blob: 224139186bbe809313af9ecc90f93391d7d963fa [file] [log] [blame]
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<author email="">Jeff Machols</author>
<title>Apache Directory Project: Contributors</title>
<section name="Jeff Machols">
(jmachols at apache dot org)
Jeff is one of the original members of the LDAPd group founded by
Alex Karasulu. He came into the Apache Software Foundation when it
absorbed the LDAPd source code and members.
<section name="Background">
Jeff had the good fortune of becoming associated with Alex Karasulu
at a pivotal time early in 2002. Alex had some frustrations with LDAP
due to deficiencies in all of the servers he used and was toying with
the idea of writing one. Jeff's initial role was simply to serve as a
sounding board for ideas. As time went on and he heard not only the
ideas but, the passion of Alex about this endeavor, Jeff eagerly
accepted Alex's invitation to become involved in the LDAPd project.
Jeff's primary focus on the project is the client side of LDAP. After a
struggle implementing Unix user authentication with other LDAP servers
and clients, he saw additional opportunity for improvement. The goal of
the client and LDAP common sub-project is to provide a set LDAP tools
to match the ease of use, flexibility and rich features of Eve.
Jeff's also worked closely with the Apache Infrastructure team,
especially Noel Bergman, to import the LDAPd CVS source code into
Subversion. The Apache Directory project was one of the first to
implement Subversion.