blob: e9344d50f3a0a09f86e3fdc886eeb4c2d5da1dc0 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<author email="">Alex Karasulu</author>
<title>Apache Directory Project: Patches</title>
<section name="JIRA">
<p>It's the issue tracking system we use, and
we ask that you do, too.<br/>
<a href=""><strong>Enter a bug</strong></a><br/>
but please make sure the bug you're reporting doesn't exist yet, you include
all relevant information, etc. See
<a href="">this page</a>
for more on how to submit bug reports, or try Google.</p>
<section name="Submitting patches">
<p>Generate patches using <code>cvs diff -u</code>, or <code>diff -u</code>.
Please create your patches relative to the root of the cvs module the patch
should be applied to. Please compile changes to multiple files
in a single patch file. Make sure the patch adheres to the coding standards,
and includes appropriate javadoc.</p>
<p>When you've built the patch, file a new bug report in JIRA if one
does not exist yet, explain the reason behind the patch, how the patch fixes
the issues, and add the patch as an attachment.</p>
<p>If your patch is not getting applied or there is no response, start nagging
the developers (politely, please :D) on the developers mailing list.</p>
<section name="Documentation patches">
<p>Please submit documentation patches against the xml sourcefiles used
for generating the documentation, and not against the documentation