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<H1>Proposal for an Apache Directory Project</H1><EM>10 Sept 2003, Alex Karasulu
( LDAPd Group Founder</EM>
<P><STRONG>Section 0 : Rationale</STRONG>
<P>The geometric growth of networks, services, distributed systems, and their
components has brought about a revival of interest in directories. Directories
are no longer considered commodity products used to store a phone book or list
of users. Directories and LDAP have grown into a critical technology that will
inevitably become a cornerstone of distributed systems. Several software giants
like BEA, SUN, and Microsoft have already demonstrated their belief in this
outcome by heavily integrating their products with directories. Directory and
naming systems are being used in everything from a simplified form for J2EE
configuration to full-blown enterprise directories, within identity management
systems and distributed computing platforms like JINI.
<P>The overhead of managing several copies of relatively static information
across systems and enterprises is daunting and introduces the potential for data
inconsistency. The frequently replicated user and group tables in almost every
database driven application alone is a testament to this fact. When multiple
systems have to inter operate, they must share access to common information, and
directories are the best storage paradigm for rapidly accessing this type of
data. Whether the information to be stored, is a component's configuration, a
user's security profile, a business rule or a business process, directories are
the place to store it for centralized management, and distribution across
<P>To date, a fully compliant pure Java open source LDAPv3 server has not yet
been written. This is partially due to the fact that a practical stateful
protocol server in Java was virtually impossible until the introduction of the
NIO packages in the 1.4 SDK. LDAP, as a stateful protocol, manages client state
through a TCP socket connection. The socket connection persists through several
client requests and server responses tying them together under a logical session
or conversation. Before the introduction of non-blocking IO in the NIO packages
of the 1.4 SDK, a thread had to be dedicated to each socket to detect IO. A
stateful protocol server written completely in Java, would have needed as many
active threads as the number of concurrent clients. Theoretically, scalability
would have been very poor; the performance curve would be asymptotic, degrading
rapidly with an increase in the number of concurrent connections. To scale pure
Java statefull protocol server implementations had to wait until the Merlin
release of the JDK.
<P>Furthermore, no embeddable pure Java LDAPv3 server has yet been written and
made freely available. We believe the embedding of LDAP servers into existing
mail, application and web servers to be the next logical steps in the
progression and integration of LDAP. Several commercial examples can already be
sited: Microsoft Exchange and BEA Weblogic Server. The management benefits of
coupling these servers with an LDAP server are beyond the scope of this proposal
and left to the imagination of the reader. However, the synergy between embedded
LDAP servers and other flagship Apache servers would lead to greater economies
of scale for the Apache server suite and reduce the overhead of management for
the Apache software user community.
<P>LDAP directories are specialized databases, however unlike their RDBMS
counterparts, LDAP directories are fairly new and for this reason lack rich
integration features. High on the list of features lacking in LDAP servers are
stored procedures and triggers. Triggers and Java stored procedures would expand
the horizon of LDAP in itself even without the benefits of Java. Triggers and
stored procedures would alleviate ugly workarounds which currently using polling
and meta directories. These features alone would attract groups within the LDAP
and Java communities to band together and support the Apache LDAP Project.
<P>LDAP is both a network line protocol and a hierarchical relational database.
Some might even argue that LDAP is object oriented. Regardless, the
implementation of an LDAP server is not a trivial matter. LDAP code bases
written in native languages have to be ported to run on different platforms.
Conditional complies in C based implementations were shown to considerably
reduce the maintainability of code bases. The complexity of a database, a
network line protocol and conditional compilation together have resulted in
reduced maintainability for C based LDAP servers. Also the learning curve and
hence barrier to entry for developers is greater. These complications would not
exist for a Java based LDAP server that is written once and can run anywhere.
<P>The Apache Foundation supports several component container projects which
provide the proper foundation for a Java LDAP directory server. Apache also
supports several server side application containers which can realize
significant functional enhancements by employing an LDAP directory server. Also
LDAP requiring organizations today must settle for less than optimal
implementations and often have to pay as high as a dollar per entry to directory
enable their applications. The Apache LDAP Project would solve these problems by
providing a free robust LDAPv3 implementation in a standalone configuration or
an embeddable configuration for use in all Apache servers and other third party
<P>Our goal is to produce a community of developers with backgrounds in LDAP,
X.500, Database Engineering and JNDI tasked with the development of pure Java
LDAPv3 Clients, APIs, JNDI providers and LDAPv3 compliant servers with the
aforementioned features. The produced software will be ASF licensed. Where
applicable the best available ASF/BSD licensed code will be reused and new code
will be added to complete the LDAPv3 protocol as defined in <A
href="">[RFC 3377]</A> and its associated 8
RFCs listed below:
<LI><A href="">[RFC2251]</A> Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (v3): LDAP on-the-wire protocol
<LI><A href="">[RFC2252]</A> Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (v3): Attribute Syntax Definitions
<LI><A href="">[RFC2253]</A> Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (v3): UTF-8 String Representation of DNs
<LI><A href="">[RFC2254]</A> The String
Representation of LDAP Search Filters
<LI><A href="">[RFC2255]</A> The LDAP URL
<LI><A href="">[RFC2256]</A> A Summary of
the X.500(96) User Schema for use with LDAPv3
<LI><A href="">[RFC2829]</A> Authentication
Methods for LDAP
<LI><A href="">[RFC2830]</A> Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (v3): Extension for Transport Layer Security
<P>Additionally, the schema objects specified within the following RFCs will be
defined for use and partial or full complaince will be met where relavent to the
<LI><A href="">[RFC1274]</A> The COSINE and
Internet X.500 Schema
<LI><A href="">[RFC1804]</A> Schema
Publishing in X.500 Directory
<LI><A href="">[RFC2079]</A> Definition of
an X.500 Attribute Type and an Object Class to Hold Uniform Resource
Identifiers (URIs)
<LI><A href="">[RFC2247]</A> Using Domains
in LDAP/X.500 Distinguished Names
<LI><A href="">[RFC2293]</A> Representing
Tables and Subtrees in the X.500 Directory
<LI><A href="">[RFC2294]</A> Representing
the O/R Address hierarchy in the X.500 Directory Information Tree
<LI><A href="">[RFC2307]</A> An Approach
for Using LDAP as a Network Information Service
<LI><A href="">[RFC2377]</A> Naming Plan
for Internet Directory-Enabled Applications
<LI><A href="">[RFC2587]</A> Internet X.509
Public Key Infrastructure LDAPv2 Schema
<LI><A href="">[RFC2589]</A> Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (v3): Extensions for Dynamic Directory Services
<LI><A href="">[RFC2596]</A> Use of
Language Codes in LDAP
<LI><A href="">[RFC2649]</A> An LDAP
Control and Schema for Holding Operation Signatures
<LI><A href="">[RFC2696]</A> LDAP Control
Extension for Simple Paged Results Manipulation
<LI><A href="">[RFC2713]</A> Schema for
Representing Java(tm) Objects in an LDAP Directory
<LI><A href="">[RFC2714]</A> Schema for
Representing CORBA Object References in an LDAP Directory
<LI><A href="">[RFC2798]</A> Definition of
the inetOrgPerson<A
LDAP Object Class
<LI><A href="">[RFC2829]</A> Authentication
Methods for LDAP
<LI><A href="">[RFC2830]</A> Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (v3): Extension for Transport Layer Security
<LI><A href="">[RFC2849]</A> The LDAP Data
Interchange Format (LDIF) - Technical Specification
<LI><A href="">[RFC2891]</A> LDAP Control
Extension for Server Side Sorting of Search Results
<LI><A href="">[RFC3045]</A> Storing Vendor
Information in the LDAP root DSE
<LI><A href="">[RFC3062]</A> LDAP Password
Modify Extended Operation
<LI><A href="">[RFC3088]</A> OpenLDAP<A
Root Service An experimental LDAP referral service
<LI><A href="">[RFC3112]</A> LDAP
Authentication Password Schema
<LI><A href="">[RFC3296]</A> Named
Subordinate References in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
<LI><A href="">[RFC3383]</A> Internet
Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) considerations for the Lightweight Directory
Access Protocol (LDAP) </LI></UL>
<P><STRONG>Section 0.1 : Criteria</STRONG>
<P>We feel that this project has a good chance for success as the following
project aspects are carefully considered :
<P><EM>Meritocracy:</EM> The project will be meritocratic - the usual Apache
meritocracy rules would apply.
<P><EM>Community:</EM> The user community for this project is potentially
massive. The initial developer community for this project consists of developers
from Apache and LDAPd projects. The aim is for this community to grow
considerably once this project enters the incubator.
<P><EM>Core Developers:</EM> The initial developers are listed further below
within this document and consist of some existing Apache committers together
with committers from the LDAPd Group.
<P><EM>Alignment:</EM> There is clear alignment with many existing Apache
projects. From Jakarta projects such as Tomcat, James and Slide for embedding
LDAP. The LDAP DSML standards will eventually require the use of several XML
projects. Other projects like OpenJms<A
which currently are not Apache projects but very well may be in the future will
be used for things like replication. Jdbm likewise is used for building Btree
based indices for custom databases. Also projects like Apache Xindice may be
leveraged for an XML based backend or for DSML enabling subsystems of an LDAP
<P>We see the Apache Directory Project as a separate project to existing Apache
projects, serving several roles
<LI>Home for Apache Directory Client APIs and Client Scripts
<LI>Home for Apache JNDI Providers for Various Directory Namespaces
<LI>Home for Apache Directory Servers
<LI>May also become home to an ASN.1 Encoding/Decoding<A
Library </LI></UL>
<P><STRONG>Section 0.2 : Warning Signs</STRONG>
<P>We feel this project has a good chance for success as the following warning
signs do not apply to the project we are proposing:
<P><EM>Orphaned products:</EM> This project is starting with an existing code
base which using lots of the high quality open source code out there which is
ASF/BSD licensed.
<P><EM>Inexperience with open source:</EM> The initial community is made up of
existing Apache and LDAPd Group committers exclusively so the open source
experience is there to varying degrees.
<P><EM>Reliance on salaried developers:</EM> None of the initial developers are
currently paid to work on the Directory Project.
<P><EM>No ties to other Apache products:</EM> The Apache Directory Project is
complementary to existing technologies at Apache. LDAPd currently uses Avalon
and will eventually be used by james. LDAPd will eventually integrate into
Geronimo. The Apache Directory Project will integrate with, and possibly
subsume, Jakarta Commons Naming.
<P><EM>A fascination with the Apache brand:</EM> The committers are interested
in developing a healthy open source community around ASF/BSD licensed directory
servers and their clients along with other JNDI accessible name spaces. Is
Apache the right place? We think it is. Several Apache folks have already shown
interest in LDAPd, the seed code base to be used for this project. In fact the
LDAPd Group was initially approached by Apache to submit an Incubator proposal.
LDAPd Group members voted unanimously to donate the code to Apache in an effort
to build the next flagship server at Apache and much more.
<P><STRONG>Section 1 : Scope of the Project</STRONG>
<P>There are multiple goals for this Apache project:
<LI>Promote a healthy open source community!
<LI>Promote a language agnostic environment for both client side and server
side endeavors.
<LI>A one stop location for all directory and naming needs on any platform or
any language.
<LI>client APIs
<LI>JNDI providers for Java and other namespaces.
<LI>May also include an LDAP protocol correctness and stress testing suite
in the future. </LI></UL>
<LI>Provide servers in embeddable configurations.
<LI>Provide servers in standalone configurations as UNIX daemons or NT
<LI>Provide support for Directory Server embedding or integration with
existing Apache servers like httpd, Slide, Tomcat, James and Geronimo.
<P><STRONG>Section 2 : Initial Source</STRONG>
<P>The initial code base from which to create the Apache Directory repository is
contained mostly at Sourceforge under the LDAPd project accessible <A
href="">[here]</A>. This code base must
assign copyright to the Apache Software Foundation. The code base will need to
be licensed under The Apache Software Foundation license. The license file in
every subproject will be changed to the Apache license. The current license is
already an Apache "style" license, so this change is basically a change to name
The ASF as the owner.
<P>The proposed TLP (after incubation) would have an one or more directory
servers with multiple datastore backends, a JNDI context for J2EE configuration,
JNDI service provider(s) for LDAP and other transports, State and Object
Factories suitable for use in the various Context/DirContext<A
implementations, etc.
<P>Beside source code the LDAPd Group must transfer its IANA assigned ASN.1
Object Identifier to Apache Software Foundation.
<P><STRONG>Section 3 : ASF Resources to be Created</STRONG>
<P><EM>Section 3.1 : Mailing Lists</EM>
<LI> </LI></UL>
<P><EM>Section 3.2 : CVS Repositories</EM>
<LI>incubator-directory </LI></UL>
<P><EM>Section 3.3 : Bugzilla or (preferably) Jira</EM>
<LI>directory </LI></UL>
<P><STRONG>Section 4 : Initial Set of Committers</STRONG>
<P>All contributors must sign and submit a Contributors License Agreement. The
following individuals are the contributors, and have signed and sent the
agreement at one time or another:
<LI>Alex Karasulu
<LI>Phil Steitz
<LI>Robb Penoyer
<LI>Noel Bergman
<LI>Jeff Machols
<LI>Henri Yandell
<LI>Wes McKean<A
<P><STRONG>Section 5 : Apache Sponsoring Individuals</STRONG>
<LI>Nicola Ken Barozzi (Apache Incubator)
<LI>Noel J. Bergman (Apache James)
<LI>Henri Yandell (Jakarta Commons Naming)
<LI>Stephen McConnell<A
(Apache Avalon)
<LI>James Strachan (Apache Geronimo) </LI></UL>
<P><STRONG>Section 6 : Incubation Exit Criteria</STRONG>
<P>We feel this project should exit the incubator to a TLP using the domain name should the following goals be met:
<P><EM>Technical Goals:</EM>
<LI>Clean status with Apaches Continuous Integration System
<LI>Website cross reference to existing Apache literature with respect to
rules and regulations
<LI>At a minimum a beta release and/or a series of Release Candidates for a
directory server and its clients.
<LI>At least one server that complies with <A
href="">[RFC2251]</A> </LI></UL>
<P><EM>Non-Technical Goals:</EM>
<LI>List presence and monitoring in wider Apache communities
<LI>Website cross reference to existing Apache literarature with respect to
rules and regulations
<LI>Initial integration plan and cooperation with Geronimo, and James
<LI>Member presence on the licensing@apache list
<LI>More Apache or non-Apache committers who are actively modifying source
code </LI></UL>
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