blob: 7002c7b1b0dec12478d8f872ea573b9af46d43ff [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* An abstract class with a utility method and setListener() implemented.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
* @version $Rev$
public abstract class AbstractSchemaLoader implements SchemaLoader
protected SchemaLoaderListener listener;
* A map of all available schema names to schema objects. This map is
* populated when this class is created with all the schemas present in
* the LDIF based schema repository.
protected final Map<String, Schema> schemaMap = new HashMap<String, Schema>();
public void setListener( SchemaLoaderListener listener )
this.listener = listener;
protected final void notifyListenerOrRegistries( Schema schema, Registries registries )
if ( listener != null )
listener.schemaLoaded( schema );
if ( registries instanceof SchemaLoaderListener && registries != listener )
SchemaLoaderListener listener = ( SchemaLoaderListener ) registries;
listener.schemaLoaded( schema );
* {@inheritDoc}
public final Collection<Schema> getAllEnabled() throws Exception
Collection<Schema> enabledSchemas = new ArrayList<Schema>();
for ( Schema schema : schemaMap.values() )
if ( schema.isEnabled() )
enabledSchemas.add( schema );
return enabledSchemas;
* {@inheritDoc}
public final Collection<Schema> getAllSchemas() throws Exception
return schemaMap.values();
* {@inheritDoc}
public Schema getSchema( String schemaName )
return schemaMap.get( StringTools.toLowerCase( schemaName ) );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void addSchema( Schema schema )
schemaMap.put( schema.getSchemaName(), schema );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void removeSchema( Schema schema )
schemaMap.remove( schema.getSchemaName() );
protected Schema getSchema( Entry entry ) throws Exception
if ( entry == null )
throw new NullPointerException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04261 ) );
EntryAttribute objectClasses = entry.get( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT );
boolean isSchema = false;
for ( Value<?> value : objectClasses )
if ( MetaSchemaConstants.META_SCHEMA_OC.equalsIgnoreCase( value.getString() ) )
isSchema = true;
if ( !isSchema )
return null;
String name;
String owner;
String[] dependencies = StringTools.EMPTY_STRINGS;
boolean isDisabled = false;
if ( entry.get( SchemaConstants.CN_AT ) == null )
throw new NullPointerException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04262 ) );
name = entry.get( SchemaConstants.CN_AT ).getString();
if ( entry.get( SchemaConstants.CREATORS_NAME_AT ) == null )
throw new NullPointerException( "entry must have a valid " + SchemaConstants.CREATORS_NAME_AT
+ " attribute" );
owner = entry.get( SchemaConstants.CREATORS_NAME_AT ).getString();
if ( entry.get( MetaSchemaConstants.M_DISABLED_AT ) != null )
String value = entry.get( MetaSchemaConstants.M_DISABLED_AT ).getString();
value = value.toUpperCase();
isDisabled = value.equals( "TRUE" );
if ( entry.get( MetaSchemaConstants.M_DEPENDENCIES_AT ) != null )
Set<String> depsSet = new HashSet<String>();
EntryAttribute depsAttr = entry.get( MetaSchemaConstants.M_DEPENDENCIES_AT );
for ( Value<?> value : depsAttr )
depsSet.add( value.getString() );
dependencies = depsSet.toArray( StringTools.EMPTY_STRINGS );
return new DefaultSchema( name, owner, dependencies, isDisabled )
* {@inheritDoc}
public List<Throwable> loadWithDependencies( Registries registries, boolean check, Schema... schemas ) throws Exception
// Relax the controls at first
List<Throwable> errors = new ArrayList<Throwable>();
boolean wasRelaxed = registries.isRelaxed();
registries.setRelaxed( true );
Map<String,Schema> notLoaded = new HashMap<String,Schema>();
for ( Schema schema : schemas )
if ( ! registries.isSchemaLoaded( schema.getSchemaName() ) )
notLoaded.put( schema.getSchemaName(), schema );
for ( Schema schema : notLoaded.values() )
Stack<String> beenthere = new Stack<String>();
loadDepsFirst( schema, beenthere, notLoaded, schema, registries );
// At the end, check the registries if required
if ( check )
errors = registries.checkRefInteg();
// Restore the Registries isRelaxed flag
registries.setRelaxed( wasRelaxed );
return errors;
* Register the comparator contained in the given LdifEntry into the registries.
* @param registries The Registries
* @param entry The LdifEntry containing the comparator description
* @param schema The associated schema
* @throws Exception If the registering failed
protected LdapComparator<?> registerComparator( Registries registries, LdifEntry entry, Schema schema )
throws Exception
return registerComparator( registries, entry.getEntry(), schema );
* Register the comparator contained in the given Entry into the registries.
* @param registries The Registries
* @param entry The Entry containing the comparator description
* @param schema The associated schema
* @throws Exception If the registering failed
protected LdapComparator<?> registerComparator( Registries registries, Entry entry, Schema schema )
throws Exception
LdapComparator<?> comparator =
factory.getLdapComparator( entry, registries, schema.getSchemaName() );
comparator.setOid( entry.get( MetaSchemaConstants.M_OID_AT ).getString() );
if ( registries.isRelaxed() )
if ( registries.acceptDisabled() )
registries.register( comparator );
else if ( schema.isEnabled() && comparator.isEnabled() )
registries.register( comparator );
if ( schema.isEnabled() && comparator.isEnabled() )
registries.register( comparator );
return comparator;
* Register the SyntaxChecker contained in the given LdifEntry into the registries.
* @param registries The Registries
* @param entry The LdifEntry containing the SyntaxChecker description
* @param schema The associated schema
* @return the created SyntaxChecker instance
* @throws Exception If the registering failed
protected SyntaxChecker registerSyntaxChecker( Registries registries, LdifEntry entry, Schema schema)
throws Exception
SyntaxChecker syntaxChecker =
factory.getSyntaxChecker( entry.getEntry(), registries, schema.getSchemaName() );
syntaxChecker.setOid( entry.get( MetaSchemaConstants.M_OID_AT ).getString() );
if ( registries.isRelaxed() )
if ( registries.acceptDisabled() )
registries.register( syntaxChecker );
else if ( schema.isEnabled() && syntaxChecker.isEnabled() )
registries.register( syntaxChecker );
if ( schema.isEnabled() && syntaxChecker.isEnabled() )
registries.register( syntaxChecker );
return syntaxChecker;
* Register the Normalizer contained in the given LdifEntry into the registries.
* @param registries The Registries
* @param entry The LdifEntry containing the Normalizer description
* @param schema The associated schema
* @return the created Normalizer instance
* @throws Exception If the registering failed
protected Normalizer registerNormalizer( Registries registries, LdifEntry entry, Schema schema)
throws Exception
Normalizer normalizer =
factory.getNormalizer( entry.getEntry(), registries, schema.getSchemaName() );
if ( registries.isRelaxed() )
if ( registries.acceptDisabled() )
registries.register( normalizer );
else if ( schema.isEnabled() && normalizer.isEnabled() )
registries.register( normalizer );
if ( schema.isEnabled() && normalizer.isEnabled() )
registries.register( normalizer );
return normalizer;
* Register the MatchingRule contained in the given LdifEntry into the registries.
* @param registries The Registries
* @param entry The LdifEntry containing the MatchingRule description
* @param schema The associated schema
* @return the created MatchingRule instance
* @throws Exception If the registering failed
protected MatchingRule registerMatchingRule( Registries registries, LdifEntry entry, Schema schema)
throws Exception
MatchingRule matchingRule = factory.getMatchingRule(
entry.getEntry(), registries, schema.getSchemaName() );
if ( registries.isRelaxed() )
if ( registries.acceptDisabled() )
registries.register( matchingRule );
else if ( schema.isEnabled() && matchingRule.isEnabled() )
registries.register( matchingRule );
if ( schema.isEnabled() && matchingRule.isEnabled() )
registries.register( matchingRule );
return matchingRule;
* Register the Syntax contained in the given LdifEntry into the registries.
* @param registries The Registries
* @param entry The LdifEntry containing the Syntax description
* @param schema The associated schema
* @return the created Syntax instance
* @throws Exception If the registering failed
protected LdapSyntax registerSyntax( Registries registries, LdifEntry entry, Schema schema)
throws Exception
LdapSyntax syntax = factory.getSyntax(
entry.getEntry(), registries, schema.getSchemaName() );
if ( registries.isRelaxed() )
if ( registries.acceptDisabled() )
registries.register( syntax );
else if ( schema.isEnabled() && syntax.isEnabled() )
registries.register( syntax );
if ( schema.isEnabled() && syntax.isEnabled() )
registries.register( syntax );
return syntax;
* Register the AttributeType contained in the given LdifEntry into the registries.
* @param registries The Registries
* @param entry The LdifEntry containing the AttributeType description
* @param schema The associated schema
* @return the created AttributeType instance
* @throws Exception If the registering failed
protected AttributeType registerAttributeType( Registries registries, LdifEntry entry, Schema schema )
throws Exception
AttributeType attributeType = factory.getAttributeType( entry.getEntry(), registries, schema.getSchemaName() );
if ( registries.isRelaxed() )
if ( registries.acceptDisabled() )
registries.register( attributeType );
else if ( schema.isEnabled() && attributeType.isEnabled() )
registries.register( attributeType );
if ( schema.isEnabled() && attributeType.isEnabled() )
registries.register( attributeType );
return attributeType;
* Register the MatchingRuleUse contained in the given LdifEntry into the registries.
* @param registries The Registries
* @param entry The LdifEntry containing the MatchingRuleUse description
* @param schema The associated schema
* @return the created MatchingRuleUse instance
* @throws Exception If the registering failed
protected MatchingRuleUse registerMatchingRuleUse( Registries registries, LdifEntry entry, Schema schema)
throws Exception
throw new NotImplementedException( "Need to implement factory " +
"method for creating a MatchingRuleUse" );
* Register the NameForm contained in the given LdifEntry into the registries.
* @param registries The Registries
* @param entry The LdifEntry containing the NameForm description
* @param schema The associated schema
* @return the created NameForm instance
* @throws Exception If the registering failed
protected NameForm registerNameForm( Registries registries, LdifEntry entry, Schema schema)
throws Exception
throw new NotImplementedException( "Need to implement factory " +
"method for creating a NameForm" );
* Register the DitContentRule contained in the given LdifEntry into the registries.
* @param registries The Registries
* @param entry The LdifEntry containing the DitContentRule description
* @param schema The associated schema
* @return the created DitContentRule instance
* @throws Exception If the registering failed
protected DITContentRule registerDitContentRule( Registries registries, LdifEntry entry, Schema schema)
throws Exception
throw new NotImplementedException( "Need to implement factory " +
"method for creating a DitContentRule" );
* Register the DitStructureRule contained in the given LdifEntry into the registries.
* @param registries The Registries
* @param entry The LdifEntry containing the DitStructureRule description
* @param schema The associated schema
* @return the created DitStructureRule instance
* @throws Exception If the registering failed
protected DITStructureRule registerDitStructureRule( Registries registries, LdifEntry entry, Schema schema)
throws Exception
throw new NotImplementedException( "Need to implement factory " +
"method for creating a DitStructureRule" );
* Register the ObjectClass contained in the given LdifEntry into the registries.
* @param registries The Registries
* @param entry The LdifEntry containing the ObjectClass description
* @param schema The associated schema
* @return the created ObjectClass instance
* @throws Exception If the registering failed
protected ObjectClass registerObjectClass( Registries registries, LdifEntry entry, Schema schema)
throws Exception
return registerObjectClass( registries, entry.getEntry(), schema );
* Register the ObjectClass contained in the given LdifEntry into the registries.
* @param registries The Registries
* @param entry The Entry containing the ObjectClass description
* @param schema The associated schema
* @return the created ObjectClass instance
* @throws Exception If the registering failed
protected ObjectClass registerObjectClass( Registries registries, Entry entry, Schema schema)
throws Exception
ObjectClass objectClass = factory.getObjectClass( entry, registries, schema.getSchemaName() );
if ( registries.isRelaxed() )
if ( registries.acceptDisabled() )
registries.register( objectClass );
else if ( schema.isEnabled() && objectClass.isEnabled() )
registries.register( objectClass );
if ( schema.isEnabled() && objectClass.isEnabled() )
registries.register( objectClass );
return objectClass;
public EntityFactory getFactory()
return factory;
public Object getDao()
return null;
private Schema[] buildSchemaArray( String... schemaNames ) throws Exception
Schema[] schemas = new Schema[schemaNames.length];
int pos = 0;
for ( String schemaName : schemaNames )
schemas[pos++] = getSchema( schemaName );
return schemas;
* {@inheritDoc}
public List<Entry> loadAttributeTypes( String... schemaNames ) throws Exception
if ( schemaNames == null )
return new ArrayList<Entry>();
return loadAttributeTypes( buildSchemaArray( schemaNames ) );
* {@inheritDoc}
public List<Entry> loadComparators( String... schemaNames ) throws Exception
if ( schemaNames == null )
return new ArrayList<Entry>();
return loadComparators( buildSchemaArray( schemaNames ) );
* {@inheritDoc}
public List<Entry> loadDitContentRules( String... schemaNames ) throws Exception
if ( schemaNames == null )
return new ArrayList<Entry>();
return loadDitContentRules( buildSchemaArray( schemaNames ) );
* {@inheritDoc}
public List<Entry> loadDitStructureRules( String... schemaNames ) throws Exception
if ( schemaNames == null )
return new ArrayList<Entry>();
return loadDitStructureRules( buildSchemaArray( schemaNames ) );
* {@inheritDoc}
public List<Entry> loadMatchingRules( String... schemaNames ) throws Exception
if ( schemaNames == null )
return new ArrayList<Entry>();
return loadMatchingRules( buildSchemaArray( schemaNames ) );
* {@inheritDoc}
public List<Entry> loadMatchingRuleUses( String... schemaNames ) throws Exception
if ( schemaNames == null )
return new ArrayList<Entry>();
return loadMatchingRuleUses( buildSchemaArray( schemaNames ) );
* {@inheritDoc}
public List<Entry> loadNameForms( String... schemaNames ) throws Exception
if ( schemaNames == null )
return new ArrayList<Entry>();
return loadNameForms( buildSchemaArray( schemaNames ) );
* {@inheritDoc}
public List<Entry> loadNormalizers( String... schemaNames ) throws Exception
if ( schemaNames == null )
return new ArrayList<Entry>();
return loadNormalizers( buildSchemaArray( schemaNames ) );
* {@inheritDoc}
public List<Entry> loadObjectClasses( String... schemaNames ) throws Exception
if ( schemaNames == null )
return new ArrayList<Entry>();
return loadObjectClasses( buildSchemaArray( schemaNames ) );
* {@inheritDoc}
public List<Entry> loadSyntaxes( String... schemaNames ) throws Exception
if ( schemaNames == null )
return new ArrayList<Entry>();
return loadSyntaxes( buildSchemaArray( schemaNames ) );
* {@inheritDoc}
public List<Entry> loadSyntaxCheckers( String... schemaNames ) throws Exception
if ( schemaNames == null )
return new ArrayList<Entry>();
return loadSyntaxCheckers( buildSchemaArray( schemaNames ) );