosTime getStartTime()
return startTime;
* Returns the {@link MessageComponentType}.
* @return The {@link MessageComponentType}.
public MessageComponentType getComponentType()
return componentType;
* Sets the auth {@link KerberosTime}.
* @param time
public void setAuthTime( KerberosTime time )
authTime = time;
* Sets the client {@link HostAddresses}.
* @param addresses
public void setClientAddresses( HostAddresses addresses )
clientAddresses = addresses;
* Sets the end {@link KerberosTime}.
* @param time
public void setEndTime( KerberosTime time )
endTime = time;
* Sets the {@link TicketFlags}.
* @param flags
public void setFlags( TicketFlags flags )
this.flags = flags;
* Sets the {@link EncryptionKey}.
* @param key
public void setKey( EncryptionKey key )
this.key = key;
* Sets the key expiration {@link KerberosTime}.
* @param expiration
public void setKeyExpiration( KerberosTime expiration )
keyExpiration = expiration;
* Sets the {@link LastRequest}.
* @param request
public void setLastRequest( LastRequest request )
lastRequest = request;
* Sets the nonce.
* @param nonce
public void setNonce( int nonce )
this.nonce = nonce;
* Sets the renew till {@link KerberosTime}.
* @param till
public void setRenewTill( KerberosTime till )
renewTill = till;
* Sets the server {@link KerberosPrincipal}.
* @param principal
public void setServerPrincipal( KerberosPrincipal principal )
serverPrincipal = principal;
* Sets the start {@link KerberosTime}.
* @param time
public void setStartTime( KerberosTime time )
startTime = time;